Above the gray fog

Chapter 1404 Clues named Kong

Lin Shan drove Tengyun and followed the map to fly all the way to the border of the academy.

As he approached the edge of the no-man's land, the magnificent outline of Shengyang Sect gradually appeared in his field of vision.

The entire territory of Shengyang Sect is vast, but the buildings are extremely sparse. Each building is like an isolated island, hidden in tranquility and solemnity.

The most conspicuous thing is the round transparent cover covering the entire Shengyang Sect, like a huge sky, which is both a protection and a boundary.

Lin Shan circled half a circle and found the main gate of Shengyang Sect.

When he passed through the transparent barrier, he immediately felt a subtle change.

He used his divine power to condense a faint light at his fingertips.

The strength of divine power was only at the level of sequence 9.

But the suppression of the life level did not change. It was because of this cover. This cover can weaken spirituality and divine power.

In addition to the suppression of the big world, six layers of debuff were directly stacked, which is equivalent to a six-level reduction in the life level.

The gods can only have pseudo-supernatural strength in this cover.

Lin Shan didn't care about this. Suppression was the same as no suppression. This suppression was only to reduce the destructive power.

Passing through the magnificent gate, Lin Shan came to the interior of Shengyang Sect.

In front of him was a wide white stone road with various rare plants planted on both sides.

The disciples of Shengyang Sect wore uniform clothes, golden robes, and embroidered with shining sun totems on their chests, showing their identity and belonging.

Lin Shan observed that there were many Sequence 5 among these disciples, and they were not much stronger than ordinary people after being suppressed.

Lin Shan strolled leisurely and found a steward of Shengyang Sect by asking for directions.

After finding the steward, Lin Shan directly stated his identity.

A trace of surprise flashed in the steward's eyes, but he quickly acted with extremely high efficiency, leading Lin Shan through a group of buildings with different styles, and finally came to the back of the sect.

The scenery here is even more fascinating.

The steward pointed to the rows of peaks and told Lin Shan that he could choose an unlit peak as his residence.

Lin Shan's eyes wandered among the peaks, all of them were similar, and he finally chose one at random.

"This is called Hubao Peak, and it will be your residence from now on. Elders don't have any special affairs in Shengyang Sect. You can take the initiative to bring disciples. If you don't want to bring disciples, you can live here forever. The sect usually doesn't bother elders, but please don't interfere in disputes between disciples."

The steward took Lin Shan to the hall on the top of the mountain and left on his own.

The steward is at the level of Sequence 4. Sequence 4 can only be a steward in Shengyang Sect...

Sequence 3 is an elder.

The steward and the mentor should be on the same level, so the mentor of Shengyang Sect is also Sequence 4.

It sounds very impressive, as if it is similar to the academy outside, the difference is that Shengyang Sect has the opportunity to produce Sequence 3 or even higher level strongmen.

Shengyang Sect may not have Sequence 1, but it must have Sequence 2.

While thinking in his heart, Lin Shan had already entered the hall.

The tables and chairs were already covered with dust. Lin Shan used his divine power to blow away the dust and chose a spacious and bright room as his bedroom. After a simple tidying up, he sat on the bed with his eyes closed, waiting for his disciples to arrive.

Not long after, a shout suddenly came from outside the door.

"Is Elder Lin Shan here?"

"Is Elder Lin Shan here?"

Lin Shan opened the door and found that the person who called him was the steward who led the way.

"Elder Lin, your disciples are going to take a talent test. Do you want to watch it?"

"No, it doesn't matter whether they pass or not. Just send it to me."

The steward was stunned for a moment, but soon reacted, "Okay."

Lin Shan continued to go back to the room and wait. After several hours, he noticed movement outside.

Two men and one woman were already waiting outside, and one of the men was the steward who led the way.

Seeing Lin Shan coming out, the steward stepped forward and said, "Elder Lin, I brought your disciples here. Unfortunately, these two did not pass the talent test. Not only that... their talents are very... mediocre."

"I see. Please run around. What's your name? Add a terminal friend." Lin Shan nodded slightly and asked to add a terminal friend.

"Elder, my name is Francis." The steward's eyes lit up, thinking that it was worth his running so many times. He was connected with the new elder!

After the two exchanged terminal friends, the steward tactfully withdrew.

Only the two disciples who were sitting restlessly were left.

They were originally in class, but suddenly received news that they were favored by the Shengyang Sect and entered the Shengyang Sect to continue their studies.

Of course, they knew what the Shengyang Sect was. This place gathered almost all the proud sons of the Shenzhou World, and the future was limitless. Legend has it that the current world masters of the Shenzhou World are from the Shengyang Sect...

Both of them lowered their heads and exerted their whole bodies.

"Come with me." Lin Shan led them into the hall and motioned them to sit down, "Please introduce yourselves first."

Although he already knew the information of these two people, he still had to pretend to do it in order to lower their vigilance.

The female disciple was more courageous and had a better mentality. She spoke first, "My name is Yi Mo, from the Lost Clan."

The boy then stammered, "My name is... Kong, also from... the Lost Clan."

Lin Shan nodded slightly, but his brows were tightly furrowed.

When he saw the boy, his perception had already scanned the boy inside and out.

Nothing unusual was found.

But the clues on the parchment still pointed to the boy named Kong.

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