Above the gray fog

Chapter 1560 Meeting

The environment in front of him became blurred like a mirage, and the light and shadow were distorted, as if the whole world was being reshaped.

When the scene became clear again, the space around the starship was no longer an endless void, but a desolate battlefield.

Lin Shan appeared above the starship and looked down at the scene below.

The land within a radius of tens of thousands of kilometers was charred, the wreckage of various technological weapons was scattered, and the steel fragments were rusted.

Broken flags were planted all over the ground, and the emblems and logos on the flags were blurred and drifting in the wind, which looked extremely desolate.

The corpses were scattered all over the battlefield, and the remains of the soldiers were scattered all over the battlefield, which looked extremely tragic.

The black blood flowed and gathered into a lake, which reflected a dazzling red light in the sun and exuded a disgusting bloody smell.

Occasionally, a few crows circled in the air, making shrill cries, adding a touch of gloom to this dead battlefield.

Seeing this scene, Lin Shan already understood in his heart.

This branch of the human race is at war with a certain race, just like the human race and the cat race.

No, it shouldn't be that simple. It should be the same as the threat that the human race faced when the Dawn Freedom Alliance was threatened.

When the human race is about to face extinction after heavy sacrifices, the pioneers will stand up and save the human race with absolute strength.

The pioneers died in the disaster, not because the pioneers could not defeat the enemy, but because the disaster required the pioneers to sacrifice.

The death of only a certain number of tribesmen is not considered a "disaster" for the human race, because most of the luck of the human race lies in the pioneers.

Things that were once confusing have finally been sorted out.

"How many disasters are left in the human race? Eleven pioneers... Is there still eleven more? Including me?" Lin Shan's eyes penetrated the battlefield, crossed the tribe barrier tens of thousands of kilometers away, and directly scanned the situation in the human tribe.

The civilization in the tribe is prosperous, with high-rise buildings lined up one after another, and the streets are crowded with cars and pedestrians.

In the park, children were playing, old people were taking a leisurely stroll, and young people were busy with work and life.

The whole city was filled with an atmosphere of peace and tranquility, as if it had nothing to do with the battlefield tens of thousands of kilometers away.

After looking around the streets and alleys for a while, Lin Shan's sight finally fell on a majestic central building.

In the square in front of the building, huge statues stood, carving the figures of those great figures in the history of the human race. The front one was undoubtedly the statue of eleven pioneers.

Four of the statues could no longer be seen clearly.

"Four people?"

"Who is the fourth person..."

Lin Shan's eyes became deep and complicated. During the time when he had no contact with the human race, another pioneer died.

Who could it be...

Just as Lin Shan was thinking.

The little devil suddenly drilled out of the Zhulong ring. The magic box was kept in the Zhulong ring by Lin Shan, and the little devil could enter and exit freely.

"Lin Shan, why don't you complete the last wish before making a new one? If you make wishes continuously like this, the magic box will change the last wish and merge the two wishes into one. Now it's a life-threatening difficulty..." The little devil jumped on Lin Shan's head and scratched his hair and complained.

"The new wish of the Disaster Box is..."

Before the little devil could say the new wish, Lin Shan interrupted directly, "Same as before, no need to say."

Lin Shan planned to keep dragging it on, or help the magic box to fulfill the wish when he was free.

As long as the magic box didn't urge him, he would keep dragging it on. At present, it seems that the magic box does not have the function of actively urging people.

"Okay, try to be faster, otherwise, you will never see the lovely me again." The little devil said frustratedly.

Lin Shan pulled it off his head, "Tell me before you die."

After that, he stuffed it into the Zhulong ring.

Lin Shan raised his head.

His sight collided directly with another sight.

This breath was undoubtedly Wu Wang.

But compared to the Wu Wang he knew, Wu Wang at this moment was countless times stronger.

"Wu Wang..."

The pioneer of the human race, a legend from thousands of years ago, it's been so long since I last saw him...

Lin Shan took a step forward and disappeared from the spot.

When he reappeared, he was already above the bustling city.

Lin Shan wanted to find Wu Wang immediately, but was suddenly attracted by another breath in the clan land.

Is this... the body of the clan artifact?

The last time his human race was robbed, the clan artifact was also broken. According to the rules, as long as the civilization is still there, the clan artifact will not be truly broken, but will only be transferred to other branches.

So, did the clan artifact come here?

"It still rejects me... We are both pioneers, why?" Lin Shan frowned slightly. The clan artifact began to reject him a long time ago. He remembered that when he first came into contact with the clan artifact, it was not like this. At that time, not only was there no rejection, but there was even an unusual sense of closeness.

"Forget it, I can't figure it out." Lin Shan shook his head and disappeared from the spot again.

The skyscraper in the center of the tribe is different from other buildings, and its height is much higher than the surrounding buildings.

On the top floor of this skyscraper, there is an extremely luxurious office.

The interior design is exquisite and the decoration is luxurious. Through the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, you can overlook the entire prosperous city. The scenery outside the window is like a colorful painting, and every corner of the city is in sight.

There is a desk in the center of the office. The tabletop is made of unknown black wood, with a smooth surface like a mirror and delicate golden carvings on the edges, exuding a low-key and luxurious atmosphere.

There is also a classical-style desk lamp on the table, with soft light. Several heavy books are neatly arranged on the side, and the covers are slightly worn due to long-term use.

Behind the desk is a large and comfortable boss chair. A person is sitting on the chair, with his back to the door, quietly looking at the city outside the window.

At this moment, a ripple suddenly appeared in the air, and Lin Shan's figure appeared silently in the office.

His appearance did not make any sound, but the atmosphere of the room changed subtly because of his arrival.

The person sitting on the chair slowly rotated the chair and gradually turned around.

There was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, as if he had already expected this moment to come.

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