Above the gray fog

Chapter 1419: Battle at the Beginning of the Second Era

The spirit is in another battle circle.

The predecessor is engaged in a fierce battle, and his enemies are also humanoid creatures.

But these humanoid creatures exude the same aura as those plant-falling people. They are all transformed from high-level plants. Although they are not weak, sometimes it is more convenient to make themselves smaller.

The plant-falling masters that the predecessor fought against abandoned the natural weapons that came with their bodies. They learned to use external weapons and increase damage with the help of tools.

The huge hammers, machetes and other weapons are as light as nothing in their hands.

Every vertical hammer strike will cause the area of ​​hundreds of light years to collapse, and every knife can break a large area.

"If we continue to fight like this, this universe will be destroyed." Lin Shan's sight kept changing the battle circle. The size of the gray fog universe in the second era is much smaller than that of the era he is in.

Especially those battle forces at the dominant level, even if there is the hardness of the space itself to restrain them, their battles almost broke the barrier of gray fog.

The dominant-level battle circle has become a huge source of gravity, causing all the surrounding universe space to become wrinkled and move towards it.

The universe of the Second Era was so small, probably because the world was just created, but if this level of fighting continued, this world would probably have no chance to expand further and would only go to destruction.

Thinking about it, Lin Shan realized that what he saw was all history, and it was a foregone conclusion that could not be changed at all. He only needed to watch and did not need to think so much.

After thinking it over, Lin Shan retracted his sight and stared at his predecessor.

Although he had a God's perspective, only the battle of his predecessor was the clearest, and the other battle circles were extremely vague.

Most of the plants that his predecessor was dealing with were at the Sequence 2 level, and a few were at the Sequence 1 level. Facing so many enemies, his predecessor seemed to be at ease. He did not provoke Sequence 1, but killed Sequence 2 again and again in the siege of Sequence 1.

The counterattack of his predecessor seemed weak and powerless, without any aftermath. Just a touch or a glance could make the enemy suffer indescribable torture.

Lin Shan had seen this kind of fighting method used by the Chaos people in the fictional pregnancy field. Lin Shan remembered that they said that this was a unique fighting method belonging to the Abyss.

This method is mysterious and silent, but it can accurately gather all the power on the enemy without leaving any aftermath that affects others.

Lin Shan witnessed the battle of his predecessor. He seemed to have been casting an invisible curse on the enemy. The planted body may be extremely strong, but under this curse, it is as fragile as paper.

This war may not end so easily. Lin Shan began to control time to fast forward.

Hundreds of years later, this war finally came to an end.

Hundreds of years of racial civilization wars have long wiped out the glory and glory of victory in the quicksand of time.

This war is like a doom without an end. The vastness of the universe is filled with destruction and death, and the scars of war are hidden behind every star.

In this boundless starry sky, what is floating is no longer the vibrant planets, but the bodies of countless fallen heroes, which float quietly in the weightless void, like the most desolate stars in the night sky.

The debris and fragments between the stars tell the fierceness of the past wars.

Space itself seems to mourn all this. The originally transparent void is stained with blood and gunpowder, and even the light beams passing through it seem to be stained by this cruel color.

The battle circle where the master is located forms an unprecedented black hole. The gravity of this black hole pulls all the matter in the entire universe to move towards it at an extremely fast speed.

Countless galaxies and domains of different shapes are rotating and approaching.

If this black hole is not erased, the universe may enter the countdown to destruction.

No one is dealing with black holes at present, because there is no winner in the war between the two sides.

There is no declaration of the winner, no cheering crowd, only the cold starry sky as a silent witness.

The wreckage of the starship was scattered among the stars, like forgotten ancient relics, telling of the past glory and present desolation.

The two sides retreated silently, just like the natural retreat of the tide after the climax, leaving only those silent cosmic ruins.

This retreat was not a tactical buildup, nor a strategic adjustment, but an instinct for survival. They all understood that if they continued to fight, even if the other side could seize control of the gray fog, there would not be much strength left.

You know, there are still people watching covetously.

Although in an environment where time is accelerated, Lin Shan almost witnessed the direction of the war for hundreds of years.

The two sides were evenly matched, but both suffered great losses, and even some powerful people at the dominant level fell.

Lin Shan had never thought about what kind of war could last for hundreds of years, and this time he finally saw it.

The number of strong people has reached the bottom, and the savings have been lost. Now the only thing left is the population of each civilization.

"Well, I'll be there in a minute."

The predecessor stood there, emitting a fishy smell, which was the smell of blood that had fermented for a long time. He talked to himself, as if he was communicating with someone remotely.

The predecessor disappeared from the spot, and Lin Shan floated in the void, looking at the wreckage and ruins. He once again clearly understood that a war of equal strength would not produce a winner.

Perhaps it was this kind of consumption that caused the Plants and the Old Ones to become extremely weak, which allowed the invaders to gain the advantage and rule the subsequent era.

But this war...seems to have to be fought again.

The Time Spear was not lost at this time. Lin Shan saw his predecessor use the Time Spear several times, but it was just used as an ordinary weapon to stab people, and it was put back into the storage space after use.

The scene changed, and Lin Shan came to a secret council made of energy. Here gathered the remaining high-level people of the human race. Those who came here were all phantoms, but each figure exuded enough power to shake the galaxy.

Although they had just experienced a terrible war, the decisiveness of these strong men was still enough to guide the direction of civilization.

The meeting began in a solemn atmosphere.

"Our self-confidence led to this disaster." The voice of a god sounded.

"This is not self-confidence, but we have to do this. Let alone the current situation, even if we know we will lose, we have to try. This is the beginning of the era. If we don't attack the Plant Falling Tribe, you know the result, an example of an era."

"The flames of war have been extinguished, but our road has just begun." Another phantom said slowly.

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