Above the gray fog

Chapter 1568 Tips

"Not many people." Lin Shan shook his head gently.

"So the truth is, whether the people in the Garden of Eden have changed or not, it has nothing to do with you, just like whether the world is destroyed or not, it is irrelevant to you." The scarecrow said slowly, his tone calm.

Lin Shan was silent for a moment, as if thinking about the deep meaning of the scarecrow's words, "It seems that you already know why I came."

"I didn't know before I met you." The scarecrow explained softly, and then added, "If you have any questions, please ask me, and then please help me find some new straw. These straws can't hold on any longer."

"Yeah." Lin Shan nodded slightly, "The straw matter is nothing, but I am a little confused and don't know where to start asking."

The scarecrow stopped weaving and looked up into the distance, as if looking for the right words.

Its voice sounded again, with a guiding tone, "Confused? It's because you have too many unanswered questions in your heart. You need to find a starting point and start with the problem that bothers you the most."

Lin Shan took a deep breath, and his eyes returned to the scarecrow again, "Do you think I should find my heart? According to the information I know now, the so-called heart is the most primitive "heart light" made of innate gods." There was a hint of uncertainty in his voice.

"Is this the problem that bothers you the most? It seems that it has been bothering you for a long time." The scarecrow smiled, "My suggestion is that you don't need to find any heart. Indeed, it is a very powerful force, but that power does not necessarily belong to you, it can also belong to others."

"I also think that there is a problem with that heart." Lin Shan's voice was low, "Maybe if I inherit that heart, I will become another Lin Shan, but the people around me always remind me to find that heart invisibly. They told me that I am now in a state of amnesia. As long as I find my heart, I can restore my memory." He leaned against the wall, and unknowingly, the scarecrow had become the only person he could talk to.

The scarecrow was indeed able to listen to him.

"You should adjust your mindset. You just don't want that power, not that you are afraid of it." The scarecrow said slowly, "You feel that the power does not belong to you, so you don't want it. It's that simple. Once you mix it with the emotion of 'fear', you will hesitate. You will feel that you don't accept it because of fear, thus ignoring your original intention. You don't want to pursue this power." The scarecrow looked at Lin Shan, trying to make him understand this.

"I seem to understand a little bit." Lin Shan nodded, "Because I am a little afraid of that heart, I am worried that it will turn me into another person, but because my companions around me have been reminding me, I have the illusion that I have failed my companions' hopes because of my fear, so I am confused." He smiled slightly, with a hint of relief in his voice.

"What do you mean by saying that the heart can belong to others?" Lin Shan asked the question he first caught.

"That power is very important. If you don't take it, someone else will." The scarecrow explained with a hint of seriousness in his tone, "For you, that power is very special, it is a heart, but for others, it is a pure power, so your companions want you to get it, because in their view, it is really a power that can make you change qualitatively, and even bring hope to the universe. They should really want to help you, but they can't think from your current perspective." The scarecrow's voice became softer.

"Why can you think from my perspective?" Lin Shan asked curiously, with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

The scarecrow smiled, "Because I am a scarecrow, I know more information than them. In fact, I also wanted you to find the heart at first, but when I saw you again just now, I understood that the heart does not belong to you." There was a hint of relief in its voice.

"Okay, now that this problem has been solved, you don't have to worry about it anymore in the future. Do you have any other questions? Please bring more straw back this time." The scarecrow said.

"The pioneers of the human race, are they special beings that exist with memory?" Lin Shan asked. He would not let go of the opportunity to get the answer so easily.

The scarecrow was puzzled, "Why do you think I can answer this question? I don't even know what the pioneers of the human race are."

"My intuition tells me that you can answer it." Lin Shan said.

"Your intuition is interesting." The scarecrow nodded slightly, "I can indeed answer you, but it depends on your own judgment whether you believe it or not."

"Some of the 'pioneers' group you mentioned do belong to the ancient times. Their paths are different from those of ordinary people, but in the final analysis, they are still the same as ordinary creatures. If the gray fog universe is destroyed, they will be destroyed as well." The scarecrow said slowly, "You only know their identities now. Even if you don't know, the truth will not be changed. You don't need to worry about anything."

"Our suggestion is to communicate normally. At your level, friends are very rare. Cherish them well."

"Yes." Lin Shan nodded, "So, am I also that kind of life?"

"Why not?" The scarecrow asked back.

"I don't have the ability to enter and exit memory at will." Lin Shan said.

The scarecrow replied lightly, "This can only prove that you can't, not that you are not."

"Can I learn?" Lin Shan asked.

The Scarecrow said, "You may have misunderstood me. There is a kind of bird in your hometown called ostrich. They are also birds, and they are stronger than ordinary birds, but they just can't fly."

"Do you know where the Divine Court is?" Lin Shan changed the topic. The previous topic was too complicated. As far as he knew, his body also contained elements of void creatures, and now it was mixed with elements of memory life...

"In the deep abyss, you can't go to that kind of place." The scarecrow waved his hand.

"I'm just curious, not that I want to go to the Divine Court." Lin Shan shook his head slowly and asked, "What do you think I should do next?"

"Almost all forces are preparing for the invasion of the gray mist universe by the alien gods. Even if they have already thought of escaping, you should do the same."

"I have nothing to prepare." Lin Shan shook his head.

"You do." The scarecrow stared at Lin Shan, his button-like eyes flashing with a strange light, "Do you still need me to clarify what you are thinking?"

"Lin Changsheng, Tu Shan Ranqi, Zhao Xiaoan, and Huang Liu. These names should be very important in your heart, right? Why have you never thought of facing them from the beginning to the end?" The scarecrow stretched out his withered palm. , pointed at Lin Shan's heart, "You have too many things to do. At such an important moment, you are trapped in boredom and confusion. Isn't this the time when you should use this powerful power to cut through everything and save everything? ? Do you want them to die helplessly at the hands of the Outer Gods? Or do you think it’s not worthwhile to be enemies with the Outer Gods for the sake of these friends?”

"So, what about your tribe and the world?"

"Now I will give you my final advice." The scarecrow pulled a straw from his body and handed it to Lin Shan.

"Lin Shan, there is no need to pretend to be so ruthless. Your confusion cannot hide your tenderness. Now you can make your own choices."

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