Above the gray fog

Chapter 1558: Searching for other skills

"Can I find the place where I should be robbed through it?" Lin Shan asked.

"The reason why this little thing you are holding becomes a robbery weapon is because it has a great connection with the person who is to be robbed. It can be used as a guide." Fujin said, and then Remind Lin Shan, "Do you know the person who is going to be robbed? Do you want to stop him?"

"Yeah." Lin Shan nodded.

"I advise you not to do this. Those who have suffered the tribulation will continue to suffer the tribulation, which means that your ethnic group still has a chance to transcend. If your ethnic group loses one more tribulation due to your influence, it will undoubtedly destroy the legacy of the predecessors. Sacrifice and layout, this kind of crime cannot be explained by the word "sinner". Fu Jin pointed at the book in front of Lin Shan with his wings, "We may not understand why they have to pay so much, but we must not destroy their sacrifice." Results.”

"I understand that this is their choice, but I still don't understand. These people who are subject to disaster are all beings who have carried the rules and achieved dominance in previous eras. They should have completed detachment at that time, and they themselves It is also the purest bloodline of the old days. Although it is unlikely, I am thinking that if they reproduce with each other..." An idea appeared in Lin Shan's mind.

"You are thinking too much." Fu Jin took a sip, "Not to mention the possibility of the Lord giving birth to heirs. Even if they succeeded in having heirs and multiplied many tribesmen, when the gray mist universe was destroyed, in addition to transcendence, Except for the master, the prosperous ethnic group will be destroyed along with it.”

"Do you think that the continuation of life is the ability of life itself? Maybe your answer is 'yes', but the reality is not like this. A new life is the child of its parents and the child of the world."

"The masters who are detached ones can continue to reproduce, but the children they have bred cannot continue to reproduce, because they are not detached ones. The world has been restricting its children from beginning to end, even if the world dies. , its influence is still far-reaching.”

Lin Shan was silent, thinking about Fu Jin's words. He had never thought that the continuation of life was not the ability of life itself.

Seeing Lin Shan's silence, Fu Jin continued:

"Life is nurtured by parents and the world. Even if we are detached, no matter how far or deep we go, our roots will not change."

"You may not understand what I'm saying. Suppose the Old Ones complete their transcendence plan and find a place to settle down in the void. All the races of the Old Ones begin to reproduce and develop stably. But one day, the Old Ones will return to the gray mist universe. , this is the root.”

After hearing this, Lin Shan was silent for a while, "Can't you give up your roots?"

"You can't give up. This is a relationship at the causal level. In fact, as long as the ethnic group transcends, it will not affect where all the old races live. However, the root is the birthplace of all the old races. This will not change. When all the races in the old days had the ability to drive away the outer gods, they would definitely want to regain their roots. This is an instinct possessed by wild beasts, let alone all races with wisdom.”

"To put it more bluntly, the strong men of the past have the ability to go out, but they don't want to go out alone or with a few people. They must bring out the fire and the seeds that can regain the hope of the Gray Mist Universe in the future. One after another.”

"Understood?" Fu Jin stood on the table and patted Lin Shan, "Just think about it."

"Understood." Lin Shan nodded slightly, "If I have a chance to come to you again in the future, I will go to find the person who will be robbed first. At least, I will see you one last time."

Fu Jin waved his wings and said, "I wish you good luck. We should meet again."

Fu Jin flew to the chair and lay down again. He seemed to have thought of something and said toward the door, "By the way, if the people above ask questions, don't say you came to see me. Even if they know, don't admit it. "

Lin Shan, who had already left, suddenly turned back.

"Is there anything else?" Fu Jin turned his head and looked at Lin Shan.

"I want the highest licensing rights for the collection of books at China Civilization Academy." Lin Shan said.

"What book are you looking for?" Fokine asked.

"Old Cultivation Techniques."

"Old Kung Fu? Green Sun probably has the largest collection of this thing. Although Yuanting has some of them, the particularly powerful ones are not open to the public, and the number that has flowed into the China Civilization Academy is even less." Fu Jin looked at the bookshelf next to him. , "You don't need to go to any library, any books used by China Civilization Academy can be pulled out from this bookshelf, just like this." After Fu Jin finished speaking, Fu Jin took out the books from the bookshelf and piled them on the table. .

"Do you see any need? If you want to strengthen yourself in this aspect, I recommend you to practice these three exercises. They are all adapted by Yuanchu to suit the rules of Yuanchu. They are pure old-time exercises. They are severely restricted, and some are even unable to be practiced. I advise you not to waste time on this. In the old days, these things were very precious, and any one of them could be used as a family treasure. But now except Except for the promotion methods required in Sequence 3, no one will continue to waste time on the old techniques.”

Among the thousands of exercises piled up, three were floating next to Lin Shan.

"Memory all the books here." As soon as Lin Shan thought, the books piled on the table and the books floating in the air in the office were all turned over. In just a moment, Lin Shan memorized all the contents above. Mental memory is even faster.

After memorizing, Lin Shan began to organize.

A total of five thousand three hundred and thirty-one books.

There are only fifty-seven of them, and thirty-five of them coincide with the memories in his mind.

All that is left is ‘Dharma’

There are twenty-two functional ‘gong’.

So far, he has practiced 19 "gongs" in total, and there are a total of 1,300 "gongs" in his mind. After practicing for decades, this number has not only not decreased, but now it has increased by three books, becoming 1,303 unpracticed "gongs".

This is a good thing for Lin Shan, proving that the collection of books in Lu Ri is not all.

His upper limit has been raised a little bit.

"Thank you." After sorting out the information in his mind, Lin Shan thanked him and opened the door of the principal's office again. This time he did not stay for long and flew directly to the Qianhuan Sea above.

Lin Shan was like a sharp arrow that cut through the space, easily passing through the Qianhuan Sea and flying higher.

As soon as he rushed out of the Qianhuan Sea, Lin Shan felt that the space around him seemed to have become a net, with countless silk threads pulling and binding him.

Lin Shan let go of his perception and found that he was indeed bound by an invisible net. This net has unparalleled toughness and exudes the unique breath of void materials.

From a distance, a small bulge appeared in the middle of the huge invisible net, which was gradually pulled up to form a thin and sharp corner.

A very sharp light flashed, and a hole was poked in the invisible giant net, and a black light escaped from it.

The prey that was ready to be captured ran away. The hunter who had been waiting outside the Thousand Illusions Sea not only did not rush to chase, but even breathed a sigh of relief.

"Huh, he ran away."

"That's great. Just watching me from a distance makes me feel very stressed. This is an enemy that only Raphael can deal with."

"Raphael didn't come, which has proved that she doesn't want to keep this person."

"This is inside the Shenzhou World, and above the Shenzhou Civilization Academy. Even Raphael doesn't dare to take action."

"Let's go. No one wants to put the battlefield inside the big world. After all, the big world is the hope of dealing with the outer gods."


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