Above the gray fog

Chapter 1577: Scale Time, History

A boundless land filled with yellow sand.

There was only endless desert between heaven and earth, huge sand mountains were rolling up and down, like dragons winding, and the horizon was blurred in the distance.

The yellow sand surged like waves under the wind, making a rustling sound.

The sky was gray, as if covered by a thick curtain. There was no sun, and there was a strange silence in the air. Countless black and white fine sand floated in the air like ghosts, sometimes rotating, sometimes stagnating, forming strange patterns.

In this desolate desert, you can occasionally see some scattered ancient ruins, broken stone pillars, and broken statues.

Not far away, there are several huge rocks standing abruptly in the sea of ​​sand, and the surface of the rocks is covered with strange lines, as if they are some kind of ancient text.

Between the yellow sand and the gray sky, sometimes you can see the sandstorm in the distance rolling up like a beast, whistling past, and wherever it goes, it seems to swallow everything up.

Suddenly, a fierce gust of wind rushed over with yellow sand, rushing towards this ancient relic.

The yellow sand in the sky rolled in the wind, like the waves of the sea, rising to a height of hundreds of thousands of kilometers, covering the sky and the sun.

The wind quickly approached from a very far place, making a deafening whistle.

However, when it arrived in front of the ruins, the wind suddenly subsided, as if time had stopped at this moment.

The rolled-up yellow sand fell slowly like raindrops, revealing Lin Shan hidden in it.

"This piece of ruins is well preserved." Lin Shan looked around.

"It can't be considered a ruin," the little devil standing on Lin Shan's head looked at it and said, "These are things from hundreds of scales ago. Because no one has ever been here, they have been preserved by the power of the abyss."

Lin Shan observed carefully for a while. These things can only prove that there was a civilization here. This may be the last ruins of that civilization.

After a simple observation, Lin Shan rushed forward again, bringing up the yellow sand on both sides and rushing straight into the sky, forming a huge sand column. The scene was as spectacular and terrifying as the end of the world.

This is scale 312, an endless abyss filled with sand sea, the whole world has no boundaries, he has been flying here for three years, and he has long lost track of how many trillions of light years he has flown.

The wish of the magic box this time is to let him find someone in this endless desert.

It only gave a specific direction, and there was no hint of distance.

On the surface, the difficulty of this wish is much lower than the difficulty of the previous two wishes superimposed, but Lin Shan would rather have a super difficult wish than waste time here.

There are only twenty years left in the gray fog universe. He has spent three years here, and only the last seventeen years are left. In the next seventeen years, it is not certain whether he can find the magic box and find people.

Thinking of this, even with Lin Shan's temperament, he was a little crazy.

Lin Shan silently decided in his heart to find the last five years.

If he still hasn't found it within five years, he will make a wish to go back.

After all, the magic box is just a tool, and he definitely doesn't want to be used by the tool.

Finally, in the fourth year, Lin Shan found a clue.

A sand castle solidified with sand, about 50 meters high, although it is very inconspicuous among the surrounding sand hills, but the unique shape of the sand castle still attracted Lin Shan's attention.

Lin Shan stood in front of the door of the sand castle, "Found it, it's inside." He said to himself.

The door of the sand castle looks heavy and old, and the surface is covered with a thick layer of dust and sand.

The relief on the door has been blurred by the erosion of time, but some complex patterns and patterns can still be vaguely recognized.

Lin Shan stretched out his hand and was about to push open the dusty door, but was stopped by the little devil above his head.

"Wait a minute."

"What's wrong?" Lin Shan was puzzled.

"If the person the magic box is looking for is dead, it's okay, but if he is still alive, it's too scary. The old monster who has lived for hundreds of ticks... is very scary." The little devil said solemnly.

"Well..." Lin Shan retracted his hand and used infinity to bless himself with hundreds of layers of blue shields.

"What do you mean by tick time?" Lin Shan asked.

"The total time from the birth to the destruction of the surface void is one tick time. The tick time can be long or short, but no matter how long or short, as long as the surface abyss is destroyed, one tick time will be added." The little devil explained.

Hearing this, Lin Shan was in a trance.

Hundreds of ticks... Is that an old monster who has witnessed the destruction of the surface void hundreds of times?

Yes, the abyss is full of too many unknowns, and it is not impossible for such a monster to exist.

But Lin Shan seems to have never heard that anything under the abyss has interfered with the surface void.

Lin Shan pushed open the heavy ancient door, and the scene in front of him gradually became clear.

The interior of the sand castle was empty, and dim light shone through the broken walls, casting mottled light and shadows on the ground.

The furnishings in the room were extremely simple, with only a few tables and chairs made of sand placed in the corner.

At the front of the room, there was a simple sand bed.

On the bed lay a golden skeleton, the shape of the skeleton was complete, as if time had not left any traces on it.

Next to the skeleton were some rotten items scattered around, and their original appearance could no longer be recognized as time passed.

Lin Shan's eyes were attracted by the ancient murals on the wall.

These murals surround the inner walls of the sand castle, and each one is like a fragment of a story.

Lin Shan watched them intently, trying to sort out the order of these murals.

He realized that these murals recorded the important memories of the golden skeleton before his death.

The murals depicted a group of alien creatures, who seemed to be coveting a square object.

This object had several sharp corners, ripples and horizontal bars, and Lin Shan could not see its specific meaning.

The image of the alien creatures was portrayed as hideous and terrifying, as if they were approaching the mysterious object with bad intentions.

As the murals unfolded, Lin Shan gradually understood that this square object actually represented a world.

The picture showed that various creatures kept flying out of this world and fighting with the invading alien creatures.

The details of the murals were extremely simple, and the scene of the battle was unknown. The final outcome was that the creatures in the world were beaten back step by step.

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