Above the gray fog

Chapter 1595: Signing a Contract

Saw Lin Shan coming.

The man's mount kept bowing to the scarecrow.

But the scarecrow slapped Lin Shan mercilessly.

The scarecrow looked up at Lin Shan and repeated lightly, "I'm looking for you."

Lin Shan nodded to the scarecrow, then looked at the stall owner.

"Have you copied the original version of the old exercises?"

"Okay, okay, it's been copied." The stall owner looked around cautiously. Because he was related to the scarecrow, many people's eyes were focused on him.

"Let's take a step to talk." The stall owner whispered. It was obvious that he was not a person who liked to attract attention. After speaking, he lowered his head and got into the crowd.

Lin Shan's eyes were locked on him. The stall owner walked around half a circle in Eden Square and got rid of most of the eyes.

Half a minute later, Lin Shan came to him and suddenly looked in one direction. There was a gaze still staring at the stall owner.

It was a creature with skin and flesh made of crystals, but it was not the one Lin Shan knew.

Lin Shan looked at the creature for a second, and the creature immediately felt Lin Shan's terrifying power and collapsed to the ground in fear.

The stall owner looked around again to confirm that not many people were paying attention to them, and then took out a bulging cloth bag from his arms.

"The original transcripts you asked for are all here. I copied them stroke by stroke with my own hands, and after dozens of comparisons, there is absolutely no mistake." The stall owner bent over, holding the cloth bag in both hands, and said respectfully .

He understood that Lin Shan was an existence that he could not afford to offend, but this was the Garden of Eden. In addition to his first identity, Lin Shan also had another identity as his God of Wealth.

The effect of Eden Points is too great for him, and it is impossible for him not to do business with the God of Wealth.

"Can I read one first to verify the authenticity?" Lin Shan asked. Although he didn't think this little stall owner dared to lie to him, he still had to be cautious in the transaction.

If you were deceived by a small Sequence Five in this Garden of Eden, it would be a big loss.

"Of course, you can test them all." As soon as the stall owner finished speaking, the 17 secret books of old skills suddenly turned from illusion into reality.

Lin Shan tapped the pile of books with his fingers, and one of them was immediately pulled out and floated in front of Lin Shan.

I flipped through the book quickly, and within a few seconds I had reached the last page.

This book was one of the 17 original adaptations he got. It describes how to train the blood supply capacity of the heart and reach the peak of cultivation. He can even make his heart beat like a dragon and punch through the void with pure strength.

Lin Shan could tell at a glance that this skill was an auxiliary method similar to spiritual cultivation. It had no specific highest level and could be practiced at any level. It was only used as a means of enhancement. Even in the old days, it could not be used as a major. Only as a minor.

After checking out this book, Lin Shan opened 16 other books at the same time, 15 of which were minor exercises, and only one was major, called "Everything Can Become a Sword". When cultivation reaches its peak, everything can be a sword. .

"Minus the deposit of 1,000 points, here are 16,000 Eden points, settled at once." Lin Shan accepted all the books and shot a coin at the stall owner with a flick of his finger.

At this time, Lin Shancai carefully looked at the appearance of the stall owner. Before this, he had never taken a serious look at the appearance of the stall owner. This is the disdain of the strong towards the weak, and even Lin Shan cannot completely control it.

The stall owner is a middle-aged man with a haggard face and a trace of fear and humility in his eyes.

He lowered his head, not daring to look directly into Lin Shan's eyes, appearing extremely cautious and respectful.

It wasn't until this moment that Lin Shan discovered that the man in front of him actually had good luck, and he was truly a child of luck.

Lin Shan once used luck to extend his life, and he could see that this luck was shining with golden light, like an existence like Asbuma.

With luck, this person will definitely achieve great things in the future. Although his achievements may not affect the entire universe, he will definitely be a dominant presence in a certain area.

"What's your name?" Lin Shan asked.

"My name is Bradrick Kohler," the man replied.

Lin Shan frowned, "The name is too long, so I'll call you Rick."

"You can call me whatever you want, sir." Rick bowed slightly and spoke respectfully.

Lin Shan looked at him, "Were you the only one who discovered the existence of the ruins you mentioned last time?"

"Yes." Rick nodded, "If nothing else happens, I should be the first discoverer of that ruins."

"Do you think you can explore the ruins by yourself?" Lin Shan asked again.

Rick lowered his head and thought about the meaning of Lin Shan's words, "My current strength can only linger on the periphery. I estimate that only when I become a god can I fully explore the entire ruins..."

"In my opinion, even if you become a god, you won't be able to go deep enough." Lin Shan interrupted him and said lightly, "How can a small god be able to fully explore the ruins that remain in the eleventh era? ”

"What do you mean?" Rick asked tentatively.

"Tell me your specific location, and I will send a clone to find you. I will use my clone to lead you to search the ruins. Afterwards, all the skills will be mine. My clone will also pick three things to take away. , everything else is yours, what do you think of this deal?" Lin Shan looked directly into Rick's eyes, waiting for his response.

Rick was so weak when he saw Lin Shan. The reason why he could still stand was because this was the Garden of Eden.

He knew very well that once the master's clone entered the ruins, it would be very easy to kill him.

As long as he is killed, the ruins can be monopolized, which is much better than only sharing three things...

"Sir, I dare not agree to your request. You should understand that I am weak..." Rick said hesitantly.

Lin Shan wanted to use the contract to stabilize Rick, but then he thought of something and looked at Rick and said, "Any opportunity will be accompanied by risks. If you don't have the ability to take risks, how can you have the opportunity? A mediocre life or a soaring sky, the choice is in front of you. We belong to the Garden of Eden. I will not harm you for a little benefit."

"I..." Rick's expression seemed very tangled, and he was struggling wildly in his heart. "Can I add another contract?" He asked carefully.

Lin Shan smiled and nodded, "Of course."

If it was Lin Shan who proposed the contract, Rick might still have some doubts, but the contract was proposed by himself, and the result would be different.

It was Lin Shan who agreed to his conditions, not him who agreed to Lin Shan's conditions.

People always believe in themselves better than others.

Lin Shan walked towards a scarecrow and bought a contract paper of the God of Contract from it.

Paper is just a carrier, any paper can be used, the key lies in the seal of the God of Contract.

0.1 points can buy 100 pieces of paper with the God of Contract printed on them.

If Lin Shan hadn't forgotten what the seal of the God of Contract looked like, he could have drawn it himself.

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