Above the gray fog

Chapter 1413 Is this a dream?

These bats' eyes are like cold black holes, swallowing up all light. Their cries are like the most piercing screams in the void of the universe. The sounds go straight to the depths of the soul and chill people's bones.

One, two, then three, and soon more than a dozen of these bats rushed towards Lin Shan, each one containing the terrifying power to destroy a land.

Their momentum is like ancient tyrants reappearing in the world. Just staring is enough to make ordinary life forms collapse into the most basic elements.

Lin Shan's heartbeat accelerated, and every cell in his body warned him to escape from this land of death.

Those bats have locked onto him, and every beat of their wings distorts time and space, causing the body to accelerate like a jump.

Without the slightest hesitation, Lin Shan quickly flew upwards.

In Lin Shan's view, these dozen bats were far more dangerous than the restrained yellow bear.

His survival instinct was aroused to the extreme at this moment, causing him to break out of the abyss almost instantly.

After him, a dozen bats followed closely, but those bats seemed to be restrained by something and could not rush out of the abyss. They could only watch Lin Shan rush out of the abyss.

Before Lin Shan could breathe a sigh of relief, a huge bear's paw grasped him again.

"It's endless, isn't it?" Lin Shan was a little angry. With the pressure of bears on top and the pursuit of bats on bottom, it would be bad for him to offend anyone in the middle.

The imagined crushing didn't happen.

This time the yellow bear just held him in his hand, and turned around so that he faced the river of time.

It will hold Lin Shan's hand directly into the river of time.

It wants to use the power of the river of time to deal with Lin Shan!

In that cold river water, Lin Shan struggled with all his strength, but like a moth caught in a spider's web, he was bound more and more tightly.

All his skills and abilities pale in comparison to this huge gap.

"Gudu... Gudu... Gudu Gudu..." The river surrounded Lin Shan, and he felt a strange and unexpected comfort. This was very different from what he had learned about the terrifying power of the long river of time in ancient books.

Theoretically, the river should be like a ruthless executioner, taking away his time, that is, his life span.

Why is he safe and sound?

At this moment, Lin Shan felt the pressure all over his body suddenly disappear, and the yellow bear above let go of his hand.

What followed was an indescribably heavy gravity, oppressing him and forcing him to sink deeper.

Lin Shan opened his eyes in the river, and the scene inside the river of time appeared in his field of vision. It was a scene that could not be described in words.

The river is no longer a pure liquid, but is made up of countless fragments of time flowing around. Each fragment contains echoes of the past. Among the fragments are the birth and death of the starry sky, the rise and disappearance of civilizations, and countless lives in the torrent of time. Dance in the middle.

As Lin Shan continued to sink in the long river of time, those once dazzling historical scrolls dissipated one by one before his eyes and were swallowed up by endless darkness.

Here, there is neither light nor sound, only indescribable silence and coldness.

He could feel that his consciousness was being washed away by some powerful force, becoming increasingly blurry, like a stone carving eroded by the tide, with details gradually disappearing.

Lin Shan's heart began to be shrouded in fear, and he realized that he might be losing everything that defined him as "Lin Shan."

The moment before he was completely engulfed by darkness and nothingness, Lin Shan's last thought flashed through his mind.

He should have known he would never come. Such a dangerous place is not something he can come to with his strength...

At this moment, Lin Shan experienced the oldest silence in the universe. Perhaps this is the deepest secret of the long river of time - the ultimate loneliness.

I don’t know how long it took, but time lost its meaning here. Maybe it was just a moment, or maybe it was hundreds of millions of years.

In this endless darkness, Lin Shan saw a small but dazzling light. Along with that light, there was a sound, very clear, the language of China.

"The patient's condition is very critical. He is now in a persistent coma. We have observed abnormal fluctuations in brain wave activity, which may mean that the neural network under the cerebral cortex is suffering some form of damage. MRI It shows that there is a low-density shadow in an area. The initial diagnosis is acute cerebral infarction. We have given the patient intravenous thrombolysis treatment, but the next 48 hours are crucial. We need to closely monitor his intracranial pressure and other symptoms. Vital signs.”

The doctor turned to the anxiously waiting family members. Although his tone was as calm as possible, his serious expression revealed the seriousness of the situation, "I know this is very difficult for you, but you need to be prepared for the worst possible scenario. We The team will go all out, but at the same time, you need to consider the arrangements for the patient’s follow-up care.”

The family members' faces turned pale at the doctor's words, and their hands tightly grasped the hospital guardrail. Their eyes were filled with disbelief and unbearable pain.

There is a heavy atmosphere in the air, and the battle between life and death is staged in this silent hospital corridor.

The next second, a sudden change broke the silence of the hospital corridor.

The doctor in a white coat was explaining the patient's condition professionally and calmly. At this moment, his eyes suddenly became empty and confused. Then, his body lost support and fell to the ground.

The surrounding medical staff and family members fell into chaos instantly. Someone tried to wake him up: "Doctor Lin? Doctor Lin Shan, wake up? What's wrong with you?"

This is a hospital. Someone took action quickly on the scene. A colleague instructed anxiously, "Hurry, push him to the emergency room. Doctor Lin's breathing is very weak... He has been working too hard recently. Check if he has any sudden illness such as heart disease."

The nurses worked together quickly, placing Doctor Lin safely on the stretcher while quickly preparing rescue equipment and drugs.

One of the nurses ran and reported Dr. Lin's vital signs so that the emergency room could prepare in advance. "The respiratory rate is less than eight times per minute, the pulse is weak, the blood pressure is dropping, and the pupils are slow to react to light. We need to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation immediately."

The tense and orderly atmosphere quickly spread in the corridor. The doctors followed the stretcher and explained the drugs that might be used in the emergency process with a solemn look. "Prepare nitroglycerin, aspirin, and antiarrhythmic drugs, and arrange blood biochemistry and myocardial enzyme group tests immediately."

Every staff member of the hospital is doing their best to ensure that Dr. Lin can get the fastest and most professional treatment at this critical moment.

"Wait, Dr. Lin is awake!" A nurse shouted in surprise.

The doctor who suddenly fell to the ground miraculously woke up before he was pushed to the emergency room.

Several accompanying medical staff came to check immediately, "Dr. Lin, how do you feel?"

"I'm fine... I seem to have had a long dream." Lin Shan opened his eyes weakly. Some faces in front of him were familiar and strange, and then gradually became familiar.

He is working in the hospital.

"It must be a dream..."

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