Above the gray fog

Chapter 1438 Aimless

"I remembered!" Xiaoduo shouted after the god left.

"What did you remember?" Lin Shan looked at her.

"The monster just now was a mirage!" Xiao Duo showed a look of surprise, "I asked why I didn't realize it. The mirage is one of the lowest extraordinary monsters in the mirror universe, and it only has a life level of Sequence 9. What's going on with this? It’s too high!”

"Sequence 9? Are you sure you remember correctly?" Lin Shan was skeptical.

"Of course I remember correctly. In the mirror universe, this is common sense. Mirages are monsters that can be seen everywhere. They are born to absorb turbid air. They will not actively attack the extraordinary creatures passing by because they cannot be defeated at all. In the mirror universe, Monsters are the bottom category. They only have the instinct to eat and save their lives, but have no intelligence." Xiaoduo touched his chin, "This is really an incredible mutation. Normally, no one would associate it with mirages. "

"How did you spot that person just now?" Lin Shan glanced at Xiao Duo, and then looked out. Was his plan to go deep into the mirror universe aborted before it even started?

The monster just now may have been targeting him.

It seems that he is retreating, but in fact he is waiting for him somewhere.

With his current strength, he really couldn't do anything to the other party. Although he could escape safely with Xiaoduo here, he didn't like the feeling of being at a disadvantage very much.

Xiaoduo said angrily, "He is the main god, and I am just a small ordinary god. And since he is stationed here all year round, he must know more about the mirror universe than I do. Is there anything wrong with seeing it at a glance?"

"No problem, let's go, take me out." Lin Shan glanced around to make sure that the monster had left and was no longer nearby.

"Still going? Aren't you unable to defeat it?" Xiao Duo said deliberately.

"It can't be defeated. Its ability is too ruthless." Lin Shan shook his head. He did not deny that he could not defeat the monster just now. This was a fact.

"What kind of ability can you call a scoundrel?" Xiao Duo took Lin Shan's hand and led him out of the pipe. "What kind of ability can you call a scoundrel? Don't you just throw big spells when you fight?"

"Lost it, can't beat it." Lin Shan took a deep breath, put Xiaoduo into the candle dragon ring, and flew in the opposite direction to the monster island he encountered before.

In the blink of an eye, it was hundreds of light years away, and in only ten seconds it was far away from the range that the stronghold could take care of.

A few minutes later, Lin Shan had flown tens of thousands of light years away.

The moment Lin Shan stopped, the surrounding scenery quickly changed like a slide, turning into a lush jungle, with lush trees covering the sky and the sun, full of vitality.

Seeing this, Lin Shan knew clearly that the thing had been following him.

Lin Shan's body swayed and disappeared directly. When he reappeared, he was already above the chaotic pipelines of the Yuanting stronghold.

In front of his eyes, the Six Flowers Sword was inserted quietly into nothingness, the sword body flashing with a faint light.

Lin Shan reached out and grasped the hilt of the sword, drew the sword and then flew away in the opposite direction.

He quickly thought about the strength of this mutant mirage in his mind.

The monster's real life level is not high, and may even be lower than him, but its ability is extremely powerful, allowing it to show power beyond its life level in battle.

The original mushroom was only Sequence 3. After continuous division and fusion, it reached the peak of Sequence 2. The mirage's body was probably just a Sequence 3 creature.

The strength merged in the battle cannot last for a long time. Lin Shan cannot guess the specific duration. It may be based on the end of a battle, or there may be a specific countdown. In short, it cannot last forever, otherwise, this thing The level of life has long surpassed that of the master.

If its life level was truly Sequence 3, and its speed could be equal to his, it would already be extraordinary. It was unlikely that it could catch up after being dragged tens of thousands of light years away.

Half an hour later, Lin Shan stopped at a place more than two hundred thousand light years away from the stronghold.

Sure enough, as he thought, the monster's speed was almost the same as his.

A Sequence 3 creature crushed him in all directions. This was the most heaven-defying species Lin Shan had ever seen.

Lin Shan waited there for two minutes.

It was quiet all around, and there was no movement except for the dancing red grass underfoot.

Apparently, the mirage didn't follow.

Lin Shan could have escaped at a faster speed with the help of a starship, but he still chose to test the limits of the mirage himself.

Since this guy is targeting him, he needs to know more about the other person in order to deal with it.

Lin Shan thought silently in his heart, portraying the image and ability of this heaven-defying monster in his mind.

Then, he began to examine the surrounding environment. The mirror universe was vast and vast, with a range of more than 200,000 light-years. Lin Shan only found a handful of life forms, and their power had not reached the level of gods.

It seems that the dangers in this universe are probabilistic. Although high-order monsters exist, lower life forms still occupy most of the area.

Lin Shan let go of his perception and covered an area of ​​nearly 100,000 light-years. It was not easy to find another self in such a vast universe. It could even be said to be a fantasy.

But since it's an opportunity, you won't lose anything by taking a chance.

After getting rid of the mirage, Lin Shan moved forward aimlessly, like a drifting cloud, drifting with the wind, not knowing the end.

Time lost its meaning here, and he walked in an unknown area until a terrifying sea of ​​blood came into view.

The sea of ​​blood rolled in waves, showing a chilling crimson color. It lay there quietly, as if it were a picture of death.

However, when Lin Shan approached the sea of ​​blood, the sea of ​​blood suddenly came alive and turned into a huge monster. The blood became its flesh and the waves became its muscles, becoming three-dimensional and full of threats.

The monster crawled forward, carrying the power of destruction, rushing towards Lin Shan like a tide.

The blood-colored waves turned into fangs and claws, trying to devour Lin Shan.

The sudden golden light cut through the sky and penetrated the monster transformed by the sea of ​​blood.

Under the judgment of the golden light, the monster immediately broke into pieces and turned into waterfalls of blood, rolling down like the rain of doomsday, impacting the land.

The golden light swirled back into Lin Shan's palm as if it had life, turning into the spear of destiny.

Countless insects emitting blood-red light suddenly flew out from the land covered by blood below. Their light was particularly eye-catching in this dim space, like blood-colored fireflies dancing in the night sky.

These insects were not aggressive. They fluttered lightly, fanning the air with their transparent wings, and swirled around Lin Shan, as if they were performing a unique and beautiful dance.

Lin Shan used his divine power to swipe away these insects and continued to move forward.

The blood sea just now was only at the level of Sequence 3. He had already discovered the other party in advance, and the aura on his body was also radiating without reservation. I don’t know why the blood sea still had the courage to block his way.

After the blood sea dispersed, what were those insects? Lin Shan had no idea.

All he could do was to search aimlessly.

Lin Shan set a time limit of fifty years for himself. If he still found nothing after fifty years, he would go back to the void.

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