Above the gray fog

Chapter 143 The possibility of a comeback

After a while, a catwoman came in with a human man who was walking slowly. What made people laugh was that one of the man's eyes was swollen like a peach.

Seeing this scene, Lin Shan also showed a strange look on his face.

Others were similar and didn't understand what was going on.

"City Lord, this is Song Haozhe, a human man." The catwoman said, and winked at the city lord sitting in the main seat.

When he saw the person clearly, the city lord's face darkened instantly, but there were so many people here, he couldn't say much, just nodded slightly and said: "Leave."

After the catwoman left, Song Haozhe was left alone. Looking at the big guys present and the exquisite environment around him, his heart was trembling, but he was a carefully selected talent of the human race after all. Even if he was scared, he still had no expression on his face, and even smiled a little, but this smile contained a little pain, there was no way, his eyes hurt.

"What's your name?" Lin Shan looked at him and asked.

"My name is Song Haozhe." Song Haozhe replied. When Lin Shan looked at him, he also looked at Lin Shan curiously, thinking in his heart, is this the pioneer of the human race?

He did not have that kind of fanatical worship for the pioneer, but more of curiosity. He often heard the word pioneer, but this was the first time he saw it in his life. Of course, the most basic respect was still there.

Lin Shan knew from the look in his eyes that perhaps what Chen Liyun was worried about would happen sooner or later.

"I will communicate with the cat tribe later, and you will be my translator."

"Yes." Song Haozhe clasped his fists and saluted.

"Well..." Lin Shan nodded slightly, looked around, and moved his fingers slightly, and a white wooden chair was sucked over by Lin Shan, "You sit next to me.

"This is not good." Song Haozhe said timidly, "I can just stand."

"It's okay, sit down. "Lin Shan said lightly.

Hearing this, Song Haozhe could only slowly move forward, with one corner of his buttocks sitting on the bench. He was still a little panicked in such an environment. This was a cooperation negotiation between two races, and the pressure on him was not ordinary. He wiped the non-existent sweat on his forehead with a move that he thought was very concealed.

As soon as he sat down, his legs, which had been stable, began to tremble uncontrollably. Fortunately, he was sitting now and no one could notice. He slightly adjusted his position to make himself sit more comfortably, then put his hands flat in front of him, and looked forward with a smile on his red and swollen eyes. Fang, but the focus in his eyes was a little scattered. This was the full name of the method he developed himself - distraction to relieve stress.

The cat official opposite saw that this was just a pseudo-superhuman human sitting opposite the city lord, and was about to scold him.

But the city lord knocked on the table to attract attention, and then interrupted with his eyes.

At this time, the dishes on the table were all full, and the whole room was filled with fragrance. If it was not unexpected, there were ninety-nine dishes on the table.

"My goodness, the 'all-fish banquet' is the highest standard of hospitality for the cat tribe. Nine extremely rare spiritual fish are mixed with 99 kinds of extremely delicious ordinary fish." Song Haozhe looked at the dishes on the table and couldn't help smacking his lips. This level is no longer a matter of whether it tastes good or not.

The city lord whispered to the translator next to him. The translator bowed and walked around the jade table to Lin Shan. He bowed first, and then said: "The city lord asked you if the banquet can start. "

Lin Shan was a little speechless. It was unnecessary to have to run around for an interpreter to communicate.

"Tell them that they can start, just shout." Lin Shan said, and he was talking to Song Haozhe next to him.

"Yes." Song Haozhe responded. With Lin Shan as his backer, he gradually relaxed.

"Ahem." Song Haozhe cleared his throat and then shouted loudly, "You can start." Not to mention ten meters, his voice can be heard even hundreds of meters away.

When this sentence came out, not only the interpreter next to him was stunned, but even the cat official opposite and the city lord were dumbfounded.

The interpreter next to him was in a dilemma for a while, and was a little at a loss.

The cat official opposite was about to stand up and speak, but was stopped by the city lord with a look.

The city lord chuckled and said, "Since the human race likes to communicate in this way, then we can shout. "

His voice was not loud, but it was clearly heard by everyone.

After the translator translated this sentence to Lin Shan, he hurried back. He also wanted to become a 'talker'.

After a while, the translator shouted loudly, "I wonder if this human pioneer can tell his name?"

"Tell him not to ask these boring questions, and then let him introduce himself." Lin Shan said to Song Haozhe on the side. He didn't believe that the city lord didn't know who he was.

After Song Haozhe passed on Lin Shan's meaning, a response came from the opposite side immediately, "Our city lord's name is Yu Hanjing."

"You want me to help you kill Shashali, tell me your plan." Lin Shan went straight to the point.

Song Haozhe translated Lin Shan's words, and more than a dozen people on the opposite side immediately discussed in a low voice.

After a while, the translator on the opposite side shouted loudly, "What kind of specific plan is it? Lin Xianfeng needs to answer us a question first. What are your chances of winning against Shashali?"

"Well. "Hearing this, Lin Shan was a little surprised. It seemed that they already knew that I had fought with Shashali, otherwise they would not ask this question. It turned out that Shashali had been exposed long ago. Sure enough, no one who could get to this level was simple.

After thinking for a while, Lin Shan said seriously, "If it is in a sealed space, I am 90% sure to kill her. If it is an open space, I am 90% sure...she will escape."

After Song Haozhe translated Lin Shan's words to the other side, Yu Hanjing looked at Lin Shan in surprise, not knowing what he was thinking, and then communicated with the cat clan senior official next to him.

Five minutes later, the translator on the other side shouted loudly, "We can provide a sealed environment for you and Shashali, but I don't know if you trust us."

"I don't trust you, but I believe in myself." Lin Shan said lightly. If he killed Shashali and the other side turned against him, he would hardly be an opponent in a sealed space facing so many extraordinary people at once.

They asked whether they believed them, which was actually asking whether they believed they 'would not turn against him.'

And Lin Shan's answer was that he didn't believe them, but he believed in his own strength, and he had to think carefully if he really wanted to turn against him.

Even if they turned against him, Lin Shan would not be afraid at all. With the strange body in his body, he could kill a wave first and then fake his death to escape in a critical moment. As long as the strange source was sufficient, his resurrection time would not be too long.

As long as Shashali dies, Jiucheng will definitely think about unifying the cat tribe with its extraordinary advantage, and the two parties of the cat tribe will fall into internal friction again. During the period of his resurrection, at least the human race is safe, and he may not die.

The cat tribe has tens of thousands of extraordinary people, and now there are not many left. The "cat worker" extraordinary people have consumed a wave of searching for the sequence eight magic potion, and another wave of internal fighting has consumed another wave. Once Shashali dies, there will inevitably be disputes again, and then there will be another wave of consumption.

The races in the gray fog world compete with each other in extraordinary combat power, at least the human race and the cat race are like this now. As long as the extraordinary combat power of the human race and the cat race can be equalized, the human race has the possibility of a comeback.

In other words, as long as he can kill Shashali and survive, the human race has the possibility of a comeback.

The human race is gradually changing from an absolute disadvantage to a balanced situation.

All this is based on the death of Shashali.

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