Above the gray fog

Chapter 1554: Ancient Times

"Lin Shan, I want more."

The little devil's voice awakened Lin Shan who was practicing cross-legged.

Lin Shan opened her eyes and saw that she had finished showing off the mountains of food in the hall.

"Answer me a question and I will change you again." Lin Shan looked at the little devil.

"What's the problem?" The little devil flew to the opposite side of Lin Shan.

"My memory seems to be missing, what's going on?" Lin Shan asked.

"Huh? Isn't it your own sealed memory? You ask me what's going on?" The little devil looked shocked.

"What memory did I seal?" Lin Shan asked.

"Since you took the initiative to seal it, it must be a memory that you don't want to remember. You are really strange. One second you sealed a memory, and the next second you asked what kind of memory it was. Don't you have it? Are you sick?" The little devil clenched his fist hard and punched Lin Shan between the eyebrows.

After a while, nothing happened.

"Hey!" The little devil stared at his fist for a while, "I may not have a few days to live. You hurry up and complete the task of the Box of Disaster, or I will die for you."

Lin Shan ignored it, leaving a space in his memory, as if his heart had been scratched by a cat.

"What kind of memory is it? Is it necessary to seal it?" Lin Shan said to himself.

"Ah, you are really sick. You must have designed the way to trigger the release of the seal. Sooner or later you will remember it. What are you struggling with!" The little devil flew to Lin Shan's head and kept tugging at Lin Shan. Good hair.

"I remembered..." Lin Shan said to himself, he really remembered.

But this time is different from the previous memories.

In the recovered memory, the ordinary god he cared about before did not exist at all.

The two memories can overlap perfectly. In the first memory, the ordinary gods are completely redundant.

While the first memory is more real, the second memory is more reasonable.

If the ordinary god he saw protected in the middle really existed, why didn't he see it in the palace at the end?

In his first memory, with such a high-profile protection, that person definitely played a big role. The old Tianzun was not a vegetarian, so it was impossible for them not to discover such a person.

In the end, Chaos didn't mention it, and the former Heavenly Lord didn't even ask.

It's like that person doesn't exist at all.

Lin Shan stretched out his hand, pulled the little devil off his head and placed it on the table.

"A thing that doesn't exist is stuffed into my memory, making me mistakenly think that it exists. Is it possible that this kind of thing exists?"

"How should I answer your nonsense? You have to tell me clearly what exists and what does not exist." The little devil opened Lin Shan's hand with a look of disgust on his face.

Lin Shan told what he had just thought.

"I said you look like you're sick. It turns out it's because..." The little devil nodded thoughtfully.

"Because of what?"

The little devil pointed to his mouth and then to the empty hall.

"I'll change it for you after I finish talking." Lin Shan said angrily.

"I want the third hall!" The little devil stretched out three fingers, and before Lin Shan could respond, he changed his words, "I want the tenth hall!"

"Two halls." Lin Shan pressed down one of the three outstretched fingers, "Otherwise, forget it."

"Ah! Damn it!" The little devil jumped up and scratched the back of Lin Shan's hand hard.

Lin Shan looked at the red mark on the back of his hand and said, "One Hall."

"Two halls, just two halls! You have to let me vent for such a bully." The little devil said with his hands on his hips, "Otherwise I won't say anything, and I won't say anything from now on!"

"Go ahead." Lin Shan looked at the little devil, "Two halls, deal."

The little devil snorted, crossed his arms, and sat cross-legged on the table.

She muttered, "This is a private transaction between Lin Shan and I and has nothing to do with the Box of Disaster."

She continued, "My memory is very incomplete. I don't even know who I am, but what you just said to me reminded me of something."

"What?" Lin Shan asked.

"Some memory fragments." The little devil rolled his eyes, "Can you hear me out?"

"According to what you said, you saw someone you cared about very much, and you didn't know what that person looked like. He was completely unknown to you."

"There are many reasons why this happens, the most typical of which are two. The first is that his destiny is connected with yours, and the second is that he is connected by blood with you."

"You said later that the second memory does not contain the existence of that person, so you can directly rule out the two typical possibilities. In my understanding, there is only one possibility left, and that is - someone touched you memory."

"As far as I know, there are many types of abilities that can do this. Dreams, mental abilities and other abilities can subtly change people's memories. But if you want to change your memory silently, even if the king of history comes in person. It can’t be done. The fate of Sequence 1 is already high enough. This kind of thing cannot happen. If there really is such a powerful historical king in the world, people would have unified the void long ago.”

"So, I have two inferences."

"The first inference is that you may have some kind of mental illness."

"The second inference is related to some legends. I don't know where I read the records a long time ago."

"There is an ancient era in the Chinese mainland in the void on the surface. Those people in the ancient era are very peace-loving. I...I only know so much now. If you have the opportunity to go to the bottom of the abyss, there is all the knowledge and history in the world. ..."

"When the alternate world of the void reappeared, the Shenzhou continent was born, located in the center of the surface void."

"There is a group of people on the Shenzhou continent who love peace and are dedicated to developing civilization. Many of the methods they studied are used as the basis for the later world and even the entire void."

"Among them, two groups of people had a dispute over the proof of the existence of life. Some people believe that the proof of the existence of life is memory, and memory contains everything in life."

"Some people also believe that the proof of the existence of life is the source of the soul."

"Later, some people constructed existence through the source. After the precipitation of time, 'existence' gradually became the mainstream way of representing the existence of life."

"However, those who believe that memory is the proof of life did not give up. Through continuous research, they upgraded their life forms and turned them into lives that can survive in memory. They are memory, and memory is them. As long as there are memories about them in the world, they will not disappear. Although their methods were successful, they also made them disconnected from this world. Because their abilities are a disaster for ordinary life, they are classified as aliens and eventually driven away and sealed."

The little devil shook his head and spoke a long speech, as if reciting.

But Lin Shan was listening intently.

"My second guess is that what you saw might be a life from the ancient times. Only those ancient people who exist in memory can appear in other people's memories at will. The fact that you can't remember it the second time after you sealed your memory is the best proof, because he cleared his traces from your memory, or in other words, he left your memory." The little devil looked at Lin Shan, "And the second point, you said you care about him very much, because he directly engraved himself in your memory. To you, he appeared suddenly and was redundant, which should be the origin of your care. Of course, this is just a guess, and that's all I can say."

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