Above the gray fog

Chapter 1469 Arrival at the World

"Student?" Claire asked, even showing a hint of surprise.

"Yes, to relieve boredom." Lydia nodded her triangular head. .

"He can't control Blue because Blue is not his. There is another force in his body that prevents the flow of Blue, which will directly cause Blue to be untimely." The creature named Claire didn't even do any inspection, just glanced at Lin Shan and told the reason.

"Blue is not his?" Lydia was puzzled, "We don't seem to have encountered this situation. May I ask Master Claire, how can we guide the other force out.

"When he figured it out, the power will come out naturally." Claire said.

"I still don't understand." Lydia shook her head.

"I can't help it. If you want to be his teacher, help him control Blue. As for the other power, don't worry about it." Claire continued.

"We understand." Glass nodded and bowed slightly, "Please trouble Master Claire."

"Well. "Claire hummed softly, turned around and walked back through the gap.

"Okay, the original plan remains unchanged. Let's practice controlling the blue first."

Listening to the voices gradually fading away, Claire leaned against the other side of the metal door and stretched out her white arm wrapped in gray cloth.

A photo frame appeared in her palm.

"Fu Jin..."


In the following time, Lin Shan devoted himself to training, and every day he trained on how to better control and gather the blue in his body.

Glass and Lydia became his mentors and friends. They not only shared their combat experience, but also taught him many exquisite control techniques.

There are many ways to train, including meditation, breathing exercises, and the assistance of some special equipment. Lin Shan spends several hours sitting every day. In the martial arts arena in the center of the hall, he closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and focused on the uncontrollable blue in his body.

He learned how to accurately feel the flow of energy in his body and how to quickly guide it to every corner of his body under the guidance of his will.

Glass taught him a special breathing pattern that could help him concentrate in a short period of time and accelerate the gathering of blue. When his chest expanded and contracted with rhythmic breathing, he could feel the blue in his body surging like a tide, becoming more condensed and intense with each breath.

Lydia focused more on spiritual training. She taught Lin Shan how to maintain his energy in battle. How to stay calm and make quick and accurate judgments under pressure. She used her telepathic ability to help him train his ability to concentrate, and even simulated the high-pressure environment of combat during training, forcing him to exert his potential when every second counts.

After decades of hard work, Lin Shan can already gather half of the blue in two seconds, but according to Lydia's standards, this is far from enough.

According to her, only those who can gather all the blue in 0.1 microseconds are not considered disabled.

Such a speed seems out of reach for Lin Shan, and it is almost impossible to achieve it in the face of resistance.

Lin Shan knows that blue is his shortcoming, and he also began to take the initiative Seek other means of fighting.

The first choice is naturally the Great Curse.

In decades of interaction, although Glass and Lydia have gained Lin Shan's trust, Lin Shan did not tell him about the Great Curse. Regarding the linkage between the Great Curse and Blue, Lin Shan would only train alone in the room.

One day.

A notification came from the ship's broadcasting system.

[The Titan Peak has captured a world, the world level is the Middle Thousand World - Realm, and the highest sequence 2 life can be born. ]

[The world is suffering from a world-destroying disaster. The Titan Peak is expected to land in the world in three months. Please meet in Hall 1. ]

Glass and Lydia, who were playing cards nearby, raised their heads at the same time.

"There is something to do."

"What is this?" Lin Shan asked.

"It's time to stop the ship." Glass said.

"This time it's just the Middle Thousand World, and we only need to send a small part of the crew. It's just right that we can go to the nearby void to see and help you find immortal food. "Lydia said.

"......" Lin Shan was silent. For some reason, he was actually a little moved.

These two have been teaching without reservation for decades. Although they said they were just killing time, it is undeniable that this is the most direct help.

Now that the Giant God Peak is about to stop, the first thing they think of is to help him find immortal food.

"There will be a small meeting later, just listen." Glass reminded.

"Okay. "Lin Shan nodded slightly.

The location they are in now is Hall No. 1.

Void creatures are coming from the rest area and other corridors one after another.

In just half an hour, the void creatures on the Giant God Peak have assembled. Lin Shan looked around and noticed that the number of crew members is not large, no more than fifty in total, but each individual exudes a strong aura.

It seems that there are not many, but these void creatures are all Sequence 1, and they are not ordinary Sequence 1. The gap between Sequence 2 and Sequence 2 is so large. If a single level of Sequence 2 can be divided into a hundred stages, then Sequence 1 can probably be divided into a thousand or even ten thousand stages.

If the Gray Fog Universe has no Overlord to suppress it, I am afraid that these crew members of the Giant God Peak can conquer the Gray Fog. Of course, the reason why the Gray Fog Universe can be called the First Realm of the Void is precisely because of the existence of many Overlords.

A few minutes later, Claire, who was wrapped in gray cloth, walked out of the cab.

There were more than 40 void creatures standing around Hall No. 1. Claire looked around and said, "This time it's just a middle thousand world, and the disaster comes from inside the world."

"Three to five people will be enough. Who is willing to go?"

After that, the void creatures in various places in Hall No. 1 began to talk.

"The Middle Thousand Worlds, the internal disaster, the absence of void creatures and beasts, I can't get motivated."

"Well, I won't go this time. Let's go to the surrounding void and see if we can find something."

"I really miss the time in the abyss. Has the Targon been at ease for too long..."

"There's nothing we can do about it. Since Chongming lost contact with the Targon, the Targon can no longer dive."

When everyone was talking in a low voice, Lydia said loudly, "Master Claire, I recommend my student, Mumushan. This world is just right for him."

"Well, who else is willing to go." Claire took a look, nodded slightly, and continued to ask.

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