Above the gray fog

Chapter 1422: Meeting Da Huang

"Gulp, gulp..."

Lin Shan emerged from the water of the long river of time.

From the known information, the time spear is in the hands of the yellow bear.

Lin Shan is a little confused. This time spear was lost in the second era. Didn't the predecessor look for the yellow bear again in the following eras?

Perhaps it is because there is no time spear that the passage of the long river of time cannot be opened.

When there is the ability to open the passage of the long river of time, the time bear is no longer needed.

In short, the time spear is in the hands of the yellow bear, which is the only information he knows at present. Even if something unexpected happens later and the time spear is no longer in the hands of the yellow bear, he can't do anything about it. He has been forcibly kicked out by history.

Lin Shan controls the virtual god and flies quickly to the end of the long river of his predecessor.

The road is calm and any abnormal movement will be suppressed by the virtual god immediately.

On the way, Lin Shan is still thinking about what he has just experienced. This journey through time has brought him a lot of information that he didn't know before.

In the second era, the Old Ones were defeated by the Plant-falling Tribe, which was already recorded in history books. The Plant-falling Tribe should dominate the gray fog universe until the Outer Gods come.

Neither the Old Ones nor the Plant-falling Tribe can stop the Outer Gods, and the universe will eventually restart and everything will start all over again.

However, some of the truly dead strong men cannot be revived again. With such battles, the number of strong men will only gradually decrease.

While thinking about things in his mind, the Void God has already arrived at the end of the long river of his predecessor, and then went up along the void.

Those huge bats seemed to have foreseen Lin Shan's return. They hovered in the air, like dark watchers, quietly waiting in the sky not far away.

Lin Shan had already figured out the details of these bats in the last encounter. This time, he would not be fooled by these bats again.

The bats circled around the Void God, like tiny dust surrounding a huge flowing star, and the bats were just dust rotating around it.

The tentacles around the Void God clapped lightly, just like sweeping away the dust under their feet, and easily smashed the group of bats into dust.

However, these bats seemed to have no chance of death. In less than a microsecond, they reassembled in the debris, as if time was flowing backwards, and recovered as before a moment later.

They spewed out bursts of black mist from their mouths. This black mist was different from ordinary ones. It contained a strong toxicity that destroyed life. ,

The black mist spread rapidly, wrapping the Void God inside and corroding the tentacles of the Void God.

The indestructible tentacles began to wither under the invasion of the black mist. The epidermis that originally shone with a luster that people dared not look directly at was now eroded by the black mist and patches of disease were formed. The vitality of the Void God was gradually being sucked away.

Seeing this, Lin Shan knew that something was wrong. He still underestimated these bats and overestimated the power of the Void God.

At the level of Sequence 2, the Void God was not only difficult to leap, but also difficult to deal with the siege of the same level.

There was no other way now, so he could only sprint upwards at a faster speed. If he really fought with these bats, he would only get into greater trouble.

The black fog seemed to have life. It seemed that they sensed Lin Shan's existence, knowing that Lin Shan was the leader of the tentacle monster, and began to spread towards him.

Lin Shan could feel the poisonous breath contained in the black fog. This feeling made him feel unprecedented danger. He had never thought that there was any poison in the world that could threaten him.

Lin Shan would naturally not sit and wait for death. The Xu Shen was hit because his body was too large and he could not stop it in time.

A layer of shield unfolded by divine power emanated from Lin Shan's body, trying to keep the poison gas out.

However, the poison gas actually passed through the divine power barrier easily.

Seeing that the poison gas was about to touch Lin Shan, the time around him suddenly stopped, and the poison gas also stopped. Obviously, the poison gas could not pass through time.

But soon, the gray-white confinement was broken, and the poison gas came into direct contact with Lin Shan's skin. Purple-black spots immediately appeared on his skin, just like a dead leaf attacked by a deadly poison. The epidermis gradually lost its luster, and the texture under the skin began to twist and deform.

Since it could not be stopped, Lin Shan did not care. He began to control the virtual god to attack the source of the poison gas bomb, that is, the bats.

These bats were smashed and resurrected again and again, and they were attached to Lin Shan like a dog-skin plaster, as if waiting for Lin Shan to be poisoned to death.

This poison really made Lin Shan very uncomfortable, and it was constantly draining his vitality, but it was obviously impossible to poison him to death.

Vitality is a strange thing. There is no special definition, but vitality will directly affect the spirit of a living being, which is mental power, life breath and soul.

For gods, exhausting vitality will not kill them, but will make them extremely weak.

These bats cannot be killed or thrown away, and their vitality is still constantly draining, which makes Lin Shan feel very headache.

After experiencing the power of this poison, Lin Shan created a corresponding curse on the spot.

Give him a taste of his own medicine.

Now everyone was hit by the same negative influence, and in less than 10 seconds, he would be able to rush out of this abyss.

He dared to conclude that these bats would leave in less than two seconds.

Sure enough, in less than two seconds, the bats turned around and flew back.

Lin Shan began to concentrate on removing the poison in his body. This poison could not be touched by divine power, so he could only use vitality and poison to offset each other. The poison lost its subsequent replenishment, and Lin Shan's own vitality quickly devoured the poison.

But the bats left for less than a second and turned to rush towards him again. The curse on them had disappeared.

Seeing this, Lin Shan immediately released the curse again.

This time, Lin Shan saw mocking and teasing eyes from the bats, as if saying, "You are tickling me."

Of course, the bats did not say such words, but Lin Shan could probably read such meaning from their scattered mental power.

Being underestimated by these beasts, Lin Shan was not annoyed at all. Perhaps the curse had very little effect on Sequence 2, but it didn't matter. The curse was not his main combat ability.

These bats are all intelligent, which is a bit intriguing. These bats have a very high life level, reaching the level of Sequence 2. Why are they willing to stay in this dark space? Don't they want to go out and take a look?

"Do you want to go outside? Go outside the long river of time?" Lin Shan asked his question immediately. The bats that were about to attack suddenly stopped. They coiled around Lin Shan, seeming to think about this question.

"Can you take us out?" A slight mental wave reached Lin Shan and was translated into this sentence.

"Yes, but why should I take you out?" Lin Shan asked back.

The bats stopped moving and sprayed black mist again after hearing this sentence.

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