Above the gray fog

Chapter 1430 Part of the truth


Although Lin Shan disagreed a little, he did not refute it. Who knows what will happen then.

If he has not ascended to the position of dominance by then, then he will most likely choose to fight to the death, because if the Gray Mist Universe dies, he will not be able to survive.

However, if by that time, he is already the master, then he may choose to run away and keep the green hills without fear of running out of firewood.

At least, Lin Shan thought he would do this. He had no reason to risk his life for the gray mist universe.

He lacks time, and it is impossible to reach the level of dominance in a short time.

He still needs to explore the path forward for the mysterious authority, which will undoubtedly take a lot of time.

But one thing is certain, in terms of development progress of Secret Power, it has surpassed its predecessor.

Maybe it's because his predecessor didn't have time to develop the secret power, but it has to be said that this is the only place where he can surpass his predecessor.

Thinking of this, Lin Shan, who had just been promoted, felt a sense of urgency.

Although he is not afraid of death now, he doesn't want to die until he has completely seen the whole world.

Lin Shan looked at Ji Yimin and asked, "How long can the gray mist last? I need real information."

Ji Yimin shrugged and replied:

"No one knows. If the outer gods are willing to pay the price, they may be able to break through the gray fog barrier now. If they are willing to wait, the gray fog may have a lifespan of millions of years."

"After calculation, if the Outer God is willing to pay a small price, then Gray Mist's lifespan may only be one hundred thousand years or even less than ten thousand years."

Lin Shan fell into silence and didn't speak again for a long time.

Seeing that Lin Shan was silent, Ji Yimin looked at Lin Shan and asked, "Do you have anything else to ask?"

"It's nothing. Since Green Sun is the supreme leader of the old days, you can take these humans away. There will probably be others who will rob them later. I can't protect their safety." After Lin Shan finished speaking, he stood up and left.

"This is not the only human race left. You should know that in the past, we also controlled two big worlds. Now there are several human races developing in these two big worlds, and their level of civilization is far higher than that of the human race here. Human Tribulation will go to the line where the clan artifacts are located, which is here. This group of Human Race... has actually been abandoned by Green Sun. They are victims specially used to resist Human Tribulation. Let them be placed here with you. If there is another disaster in the future, save it if you can. If you can't save it, don't force it. If it merges with other branches, it will bring harm to other branches." Ji Yimin reminded.

Lin Shan paused, is this the truth?

It's cruel and fits this world very well.

Therefore, this group of humans has to bear human calamities again and again, just to allow the few humans behind them to develop smoothly.

Lin Shan's eyes were fixed on Ji Yimin again, "What's going on with the pioneer?"

Ji Yimin lowered his head and said, "When the universe was restarted last time, the candidates were already decided. The pioneers will prevent the human race from the catastrophe in the ancestral land of the new era and buy time for the development of other branches. There is no doubt that the lineup of pioneers in this era will The most luxurious.”

Lin Shan's expression was complicated and he was silent for a while, as if he was digesting this information. "When we first crossed over, there were more than eleven of us. Are those who were burned to death also pioneers?"

"No, you can understand them as sacrifices." When Ji Yimin said this, his expression revealed a hint of secret sadness, "The ancestral palace that has been deposited for a long time needs the blood of the human race to reawaken it. The level of these blood , not lower." His fingers tapped the edge of the coffee table, and every sound seemed to emphasize this cruel reality.

"So all this has been set up." Lin Shan felt angry in his heart.

"The short route that you traveled from the twin universes to opening the ancestral palace and obtaining the clan artifacts is set." Ji Yimin explained, "No one can interfere with the other routes."

"If Green Sun's high-end combat power is willing to help this human race, the human tribulation may be able to survive safely. Why didn't you do this?" Lin Shan asked.

Ji Yimin's eyes closed slightly, "If we help, the human calamity will not be as simple as you think." His voice echoed in the starry sky, "Do you know why human beings are calamity?"

Lin Shan said nothing, just stared at Ji Yimin, waiting for his next answer.

Ji Yimin pointed to the endless starry sky, "Because the outer gods are afraid of the human race, there is an ancient god of the outer gods who has cursed the human race."

Lin Shan nodded slightly, "I understand, I will try my best to protect this human race, and I won't care about the others." Lin Shan's words were understated.

After that, he waved his sleeves and walked through the light door next to him, returning to the small courtyard.

Ji Yimin watched Lin Shan leave quietly, with an elusive light flashing in his eyes.

He murmured in a low voice: "Lin Shan - the infinite sealer, Lin Shan - the pioneer of the human race..."

"He is still him. He talks about things that have nothing to do with him, but what he does is very different from what he says." There is a hint of emotion in his voice, "It seems that he doesn't care about the human race, but he saved the world not long ago. I came here at the risk of my life."

"He... is always the most persistent one." Ji Yimin sighed and turned to face the starry sky. The stars in the distance dimmed one by one, and eventually the entire starry sky turned into a deathly darkness.

Lin Shan stood in the small courtyard for a long time. In fact, he still had many things to ask Ji Yimin.

But he didn't ask. He suddenly didn't want to know the answer.

Even if the outer gods really broke in, that would be a matter for the future.

Green Fire's plan and Yuan Ting's plan had nothing to do with him.

These old people were very familiar with his predecessor, but he was not his predecessor, he was just Lin Shan.

The look in Ji Yimin's eyes made Lin Shan uncomfortable.

It was as if he was looking for the shadow of his predecessor in him.

So much so that he wanted to escape.

Escape from this world.


The morning of Shenzhou Civilization College was like an exquisite landscape painting. The sun gently sprinkled down from the mountain ridge. The birdsong and the breeze between the ancient trees carried a faint fragrance of flowers, forming a peaceful movement.

In the picturesque villa, Lin Shan, who was sitting cross-legged, opened his eyes.

The experience during this period was extremely rich.

Sometimes it was the projection of the outer gods at the level of sequence 1, and sometimes it was the rebirth of a strong man at the level of Tianzun.

So much so that he obviously had an illusion that his promotion made the world smaller. The Sequence 1 that he couldn't find with a lantern before was now everywhere.

So he wanted to rest for a few days, relax his tired mind, and verify some things.

After many days, he was finally sure that neither the 'Ultimate Holy Spirit Method' nor the 'Life Fuel' could improve his strength.

He got up and went out, flying towards the direction of Shengyang Sect on Tengyun.

Although Kong was disguised as an outer god, he still had a disciple on Hubao Peak.

Lin Shan remembered that it seemed to be called Yi Mo.

Before, the manager who added him as a friend sent him a message saying that his apprentice was in trouble.

Only then did Lin Shan think of the fact that he still had a cheap apprentice. He accepted him in order to trap the parchment, but he didn't expect that he was trapped by the parchment...

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