Above the gray fog

Chapter 145 Mysterious Pattern

If humans can master this technology, does it mean that devices can be charged wirelessly? Automatic battery recovery? The street lights can stay on permanently without extraordinary charging. When the spirit bottle car loses its spirit, it will automatically recharge after a period of time. It is even the development of spiritual weapons...

By that time, will Chaofan with the "Spirit Gathering" trait become an engineer?

This kind of skill, no matter what means you use, you must get it!


Just this spiritual instrument made Lin Shan think a lot. A super dreamy city with spirituality as the energy source and the steel torrent as the main body seemed to appear in front of him.

Of course, I'm just thinking about it. Now the survival of the human race cannot be guaranteed, so how can we talk about development.

There is another question. The Cat Planet of the Cat Clan should also be a planet that develops technology. Why didn't they think of using this technology in industry when they got it? I didn't expect it, or I'm missing something...

No one has an answer for him yet.

He stood up and returned to the stone bench to continue sitting. Without the spiritual supply, the incomplete ceremony on the ground immediately dimmed.

The three of them are all pseudo-extraordinary, and they cannot have 'spirit gathering' or similar characteristics, so it is impossible for them to set up a real spirit gathering array. No matter how similar the ritual is, it lacks the core characteristics and cannot be effective.

Two minutes later.

Wu Qianqian walked out with a cup of tea.

Gently put it in front of Lin Shan.

Lin Shan looked at the petals floating in the cup and breathed a sigh of relief. Scented tea would be fine, as long as it wasn't fish tea.

He picked it up and took a sip, and a faint floral fragrance flowed into his nostrils. He had no requirements for tea, he just drank it as a habit. This habit was developed for him by others.

"Sit down." Lin Shan said softly to the two people next to him.

Wu Qianqian and Song Haozhe looked at each other and sat quietly on both sides of Lin Shan. Fortunately, Song Haozhe had been in contact with Lin Shan for a while and knew the temperament of this pioneer. Wu Qianqian was tense and held her hands tightly together. Wait for next instructions.

"Did you arrange the spiritual rituals on the ground?" Lin Shan asked.

"Yes." The two nodded, "The three of us arranged it when we were bored."

"How do you know?"

"I learned from books..."

"What book? Show it to me."


After a while, Lin Shan stared at the incomprehensible cover on the table and fell into deep thought. He was wondering whether he should spend a year learning cat language.

Wu Qianqian saw that Lin Shan did not know the writing of the Cat Clan, otherwise he would not even know that the book was upside down. She whispered, "This is a travel book, telling the story of the first leader of the Cat Clan in the gray mist." This ritual of gathering spirituality was also obtained through adventures. The drawings are attached as illustrations and have been passed down to this day. Most of the Cat Clan are regarded as biographical novels. The Cat Clan’s senior leaders have nothing to hide from the drawings. It seems that It’s intentional to promote this ceremony.”

"Adventure?" Lin Shan held his chin with his hand. He was not in a hurry to look at the so-called drawings, but looked at Wu Qianqian, "Can you tell me about the content in the book."

"Of course...of course." Wu Qianqian nodded repeatedly, telling stories to the pioneers of the race, it really felt like a dream.

Wu Qianqian did not pick up the book. She had read it over and over many times. After thinking for a while, she began to tell the story in the book:

"This cat tribe did not live here when they first crossed over. They experienced a great migration. During the migration, the cat tribe suffered numerous casualties. When they arrived at the current place, there were only less than 50,000 cat tribes left. This is Preface to this book."

"The content of the book mainly tells the story of the cat people before they migrated. Before they migrated, they lived on an 'empty island' that was so big that it had no edge, and they lived on the edge of the empty island, where there was nothing. It is dangerous and rich in various resources. It is a pure land, but there is no extraordinary power there. "

"After surviving on the 'Sky Island' for two years, the first leader of the cat tribe, the protagonist of this book, resigned from his position in the tribe and decided to use the little time left to explore this new world."

"After going through various difficulties and spending several years, he found an extremely splendid palace on that 'empty island'. The palace was huge. What was strange was that when he first saw the palace, it was illusory and transparent. Until the cat clan named Qian Shu touched the palace with his hand, the palace actually turned from illusion into reality because of his touch. "

"Qianshu walked into the palace and began to explore. In the center of the palace, there was a piece of golden paper floating. The pattern drawn on it was the spirit gathering ceremony. He wanted to take it with his hands, but found that he couldn't get it. It was clearly in front of him but he couldn't touch it. In the end, he had no choice but to write down the pattern. It took him two days to finally draw the pattern silently. "

"He thought it was a miracle, that the cat tribe's god was blessing them. This pattern must contain other secrets. He decided to bring it back to the tribe and pass it on, hoping that someone could decipher the secret of this pattern."

"When he walked out of the palace again, he suddenly smelled a rotten smell. It was only then that he realized that he was actually dead long ago and his body was broken. But for some reason he could still control his body. He just dragged the broken body with him. He walked all the way back to his tribe with his body, and when he returned again, only bones were left in his body. He could no longer speak, and if he went to see his tribe in the body of bones, he might be regarded as an evil spirit, so he did not dare to face his former tribe. "

"It just so happened that the cats had developed paper and pen in the past few years. After all kinds of difficulties, he finally got paper and pen. He decided to write down his story, and he also drew the mysterious pattern. When he finished writing the last word, the bones completely lost their movement until a kitten came out to play and saw a withered skeleton holding a stack of papers, and let out a scream..."

"The story ends here."

Lin Shan listened attentively, catching the words that caught his attention, the sky island without gray fog, the mysterious illusory palace, the bones that were still able to drive the body even though they were dead, and the most important mysterious pattern.

The mysterious illusory palace reminded him of the mysterious hall he encountered when he just crossed over, where he got the clan tools, parchment, and feather pens.

The body that could still drive after death reminded him of the ghost body, but it didn't feel right. If it was a ghost body, it would not drive the body in the form of bones, and the ghost body's origin would automatically repair the incomplete body.

He was very curious about how the cats came down from the "sky island" and why the cats migrated, but this was obviously not the content of this book.

"He was the leader of the cat tribe, and he also obtained this mysterious pattern. Perhaps the mysterious fate of the tribe was hanging on to his life. This also explains why he died after leaving the pattern behind."

The fate of the tribe hung on to his life and made him leave the mysterious pattern behind. It seems that this pattern is very important to the race...

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