Above the gray fog

Chapter 1427 You have no heart

"There is nothing wrong with promotion." The scarecrow's voice softened, as if to comfort Lin Shan's confusion and anxiety. "The mistake is that you simply want to be promoted, want to climb higher, want to step on everything in this world, and want to dominate everything."

"If you keep going up to protect yourself, your tribe, and even the world, then you, your tribe, and the world will become the shackles of your bottom line. Human beings always want to protect something. If you don't have anything to protect, and you don't even value your own life, maybe you are no longer a human being, but just a The Outer God of ‘Human Clothes’, you will feel that nothing is meaningful, and will allow the evil in your heart to grow. There are many such people, but there are even more people who are against such people. "

The indifference and indifference in the scarecrow's tone seemed like a gust of cold wind blowing by, "You haven't discovered it yet?" His head tilted slightly to one side, and his eyes made of hay turned, "When I first met you, I found your specialness - you have no heart, where is your heart?"

Lin Shan was stunned, and a sense of uneasiness spread from his spine to his whole body, "I have no heart?" His voice was low, and his eyes became empty, as if he was looking for the answer in his heart.

He was sure that he had heard the same words somewhere.

Shouldn't his heart beat steadily in his chest? His hand was involuntarily placed on his chest. Even if he was a conscious body, he could feel the regular pulsation, but he seemed to find the warmth he should have.

"What do you mean?" Lin Shan frowned, staring at the scarecrow, expecting the other party's explanation.

The straws on the scarecrow swayed slowly, like a fragile plant swaying in the wind.

"Literally, you are a heartless person." The scarecrow's voice was calm, as if narrating an unchanging fact.

"Isn't my heart here?" Lin Shan retorted, pointing to the location of his heart.

The scarecrow's eyes seemed to penetrate Lin Shan's shell and look directly at his essence. "The heart I'm talking about is not the heart." There was an invisible weight in its voice, "It is something illusory but real." The scarecrow spread out its palms woven from hay, as if showing this invisible 'heart', "Your emotions are indifferent, and can only appear on the surface forever. You will never really cry, you will never be truly afraid, and you have never really been in awe. The emotions you have now are extremely superficial, because you live in this world, so you are simulating the emotions of this world, but this is all fake."

Lin Shan was silent, his eyes moved away from the scarecrow and looked into the distance, "Does this affect me?"

The scarecrow's body leaned forward slightly, as if to convey something extremely important Things, "For now, there is no impact, but you have to know that one of the basic prerequisites for ascending the throne of rules is the integrity of existence. Without a heart, the Heavenly Dao can completely treat you as an outer god." Lin Shan's pupils shrank at this moment. He could feel the seriousness in the scarecrow's words, "You mean, if I want to become a master, I must find my heart back? Is there a possibility that I am born with indifferent emotions?" The scarecrow shook his head, "There is nothing absolute in this world. It is more appropriate to use a high probability." It turned its gaze to Lin Shan, and a deep light flashed in its eyes, "There are indeed people who are born indifferent, but you are not. You are very contradictory. In my opinion, your heart is likely to be lost." "Why." Lin Shan continued to ask. "Because it probably no longer exists." The scarecrow stood up, picked up the broom beside him and began to sweep, the dust dancing in the sun, "Don't ask me how I know, I saw it." His back stretched in the sun, "Okay, you've been here long enough, it's time to go back."

"Why did you tell me now?" Lin Shan was unmoved. He looked at the scarecrow's back, with a hint of confusion in his voice, trying to find the answer from it.

The scarecrow's figure paused slightly, "Because I remembered it." His voice was flat, as if the reminder just now was just a random memory fragment it picked up.

Lin Shan was silent for a moment, and then returned to the real world.

"Where is this?" Lin Shan looked around, and the place he was in was no longer the scene in his memory.

He should have appeared in the place before entering the Garden of Eden, but now, he was in a strange space.

The surroundings were desolate, and nothingness swallowed up the entire starry sky. The radiance of the celestial body was no longer there, only the deep darkness was like an eternal night.

In this dead land, there is not even a breath of life, and there is a breath of tyranny in the air.

In a flash, Lin Shan understood the source of all this.

It was the two outer gods who did it. They destroyed the Bailing Circle, turning the entire starry sky into a dead land, and even the glimmer of a star no longer exists.

Lin Shan released his perception, and the owner of the Bailing Circle had disappeared, but her breath was still lingering in this galaxy. She came back to see it and left again.

What is Yuanting doing? They actually let two outer gods of the level of sequence 1 wreak havoc and destruction at will, and even enter and exit the core area of ​​Shenzhou Civilization Academy at will.

In other words, except for Ran Yue's great-grandmother, Lin Shan has never seen a sequence 1 in other lineages.

Adding the number of gods in the lineage and some special gods together, there should be quite a few sequence 1s in Yuanting. There should be hundreds of them. Where are these sequence 1s now?

Where are the masters?

Lin Shan flew to the Shenzhou Civilization Academy with doubts.

Along the way, Lin Shan was thinking about his next plan.

First of all, the human race. The human race will be allowed to live in the Kingdom of God for the time being. The Kingdom of God is a small real world. In terms of level, it is more advanced than the Zhulong Ring. Moreover, the rules of the Kingdom of God are connected with the Gray Mist Universe, so there is no need to worry about the extraordinary path.

The scope of the Kingdom of God has been growing. Now it has a diameter of dozens of light years. Along the way, Lin Shan collected no less than a hundred planets and put them into the Kingdom of God for the human race to mine resources.

As for extraordinary resources, the game of the Kingdom of Heaven can just come in handy.

In fact, the human race is no longer of any help to him. Since Sequence 3, the human race can only be regarded as a burden to him. He needs to arrange everything. But after all, this is his race and his place of origin. He still has some status in his heart, although this status is not high. Perhaps, as the scarecrow said, he has no heart.

This is very contradictory. The contradiction is not that he puts the status of the human race low, but why he still thinks about the human race everywhere.

After arranging the human race, the next issue is my own strength.

I can ask Crow later about how to improve the strength of Sequence 2.

The most important thing at present is to explore the possibility of allowing the mysterious authority to be promoted to Sequence 1.

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