Above the gray fog

Chapter 1434 Summary of Strength

Inside the villa.

Lin Shan sat at a small square table.

He was sorting out the abilities and trump cards he had mastered.

Five objects were placed on the table.

A withered flower.

A golden rope.

A rectangular iron plate that looked ordinary.

Three short swords.

A short spear.

The withered flower was taken from the Qin Mansion Ruins. If you are below the Immortal Venerable, your soul will wither after taking it.

Immortal Venerable corresponds to the Sequence 1 level of the Origin, which means that this flower can poison the gods below Sequence 1.

The second object is the Immortal Binding Rope, which is a Xuanxian and relic that he has been using recently. Its main function is to bind the enemy, and even Sequence 2 will find it difficult to break free.

The iron plate is the only source tool in Lin Shan's hand - the Leviathan Nest.

Except for creating some Leviathans at the beginning, Lin Shan didn't use this source tool much. It's not that the Leviathan Nest is not powerful. For any tribe, the Leviathan Nest is considered a clan artifact, but he is alone, so there are few places to use it.

The reason why the Leviathan Nest is displayed is that at this moment he can already create a Sequence 3 Leviathan.

The weight of Sequence 3 and Sequence 4 is completely different. If he can get some Sequence 3 subordinates, he can even gain a certain voice in the Gray Mist Universe.

This is not a fantasy. He has just checked that it only takes three years to give birth to a Sequence 3 Leviathan.

There are a limited number of source tools in the entire universe, and the Time Lance is one of them. If he can continue to advance in the future, this source tool will definitely shine.

Lin Shan moved his eyes to the side and placed them on the Six Flower Sword. Although it is called the Six Flower Sword, there are actually only three physical swords. The Six Flower Sword is also a relic of the Xuanxian level, which is also helpful for Sequence 2.

Only when he reaches Sequence 2 can he truly exert the power of the Xuanxian Relic.

Finally, Lin Shan set his sights on the Spear of Destiny.

If he had not been promoted to Sequence 2, this would have been a very powerful weapon. Unfortunately, he was promoted ahead of time before this life-defining divine weapon was even warm in his hands.

Although the grade of the Spear of Destiny could not keep up with his life level, it was still the only medium for him to touch the power of destiny.

The things on the table were external forces that still helped him.

Next was the ability, but he could not put the ability on display, so he could only calculate it in his mind.

First, there were two great spells, ‘The Fall of All Heavens’ and ‘The Summoning of the Void God’.

Then there was ‘Infinity’. As his life level increased, he became more and more adept at using ‘Infinity’.

The effect of Infinity even exceeded the incomplete great spell, the Fall of All Heavens.

These three spells can be regarded as his trump cards.

In addition to the spells, the conventional ability is the ability of the mysterious authority. Although the mysterious authority is special, it is not stronger than other authorities. At least Lin Shan did not see where it was strong.

Perhaps there is no difference between the powers of the same level. This possibility is very high.

Lin Shan most often uses the power of the mysterious power, tentacles and curses. Apart from this, there are no other powers.

The power can only be regarded as special, not strong.

In addition to the basic ability of the power itself, the power is also the core of the transformation of divine power. There is a mutual restraint effect between the divine powers of different attributes. Not to mention the total amount of divine power, divine power is also divided into quality. Lin Shan has never understood the quality of divine power. He only knows that there are two situations that will increase the quality of divine power. The first situation is promotion. Every time the divine power is promoted, the quality of divine power will be greatly improved. Sequence 3 and Sequence 2 use the same divine power to attack each other, and Sequence 3 will definitely be defeated.

In addition to promotion, Lin Shan also knows a way, which is to rely on devout faith to bless divine power. Lin Shan has never used this method. Perhaps because he is an outer god authority, he cannot achieve this blessing.

In terms of the quality of divine power, Lin Shan feels that he has never lost. The mysterious divine power has its own erosion effect. His enemies at the same level should not be very comfortable.

Having said that, there is no big difference in the quality of divine power among the same level, so it can be ignored.

In addition to the mysterious authority, he also has a sequence 4 historical authority in his body, which was used to replace the astrological authority. This authority can also be ignored.

According to this statistics, the only thing he can show now is three spells.

In other aspects, he is not ahead of other sequence 2s, and may even fall behind.

He has just arrived at this level and has no savings.

The reason why Lin Shan went to the mirror universe before going to the void is because he wanted to accumulate more, at least to have a little advantage at the sequence 2 level.

You can't release the big spell every time you encounter danger. Although the big spell is really powerful, it is a bit unstable to eat all the delicious food in the world with one move.

As long as he finds another self in the mirror universe and defeats himself, he can ignore the rules and break through the life level, and he can also have an identical clone.

This opportunity can definitely be called a heaven-defying opportunity. To some extent, it is not weaker than the big spell.

The premise is that this rumor is true.

Xiaoduo's narration, coupled with Crow's tacit consent, made Lin Shan believe 80%.

Before making up his mind to enter the void, Lin Shan thought of many opportunities to enhance his foundation, and the mirror universe was the best choice.

The probability of defeating Sequence 1 is 0%.

There is a 50% probability of defeating another self.

To put it bluntly, this is an opportunity for him to ignore the rules and directly advance to Sequence 1.

If you don't try it, you will definitely regret it.

The red moon gradually faded, and the sky turned white, announcing the end of the night.

The scorching sun then rose, and a new day began.

"Dong dong dong!" As soon as the scorching sun showed a little tip, there was a violent knocking sound on the door outside.

Hearing this sound, Lin Shan didn't need to sense it, he had guessed who was coming.

Lin Shan teleported and appeared outside the door, behind Xiaoduo.

"Dong dong dong!"

"Dong dong dong!"

"Don't knock." Lin Shan's light words appeared in Xiaoduo's ears, scaring her. She turned back suddenly, and then stared at Lin Shan with resentful eyes, "Don't you see I'm knocking on the door? You should open the door, not appear behind me."

Lin Shan looked at Xiaoduo and looked at her.

She was wearing a loose black robe, carrying a technological weapon like a shotgun on her back, and wearing a wide hood on her head.

"What do you mean by your outfit?" Lin Shan asked.

"Don't you know? This is called a nightwear. The mirror universe is pitch black. When I wear this, the enemy can't see me." Xiaoduo said proudly.

"Let's go." Lin Shan interrupted her. He thought there was something special about the mirror universe, so he had to wear black clothes. He didn't expect it to be this reason.

"Are you really going to the mirror universe?" The two of them drove side by side on the cloud, and Xiaoduo approached to ask.

"Didn't you tell me that there is a great opportunity in the mirror universe." Lin Shan asked back, "Are you lying?"

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