Above the gray fog

Chapter 15 Chicken

Although the clothes were torn, they were still wearable, better than being naked.

After washing them in the river, he put them on directly. Unfortunately, the underwear was completely gone, but now he had the heart light to protect his body, so he didn't have to worry about getting his balls hurt.

He sat down somewhere and took out the parchment and wrote:

Lin Shan: [How much life do I have left? ]

Parchment: [Remaining life is 200 years. ]

Good guy, not only was the curse lifted, but the balance was also recharged. I don't know whether it was recharged or reset. If it was reset, it would be a pity that there were more than 40 years of life in the account that were not used.

Lin Shan: [Is the life added to the original life? ]

Parchment: [You need to pay one month of life. ]

Lin Shan: [Pay. ]

He chose to pay without hesitation. This question was very important and related to his subsequent operations.

Parchment: [No, taking the sequence potion successfully is equivalent to getting a new life. Different lifespans are obtained according to the different abilities to control the sequence. The heart light sequence obtains a lifespan of 200 years. This lifespan only represents the existence time of the soul, and does not guarantee the survival time. 】

"It turns out that life span is bound to the soul." Lin Shan felt that his strange knowledge had increased again.

The most important thing is that he got an important information - life span is not increased on the original basis, but directly reset, which is equivalent to getting a new life.

Put away the thoughts and continue to write on the parchment:

Lin Shan: [Location of the camp. ]

Parchment: [One month of life span needs to be paid. ]

Lin Shan: [Pay. ]

The handwriting on the parchment disappeared and turned into two light spots, with a small mark next to it: "70km".

It is still dark now, and the blood moon is still in the sky. Even if Lin Shan is now promoted to extraordinary, he dare not walk in the gray fog at night. The first two times he was able to survive were completely because of good luck.

Silently waiting for the red moon to retreat, Lin Shan started to hurry after the sun rose, and chose to run directly. He planned to rush back to the camp before night.

The outdoor environment is very different from when I came here. The weather has become colder, and the wild fruits that were originally seen everywhere on the roadside trees have all rotted on the ground. Even the leaves on the trees have begun to turn yellow and fall.

"Is it winter? It seems that this world also has four seasons, but I don’t know how long a season is..."

"It was just summer when I came here, and now it’s almost winter. If I count according to the time on Earth, I have been in the Purple Soul Flower Forest for at least half a year!"

"I didn’t expect that so much time would pass in a blink of an eye. I don’t know what’s going on in the camp..."

Lin Shan was covered in a bright light and ran towards the camp at a fast speed. He avoided wild beasts or weirdness along the way in advance. After being promoted to extraordinary, his blood can provide a 400-meter field of vision when used as lamp oil!

As long as there is a weirdness nearby, you will feel a chill when you step into its spiritual coverage. With this skill, he successfully avoided two unknown weirdness along the way.

Even if the weirdness wants to attack him, as long as it is not too terrifying, he can now resist one or two and take the opportunity to escape.

As for dealing with the weirdness… He has no plans to do so now, and he probably doesn’t have the strength to do so. He has always remembered the parchment’s previous mention that the weirdness is immortal. When encountering a weirdness that has no wisdom, will not die, and is extremely troublesome, the best way is to avoid it.

After jogging all the way, more than four hours have passed, and there is only a slight breath. There are still 30 kilometers left, and Lin Shan plans to rest for a while before going.

"What is that?" He suddenly found a few familiar and unfamiliar creatures not far away.


Lin Shan swallowed his saliva, and his empty stomach began to urge him.

It is indeed a chicken, but it is much larger than the chickens on Earth. It is half a person tall when standing up, and there is a faint spiritual light on the body. This is an extraordinary chicken!

There are nine in total. Lin Shan no longer hesitates and rushes over with a lantern in his hand.

When the chickens saw Lin Shan rushing over, they not only did not dodge, but also bravely spread their wings and tried to peck at Lin Shan. The heart light penetrated their bodies to form a light golden protective shield. The chickens could peck small holes in the protective shield with their beaks, but they would be repaired soon.

Then, Lin Shan punched the chicken on the head with his fist wrapped in light golden light, and swung it more than ten meters away, and it fell to the ground and did not get up again.

The other chickens may have realized that they could not beat Lin Shan, and they wanted to run away. How could Lin Shan do that with only one chicken? The light golden light on his body condensed into a big hand, and he slapped a chicken that had not run far away.

The golden light condensed by the heart light can attack outside the body, but attacking outside the body is equivalent to giving up its own defense, so it can only be used according to the situation.

Seeing that the other chickens had already flapped their wings and ran away, Lin Shan was holding a red lantern in the same place, and the next second! A light red flame ignited on the chicken closest to Lin Shan, and it fell to the ground motionless after a few seconds.

The other chickens had already run out of the red lanterns’ influence range, so Lin Shan did not chase them. These chickens were obviously faster than him, and he could not catch up with them. Besides, three were enough. He would eat one and take two back to see if he could raise them to lay eggs…

He walked over and picked up the chicken that was burned to death. Half of it was burnt. If it burned for a few more seconds, it would probably turn into charcoal.

Although this chicken was also a super creature, it was definitely the weakest one. Even Lin Shan, who had just become a super creature, could easily deal with it. I don’t know how the super levels are divided.

When in doubt, ask the parchment.

Lin Shan: [Super strength division. ]

Parchment: [You need to pay one month of life. ]

Lin Shan: [Pay. ]

Parchment: [Sequence nine to sequence one are nine life levels. There is no difference between strong and weak in the same sequence. Strength depends on the use of ability. Except for the weird, the ability of the weird is beyond the constraints of the law. It is the strongest in the current sequence. However, even the weird can hardly cross the sequence to affect the creatures of the higher sequence. Below sequence nine, there are pseudo-supernatural creatures, which are creatures that are mutated by the influence of the spirit and are the weakest supernatural. ]

"Those chickens just now should be pseudo-supernatural, no wonder they are so weak." After reading the information, Lin Shan muttered.

At the same time, he was glad that he did not take the initiative to provoke the weird. According to what was written on the parchment, all the weird are invincible in the same sequence.

Tearing off a piece of chicken and chewing it in his mouth, Lin Shan's eyes lit up. It's delicious!

This chicken is half a person's height and weighs nearly 20 kilograms. Although Lin Shan's appetite has increased significantly after becoming a supernatural, he has already eaten only the half that was not burnt, which made him feel so full that he didn't want to move. This is the most filling meal he has eaten since he came to the other world.

After a hearty meal, Lin Shan looked at the two chickens that had fainted on the ground. They were a male and a female, and they could lay eggs and give birth to chicks.

He first tied the two chickens’ claws together with a straw rope, then found a wooden stick to carry the chickens on his shoulders, and continued on his way with a big red lantern in his right hand, leaving only a pile of bones.

He narrowly avoided a strange attack along the way, and there was only the last kilometer left to the destination. During this time, the chicken on his back woke up twice, and was knocked unconscious by Lin Shan again.

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