Above the gray fog

Chapter 1572 From Chaos

Two years later.

In these two years, Lin Shan has cultivated four sets of exercises to the highest level.

With the previous accumulation, he has now cultivated 24 sets of exercises.

Although there is still a long way to go from the number of 1300, Lin Shan is not anxious about it, but a little happy, which proves that the cultivation path he has chosen still has a long way to go.

"It's been two years...wait another half a year." Lin Shan opened his eyes, looked out the window, and then closed his eyes again and continued his cultivation.

Just a few days after Lin Shan re-entered the cultivation state, the ground suddenly shook violently.

The vibration came from deep underground, the furniture in the room kept shaking, the chandelier was swaying constantly, and the paintings on the wall made a slight collision sound.

Several powerful extraordinary auras swept across the entire Aita like a storm.

The air seemed to be filled with invisible divine power fluctuations, like countless invisible dragons circling in the sky.

The sky of the entire Aita suddenly became dark, dark clouds gathered quickly, thunder roared, and lightning flashed.

On the streets of various scenic spots, people who were on vacation looked around in confusion.

"Isn't it true that Aita cannot have extraordinary powers?" Lin Shan looked out the window at the scene outside.

On the street, creatures below the gods were instantly kicked out of Aita.

Gods and even those above the gods, even if they forcibly exert extraordinary powers, cannot violate the rules of Aita.

Unlike ordinary people facing disasters, the whole scene was not chaotic, and there were no screams or shouts.

"Is this why the scarecrow asked me to stay?" Lin Shan said to himself, what was going to happen next might be related to him.

Judging from the pictures on the window, Aita seemed to have been invaded.

From a few simple pictures, Lin Shan did not see any trace of invaders.

Lin Shan used the room card to teleport into the elevator and came to the lobby of the accommodation area through the elevator.

This place was already crowded with gods, and gods of various forms gathered one after another, and the atmosphere was tense and chaotic.

"What's going on? Why can't we get out?" A god covered with scales asked anxiously, his eyes flashing with anxiety.

"What's wrong with you, Aita? Don't you want to continue?" On the other side, a winged god waved his wings angrily, with an aggressive tone.

The group of gods in the hall was in turmoil.

"Everyone, please be patient." A god wearing an Aita badge in the hall spoke.

It was tall, with six arms and a pair of huge horns. It transmitted the sound into the minds of all gods through mental power.

"Just now, Aita was invaded by chaos. We immediately cut off the connection between Aita and reality and shut down the spiritual detection system. In order to trap the enemy, the extraordinary people below the gods will be kicked out actively. Gods and those above the gods cannot withdraw before repelling the enemy."

"You can use your abilities inside Aita now. Next, I hope you can annihilate the enemy with us Aita."

"Please rest assured, we will ensure your safety. You can do whatever you want." Its voice was low and powerful, trying to calm everyone's emotions.

As soon as the voice fell, there was a lot of discussion in the hall.

"Damn it, I'm here for vacation, not for fighting!" a grumpy god cursed, his whole body burning with flames, and he clenched his fists in anger.

"You want us to be your thugs? What are you dreaming about?" A creature with a snake tail sneered, and his tail slapped the ground with a clattering sound.

"That's right, Chaos invaded your Aita, and it must have something to ask for. Just give it to them. Although Chaos is not a good person, they are neutral after all." A creature with three eyes analyzed calmly.

The atmosphere in the hall became more and more tense, and dissatisfaction and anger spread among the gods.

"Ahem." The creature wearing the Aita badge spoke again, "I'm really sorry, everyone, the strong men of Aita can't come for the time being, so you need to hold on for a while. I think this must not be a difficult task for you. As for what Chaos wants, I don't know what they want. I'm just responsible for conveying the orders from above."

"What did you say!" A creature covered with spikes roared, his eyes as big as copper bells.

"Shameless!" another creature roared angrily, and its body began to emit a dangerous light.

Many gods were boiling in an instant, and the anger was burning in the hall, and the divine power riot followed.

The god wearing the Aita badge showed a look of horror, and before it could react, it had turned into ashes under the group attack.

As the god disappeared, the hall suddenly fell into silence.

"I'm afraid we have been tricked." A god said, "What should we do next? Do we really want to help Aita resist Chaos?"

"Talk to the people of Chaos. They are looking for Aita, and it has nothing to do with us. Provoking Chaos is not good for any of us." A god suggested, "Chaos certainly doesn't want to confront us, there is room for negotiation."

"Well, let's go and meet those Chaos people." Another god echoed.

Hundreds of gods in the hall rushed out of the door in a mighty manner.

Their figures looked extremely magnificent under the lights. Each deity exuded a powerful aura, and the colorful divine powers intertwined together, as if a brilliant galaxy was flowing.

The ground trembled slightly under their steps, as if the whole world was responding to their power.

Lin Shan followed quietly, calculating silently in his heart.

He had already figured out the strength of everyone in the field.

There were three Sequence 1s, seventeen Sequence 2s, more than fifty Sequence 3s, and the remaining hundreds of people were ordinary gods.

This force could bite off a piece of meat from the attack on the big world.

Facing the Chaos, the two sides were only equal.

The premise was not to include him.

Just now, when the Eta creature mentioned that they could use their abilities, Lin Shan used his perception to explore the other side. Chaos had two Sequence 1s, and the number of sublimation times was very high.

Lin Shan quietly took out the Time Lance, and as the gray-white energy enveloped him, his figure completely disappeared in the team.

It was almost impossible for a regular Sequence 1 to detect his existence.

Lin Shan estimated that the number of times the mental power sublimated was more than 200 times to discover his clues. To reach that level, the total number of sublimation times was about 1,000 times.

Sublimation 1,000 times, undoubtedly comparable to an ordinary Sequence 0.

The team of gods walked out of the hotel lobby. The ground under their feet was paved with transparent crystals. Through the crystals, they could see the slowly flowing energy river below, flashing blue and purple light, like the stars reflected under their feet.

Outside the lobby was a neon night market. The towering electronic screens played constantly changing advertisements and information streams. The colorful lights intertwined and illuminated the entire area.

Lin Shan suddenly raised his head in the back.

Two people shrouded in darkness stopped in front of the door.

The man was tall, with the brim of his hood pressed low on his head, revealing only the lower half of his face. His thin lips were tightly pursed, looking extremely cold.

The woman standing next to him looked slender and agile. Her hood was slightly opened, revealing a small part of her face. The woman's skin was as white as jade, with soft contours, as delicate as a sculpture. Under her left eye, there was a small silver symbol, like some kind of ancient and mysterious mark.

The two people stood motionless in front of the door, and the team of gods passed directly between them.

Lin Shan, who was shrouded in the power of time, followed at the end of the team and also passed through silently.

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