Above the gray fog

Chapter 1599: Giant Spiritual Instrument, Living Barrier

"You don't know?" Jin Tianzong looked at Yan Ruxin in surprise, "Whether it's the old days or the previous era, I don't seem to have seen you before. Which era are you from..."

Without waiting for Yan Ruxin to reply, Zhao Xiaoan helped to answer, "Yan Ruxin was born in the sixth era, but he was not successful in the sixth era. In the seventh era, he used the foundation of the sixth era to condense the throne of rules with emotions. , and named it 'Su', the creator and founder of Su in the seventeenth lineage. After the eighth and ninth eras, he went deep into the void and returned in the tenth era, but the memory of the previous era was not restored, so he became unknown. At the end of the era, he regained his memory, took the initiative to petition the fate of the human race, and served as the pioneer of the eleventh era."

Yan Ruxin was not surprised that Zhao Xiaoan knew her detailed information. The two had met many times before. She just nodded slightly and said, "Well, Xiaoan made it very clear."

"So it was you who created the secular genealogy?" Jin Tianzong's eyes widened, "Awesome, awesome!"

Then he looked at Zhao Xiaoan again, "I remember... you also visited the throne of the Red Moon in the seventh era."

"Yes." Zhao Xiaoan nodded, "So Yan Ruxin and I are relatively familiar."

Lin Shan next to him listened with interest.

Next to them are these pioneers who are the masters, and even the founders of the lineage. If these people are still in the position of masters, half of the sky in the gray mist universe can belong to the human race.

Unfortunately, dominance is not a kind of strength, but more like a position. It cannot be passed down in every era. Even the founder cannot occupy the same position in the next era.

"Ahem." At this time, Jin Tianzong coughed lightly, "Xiao An, tell her about that period of history."

Zhao Xiaoan glanced at Jin Tianzong and said, "As you can tell, my memory is still a little fuzzy."

Lin Shan and Yan Ruxin looked at Jin Tianzong at the same time.

"Actually, it's nothing, just a little-known history." Jin Tianzong began to organize his words.

"I have almost made it clear before. In the First Era, in addition to the Zhifa tribe, Yuanchu also gave birth to many innate humanoid creatures. According to the original process of Yuanchu, those humanoid creatures will gradually replace the Zhifa clan and become the world. The overlord of the world, but due to the existence of the remaining fire of the past, all other original creatures except the Plant Fallen tribe were wiped out in the aftermath of the battle. "

"The original creatures we see now are all the descendants of those invaders."

"But the creatures on the three nearby islands are pure primal creatures, just like the Plantfall tribe."

Having said this, Jin Tianzong looked at Yan Ruxin, "Did you pull these creatures out of history?"

"No." Yan Ruxin shook his head, "They were here before I came. Originally, there were only three empty islands in this place. The fourth empty island was created by my thoughts. I have never studied these creatures. I thought They were just ordinary Yuanchu, and because there was some anger in them, I settled here for a while.”

"Moreover, in the places I have traveled before, there are creatures on many empty islands. Starting from the second heaven, there are also some weird and strange creatures wandering around. There is also an extra line between the second heaven and the third heaven. The unknown barrier.”

"Huh?" Hearing this, Zhao Xiaoan and Jin Tianzong were both a little surprised. Jin Tianzong frowned, "Barrier?"

"It's most likely caused by an outside god." Zhao Xiao'an interjected, "There is a very strong ominous atmosphere here."

Jin Tianzong thought thoughtfully, "The alien gods will descend from above the gray mist every time, that is, above the fifth heaven. Therefore, the gray mist side can deploy five lines of defense on the fifth heaven in advance to reduce the impact of the alien gods on Gray Mist in the early stage of the invasion. The impact of the foggy universe.”

"You'll know if you go up and take a look." Zhao Xiaoan raised his head and looked up into the sky. As soon as he finished speaking, the figure disappeared from the spot.

Four streams of light of different colors, red, gray, gold, and black, intertwined and disappeared at the end of the sky, finally stopping at the junction of the second and third heavens.

The surroundings were still a vast white scene, no different from the one below.

Lin Shan raised his hand and touched it gently. In an instant, dense lightning spread like ripples where his fingertips touched.

Even Lin Shan felt a slight numbness.

There seemed to be a living barrier above. The lightning was like the blood vessels in the barrier. It lit up instantly where he touched it. The brilliance of the lightning spread with his touch, like a beautiful painting, with dense blood vessels extending. Hundreds of meters away, a brilliant and mysterious light shines.

The sky above the four of them was dyed a dreamy silvery white by this strange light.

Lin Shan immediately retracted his fingers and felt the numbness on them, "What is this?"

"I don't know." Jin Tianzong also imitated Lin Shan's example and poked upwards. The ripples above his head lit by Lin Shan had not yet extinguished, and a larger area was lit by Jin Tianzong. His expression became solemn, "It seems like ...alive."

"Look below." Zhao Xiaoan, who had kept his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes and pointed downwards, "Use your senses to capture the spiritual flow in a large area."

When the other three heard this, they immediately let go of their senses.

After being immersed for a few seconds, the spirituality in their perception gradually turned into something visible.

Spiritual particles flickered like fireflies in their field of vision, swimming slowly and constantly intersecting and weaving.

As more and more tracks were captured, the outline of the scroll gradually emerged. An extremely complex three-dimensional spiritual formation was drawn between the first and second heavens.

The islands where the Yuanchu bloodline lives are used as formation points, and the formation points are connected in series to form irregular patterns.

The pattern extends endlessly, covering the entire land of gray fog.

As time passed, the details of the giant spiritual instrument became clearer and clearer. Every line and every node were reproduced in the minds of the four people.

Suddenly, a series of light columns in the giant spiritual instrument shot straight into the sky, penetrated the gray fog, and disappeared above the second heaven. Around the light column, spiritual particles flew around and formed a dazzling halo. The halo slowly rotated, driving the entire formation to tremble slightly.

Jin Tianzong withdrew from the perception and exclaimed, "Fuck, it's amazing. Is this spiritual instrument formation also alive?"

"I seem to have seen this thing." Zhao Xiaoan looked ugly, "In the missing memory... a long, long time ago."

Her hand flashed red light, and she punched upwards fiercely, "In my hunch, this is not a good thing."

Her fist hit the barrier, instantly stirring up a layer of fine lightning ripples.

This ripple expanded at an extreme speed, as if a drop of water fell on a calm lake, causing a corner of the universe to vibrate in an instant.

This wave expanded rapidly, spanning countless light years until it exceeded everyone's perception range.

The gray foggy land below was just under the red moon. Zhao Xiaoan's punch directly lit up a corner of the universe.

The light soon dimmed.

The living barrier became somewhat transparent after dimming.

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