Above the gray fog

Chapter 1552 Chaos People

Lin Shan followed the Emperor into the palace below.

From the outside, it looked like a palace, but inside it was another world.

The scene in front of him made him hold his breath.

From a visual point of view, the entire venue looked like a vast starry sky platform.

The platform was suspended in the endless sea of ​​stars, and was surrounded by countless glimmering stars, like a brilliant silver belt, surrounding the entire venue in the center.

In the center of the platform was a giant circular conference hall made of pure energy.

The top of the conference hall was a transparent dome, through which you could see countless stars shining overhead.

The gods from the outside forces stood on one side of the conference hall. They wore uniform robes, which were embroidered with some kind of flower patterns in alternating black and red lines.

Opposite them, the five Green Sun Heavenly Lords stood quietly.

They stood in a row, directly crushing the other side in momentum.

If it weren't for the two masters supporting the scene, the sequence 1s in the back would have been crushed long ago.

Lin Shan stood at the entrance of the meeting hall, feeling the subtle and tense atmosphere between the two forces.

As soon as he and the Human Emperor appeared at the entrance of the palace, they attracted the attention of everyone in the palace.

There was an invisible pressure in the air.

"Rare, guests are coming." The voice of the Human Emperor resounded throughout the palace like thunder. He looked around and stepped forward, "There is no direct conflict between us Green Sun and you Chaos. To some extent, we can even be considered allies."

As the Human Emperor spoke, Lin Shan felt the pressure on his body suddenly dissipate. The relief of this pressure made him seem to float to the surface from the deep sea, and his breathing became much more comfortable.

He hurriedly followed the pace of the Human Emperor.

"Human Emperor." In the palace, whether it was the Green Sun side or the Sequence 1 and the Overlord of Chaos, all saluted slightly to show respect.

The status and prestige of the Human Emperor would be respected even by enemies.

After all, without the original Human Emperor, there would be no Gray Fog Universe today.

"No one comes to the Sanbao Palace for no reason. Let's not talk nonsense and talk about business." The Human Emperor waved his hand.

"Everyone, sit down. Since we are allies, let's sit down and chat." The Human Emperor said, with a tone of unquestionable majesty.

Hearing this, everyone sat down.

Lin Shan sat next to the Human Emperor, feeling uncomfortable, but his eyes were scanning left and right.

The ordinary god who was protected in the middle disappeared.

"You Chaos? What's the matter? Come to trouble Green Sun?" The Human Emperor's eyes were as sharp as a knife, shooting directly at the two masters of Chaos.

"We dare not, Green Sun was founded by the Human Emperor, we certainly dare not come to trouble." A master of Chaos said, her voice was as clear as a silver bell, but with a majesty that could not be ignored.

The female master was wearing a blue cloak of glory, and her face was covered by a layer of mist. Lin Shan could not see the specific appearance of the two masters from Chaos, but could only confirm that they were a man and a woman, both of whom were normal human forms.

"Aren't you here to cause trouble? You broke into my Green Day with great fanfare. If you don't want to cause trouble, what else can you do?" A Tianzun from the Green Day side said, his tone was calm, but his words were filled with cold questioning.

He was wearing silver-white armor, his face was firm, and his eyes were like torches.

"We didn't cause any damage to Green Day. Even if we did, we were forced to defend ourselves." The female voice continued.

"No need to say anything. Someone asked me to have tea. If you have anything to say, just say it quickly. Also, for breaking into Green Day, take 1 billion years of life as compensation." Seeing that the two sides were about to quarrel, the Human Emperor patted the table lightly. The sound was not loud, but it had infinite deterrence.

"We have no objection." The female master agreed immediately, with a decisive attitude.

"Humph." Someone on the Green Day side snorted lightly, obviously not satisfied with the result, but did not continue to argue.

The incident of forcibly breaking into Green Day was over.

"We want to know the movements of those ancient gods." The male master of Chaos spoke, his voice was low and magnetic.

He was burly and looked like a strong man, wearing dark red armor, exuding a strong pressure.

"Oh? Why do you want to know the movements of the old gods?" The emperor did not answer directly, but asked back, with a look of scrutiny and exploration in his eyes.

His eyes were very calm, but no one dared to look at him.

"Just curious." The man said.

"My time is limited, are you sure you want to continue to communicate like this?" The emperor tapped the table lightly, and a cup appeared in front of him. From Lin Shan's perspective, he could see that it was filled with transparent liquid, emitting a faint light.

The emperor's movements were elegant and calm, and he gently sipped the liquid in the cup.

"We found a relic of the ancient world. We initially suspect that it is a relic from the reign of the old gods. Only they can open it." The male master continued, "But since the old gods cooperated with you Green Sun, they have completely lost their traces in the gray fog universe." He looked at the Human Emperor, "We can exchange the location of this relic with you. You should know that we don't want the things in the relic."

"It is indeed a feasible deal." The Human Emperor nodded, with a hint of thought in his tone, "The relic of the old ancient times... just appeared at this time, isn't it a coincidence?" He narrowed his eyes slightly.

"We don't think it's a coincidence." The male master nodded slightly.

"Unfortunately, the old gods have more important things to do, and we can't reveal their information." The Human Emperor changed the subject and directly rejected the other party's request.

His voice was calm, but unquestionable.

The female ruler of the Chaos side frowned slightly at this time. Her face was still shrouded in mist, but a trace of dissatisfaction and helplessness could be vaguely seen in her eyes.

Her voice was still crisp, but it added a bit of coldness, "Human Emperor, are you sure this is the final answer?"

"This is the final answer." The Human Emperor was unmoved, "Remember to pay the life span."

After saying that, the Human Emperor stood up and prepared to leave.

"We have another deal." The male ruler immediately spoke, "Regarding the Source Court, we can provide Green Sun with information about the Source Court."

The Human Emperor paused slightly, but finally did not leave. He turned his head to look at the old Tianzun next to him.

The old Tianzun was wearing a golden robe and had a solemn face.

"How is the situation of the remaining fire?" The Human Emperor's tone was still as calm as water.

"It went smoothly. We have regained the Bright World. Except for a few teams, most teams have achieved good results." The Tianzun replied.

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