Above the gray fog

Chapter 1582 Goodbye Lin Changsheng

"I'm here not only for immortality, but also for you." Lin Shan explained his purpose straight to the point.

"Oh? Is there still something about us?" Huang Liu looked a little surprised, "I shouldn't be able to help you with anything now, right?"

"Sit down and talk." Lin Shan motioned Huang Liu to sit down.

After Huang Liu sat down, Lin Shan was quiet for a while, and then said slowly, "In sixteen years, the alien gods will invade the gray mist universe."

Huang Liu and Tu Shan Anyi looked at each other with shock on their faces, but before they could ask, Lin Shan continued, "The attacks of the foreign gods are regular, and they will gradually increase the invasion force, so Theoretically, the gray fog universe can last for a long time, but during this period, anywhere in the gray fog universe may become a battlefield.”

Huang Liu's voice was trembling, "Lin Shan, this news is too shocking, what should we do next?"

Tushan Anyi didn't speak, his brows furrowed, obviously thinking about something.

Lin Shan nodded, "I have already made a preliminary plan. I hope you can take Lin Changsheng to live in my kingdom of God temporarily. I can take this tribe into it and ensure that you will not be affected by the war. If Changsheng lives in the future, If something goes wrong again, I can help in time.”

Huang Liu thought for a moment and said seriously, "If this is for longevity and our safety, we are willing to cooperate."

Tushan Anyi rolled her eyes at Huang Liu, but then nodded slightly, "According to ancient records, the purpose of the Outer God is to destroy the gray fog universe. Does that mean we don't have much time left?"

Lin Shan was silent for a moment and did not answer directly, "No one can say what the future will bring."

In fact, Lin Shan knew very well that the destruction of the gray fog universe by the outer gods was almost an inevitable result. At that time, whether it was Huang Liu, An Ni or Lin Changsheng, they would all go to the end of their lives with the gray fog universe.

However, despite the bleak future, he still decided to try his best to fight for a chance of survival.

On the detachment route, the human race has failed. The Fox Clan and the Night Clan don't even have any remaining high-level combat power. It is even more impossible to succeed in detachment.

If you want some people to survive, you can't take the transcendent route, so there is only the last way to go - expel the alien gods.

This is a seemingly absurd decision, but it is also the root cause of Lin Shan's repeated thinking and hesitation some time ago.

"Do you need us to do anything?" Huang Liu asked, with a hint of nervousness and expectation in his tone.

"You don't have to do anything," Lin Shan replied, "I will bring all the tens of thousands of kilometers of land into the Kingdom of God. Nothing here will change. Since you agree, I will take action now." After that, he gently Raise your hand.

The next second, there was a slight vibration on the ground. The vibration was so weak that even ordinary people could not detect it.

Huang Liu and Tu Shan Anyi looked at each other and could only sit and wait.

"Look, what is that white thing in the sky?" a tribesman exclaimed.

"What is that? Is it a hunter?" Another person asked doubtfully.

In the clan, someone saw the gap in the door to the Kingdom of God.

The sky inside the tribe suddenly went dark for a second, and then returned to normal.

"Okay." Lin Shan said calmly and put down his hand.

"Okay?" Huang Liu grinned cheerfully, "I'm in some kind of divine kingdom now? So we'll be safe, right?"

"For now, yes." Lin Shan nodded slightly, with a hint of unnoticeable worry in his eyes.

This is only temporary safety.

"You should carry the Kingdom of God with you, right? You must come to me for drinks often in the future!" Huang Liu said cheerfully as before.

Lin Shan agreed, "I'll drink tonight. I'll go find someone else tomorrow."

Tushan Anyi interjected and asked, "Will you go find your sister?"

Lin Shan nodded slightly and replied, "Yes."

Tushan Anyi snorted and said, seemingly dissatisfied, "There is still some affection."

Huang Liu looked at Tushan Anyi and scratched his head. He didn't understand her attitude towards Lin Shan, but he didn't dare to ask more.

In order to lighten the atmosphere, he smiled and suggested, "Oh, by the way, would you like me and An Ni to perform a ceremony for you and Chang Sheng to recognize each other tonight?"

Lin Shan said softly, "It doesn't matter whether you recognize him or not. To Changsheng, I am just the Uncle Lin I met before, your good friend."

Huang Liu frowned and asked with some confusion, "Why don't you recognize Chang Sheng? It doesn't seem to have any impact, and Chang Sheng should also want to know your news."

Lin Shan replied calmly, "It's not necessary, I'm afraid of trouble."

Tushan Anyi snorted again, "Your reasons surprise me every time."

Huang Liu had a complicated expression, with many complicated emotions in his eyes.

Lin Shan and Huang Liu looked at each other for a while.

Huang Liu asked in a voice, "Are you afraid that Chang Sheng will affect me and An Ni after he recognizes you?"

Lin Shan replied, "I'm afraid of trouble."

Huang Liu continued to persuade, "I think it's better to recognize each other. In fact, this is just a layer of window paper. It doesn't matter if you pierce it."

Lin Shan replied, "This is my decision. There is no need to persuade me anymore."

Huang Liu was silent for a moment, nodded, stood up and said, "I understand, let's go inside and chat. Can you tell me about your experience over the years? I want to know what the outside world is like."

"Okay." Lin Shan nodded. He was pretty good at telling stories.

Tushan Anni saw Lin Shan and Huang Liumei looking back and forth, then they all stood up and walked into the house.

Her dark eyes couldn't help but narrow, and she immediately followed him into the room.

The three of them sat around, Huang Liu and Tu Shan Anyi listened to Lin Shan's soothing voice, talking about the vastness of the gray fog universe and the infinite void outside the universe.

Although he talked about his abridged experience, Lin Shan's perception was still with Lin Changsheng.

Seeing him being deceived by the girl across from him, he couldn't help but hate the iron.

Lin Changsheng didn't come back until it got dark, with the girl following behind him.

"Aunt An Ni, I'm back, and I've brought Miaomiao back." Lin Changsheng shouted outside the door before he entered.

At this moment, in the room, Huang Liuzheng raised his glass and said, "No matter what the future holds, we must cherish the present."


The three wine glasses clinked together, making a crisp sound.

Lin Changsheng, who had just opened the door, happened to see this scene. He was stunned at first, "Are there any guests?"

Seeing Lin Shanhou, his expression suddenly became dull.

"What are you doing standing here? Bring Miaomiao in quickly. This is your Uncle Lin. I have met him before. Although it was hundreds of years ago, you should still remember it, right?" Huang Liu waved to the person outside the door. The two entered the house.

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