Above the gray fog

Chapter 1597 Four people gathered

Lin Shan, Zhao Xiaoan and Jin Tianzong suddenly appeared in the white sky. Thousands of meters below, four huge sky islands floated like giant buoys in the sky.

These four islands are similar in size, with a diameter of about 200 kilometers, but have different shapes, showing completely irregular outlines.

Each island is surrounded by a transparent shield and has different rules.

On the first island, the sky always shows a gorgeous scene at dusk, with orange-red and purple-blue intertwined, as if the eternal dusk is stopping here.

There is a towering ancient castle on the island. The walls of the castle are covered with golden vines. The winding paths are lined with shimmering flowers. The residents of the island wear classical robes and leisurely walk in the twilight. Take a walk, sometimes singing old songs in a low voice.

The second island is covered by dense virgin forest. The lush canopy forms a green ocean. There is a huge and crystal clear lake in the center of the forest. There are some wooden huts scattered around the lake. From time to time, there are people wearing tight clothes. Residents crawled out of the lake toward their cabins.

On the third island, countless windmills are constantly rotating in the wind, emitting a low hum. The buildings on the island are all light wooden structures, staggered in height. Although the residents are humanoid, they can fly in the sky. .

The fourth island was the simplest. The only trace of civilization was a wooden house. Lin Shan stared at this wooden house and felt that it looked particularly familiar.

"The civilization on these empty islands is a bit strange..." Jin Tianzong touched his chin, showing a look of surprise, "I said it was strange, I didn't expect to see such pure Yuanshi bloodline in this era."

"Yuanchu bloodline?" Lin Shan has always been curious about new words.

"Yes." Jin Tianzong showed a look of reminiscence, "In the first era, in addition to the pure original bloodline of the Plant Fallen tribe, there were also many humanoid creatures in the original bloodline. This is a history that has been covered up. So far, all There is no mention of this in the records.”

Zhao Xiaoan nodded in agreement, "They were supposed to rise in subsequent eras, but unfortunately they became extinct in the first era. However, this was a blessing rather than a curse for the old days at that time."

"You two, stop talking in circles and tell us the details." Lin Shan looked at the two Riddlers beside him and couldn't help but feel helpless.

At this time, a soft voice suddenly floated into the ears of the three of them.

"Why don't you come in and talk? I also want to hear what the hidden history is..."

This voice came from Yan Ruxin.

The three of them had long known that Yan Ruxin lived in the wooden house on the fourth island, and Yan Ruxin must have been aware of their presence.

The three of them looked at each other and smiled, then disappeared, passed through the barrier covering the empty island, and appeared in front of the wooden house.

Lin Shan, who was walking at the front, was about to knock on the door, and the door opened automatically.

"Seeing that you haven't changed much, I feel indescribably happy." Yan Ruxin's voice came from the room again.

The three of them walked into the wooden door, and the space in front of them suddenly changed.

Under their feet was an undeveloped grassland, and in front of them was an identical wooden house.

"Who is it?"

A childish shout came from the door, and then the door opened with a soft 'click'.

The person who opened the door was a little girl who looked about twelve or thirteen years old.

"Xiaoyuan, let them come in."

After hearing what Yan Ruxin said, the little girl named Xiaoyuan immediately said: "Guests, please come in."

Lin Shan's eyes were locked on the face of the little girl named Xiao Yuan, and the memories that had been sealed for thousands of years were suddenly opened.

Isn't this Xiaoyuan the same Lu Ruan when he was a child?

Zhao Xiaoan and Jin Tianzong obviously recognized her, as they often came to this house in the past.

"What is Yan Ruxin doing?" The three of them all had such doubts in their hearts.

The area inside the house is not large. It was restored 1:1 by Lin Shan when it was originally built. There are more than a dozen children in the house. Lin Shan looks familiar to them all, but except for Lu Ruan, none of them can name them.

Yan Ruxin was sitting by the window, holding her head with one hand and looking at the three of them with a gentle smile on her face.

Her appearance was as beautiful as when we first met her, her hair was as long as a waterfall, and her clothes were simple yet noble.

"I didn't expect to see you three again. After so many years, it's hard to describe how things have changed." Yan Ruxin said.

"What's going on here? Did you intercept that period of history?" Jin Tianzong asked.

"No, I just cultivated a new branch on the original historical branch, but the changes are limited to this small house." Yan Ruxin looked at Lin Shan, "Lin Shan, thank you for your willingness to use this house as an orphanage. Because of your participation, this place can be preserved and take new directions.”

"My participation? New direction?" Lin Shan frowned, a little worried about Yan Ruxin's current situation, "The people here have a strong sense of history. Aren't they all fragments of history?"

"Yes, I know this, but as long as we continue to cultivate it, this weak branch of history will one day come to reality. At that time, history will no longer be history." Yan Ruxin explained.

Zhao Xiaoan suddenly interrupted, "As far as I know, this is not feasible. These people have died in history. Even if it is true as you said, they have a chance to appear in reality, they will be eliminated by history at the moment they appear. The long river is obliterated.”

Suddenly, she seemed to think of something, "Could it be that...their 'existence' still remains in the fate of the clan?"

"Actually, I am experimenting with extracting individual memories through their memories in history, and creating them into life forms that exist with memories, so that they can get rid of the limitations of the gray fog universe. If the first batch succeeds, we can even fish out all the old races in history in the future." Yan Ruxin had a sad look on her face, and she was not sure whether this experiment would succeed.

Lin Shan nodded thoughtfully, and Yan Ruxin also had her own way of saving the world.

However, her method required changing the nature of all living beings and replacing existence with memories.

Zhao Xiaoan and Jin Tianzong looked at each other, and Jin Tianzong said slowly, "The existence of memory... to some extent, it is the evolution of life. Simply extracting memories will only make people become puppets controlled by memories."

"Is that so? It seems that my ideas are not mature enough." Yan Ruxin sighed lightly, "In fact, I also know in my heart that things are not that simple, but this is the limit of what I can do."

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