Above the gray fog

Chapter 1606 Less than two years

Dusk as the sun sets.

Vaguely, Lin Shan's consciousness traveled through time and space and witnessed a period of history.

That day, my predecessor was practicing in an ancient forest and accidentally heard a faint cry for help.

He followed the sound and found a young ordinary yellow bear trapped in a thorn bush that had become sperm. Its petite body was scarred from the struggle.

He moved closer, used his spiritual power to gently separate the thorns, and rescued the little yellow bear.

The little yellow bear was very smart, with a look of gratitude in his eyes. He reluctantly stood up, staggered to his predecessor, sniffed his hand gently, and then snuggled at his feet.

From that day on, the predecessor began to take care of this little yellow bear.

He healed it, fed it, and taught it some basic survival skills.

Under his careful care, the little yellow bear gradually recovered its health and began to grow rapidly.

The predecessor named it "Rhubarb", which means that it hopes that it will thrive and grow bigger and bigger.

As time goes by, the relationship between the predecessor and Dahuang becomes deeper and deeper.

Dahuang gradually grew from an ignorant little bear into a powerful giant beast, always loyally guarding his predecessor.

The picture in his mind was interrupted, the mark on the back of his hand dimmed, and the long river of time returned to its usual calm.

Lin Shan stood there for two minutes, and then without looking back, he left this tributary that belonged to him and merged upward into the main body of the river of time.

He followed the river upstream and reached the entrance where he came from.

The entrance is still held up by the Time Barrier. After so many years, even the Time Barrier shows signs of being bent by the power of time.

Lin Shan took back time and returned to the real world.

It was still the same palace, Pepys and Zhao Xiaoan were missing, and Yan Ruxin and Jin Tianzong were still waiting with their eyes closed.

The moment Lin Shan appeared, the two of them opened their eyes at the same time and turned in his direction.

"I'm finally back." Yan Ruxin breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Lin Shan. Borrowing time from the world was not without danger.

"How was the harvest?" Jin Tianzong asked immediately.

Lin Shan nodded slightly, feeling the surging power in his body, and said slowly, "I feel...I am very strong."

"That's good, we've crossed the threshold." A smile flashed in Yan Ruxin's eyes.

Lin Shan asked in surprise, "Threshold?"

"Well, what is going to happen next, only with your strength can you barely enter the game." Yan Ruxin said solemnly, "This is the final battle of the Gray Mist Universe. Those who can participate directly in the next step are all from the Gray Mist Universe. The top combat power, those who have been hiding for countless epochs, will definitely gain a chance of survival at this last moment. "

"That's right." Jin Tianzong also became unusually solemn, with a heavy look between his brows.

Jin Tianzong looked at Lin Shan with deep eyes, and said seriously, "Lin Shan, facing this general trend, it is not personal strength that can change the direction. Even if he is as strong as the Human Emperor, he can only extend the life of the world, not save it."

Before Lin Shan could say anything, Jin Tianzong continued, "I just want to say, just do your best."

There was silence in the palace, with only the faint sound of wind coming from the distance, as if telling them that a storm was coming.

Lin Shan took a deep breath and felt the surge of power in his body, "I understand, just do your best and leave no regrets."

"As long as you understand." Jin Tianzong breathed a sigh of relief. He was worried that Lin Shan was too serious.

As if to encourage him, Jin Tianzong added, "Even so, in the early stage, with our current strength, we can still do whatever we want."

"What level is your current strength...approximately?" Yan Ruxin approached Lin Shan, curiosity flashing in her eyes, "It's quite well hidden, and not even a breath has been leaked."

Lin Shan clenched his fist and felt the surging power in his body again, "My current strength, if calculated based on the number of sublimations, should have been sublimated about 4,500 times."

Yan Ruxin nodded with satisfaction. Even with her own eyes, she couldn't find any faults. "4500 sublimations are roughly equivalent to three to four units entering Sequence 0 for the first time. The specific combat power depends on how you match it." Sublimated energy, we won’t ask any more questions, you must have your own ideas.”

Lin Shan nodded. He looked around and found that one person was missing, so he asked, "Where is Xiao An?"

Yan Ruxin raised her chin slightly and pointed forward, "At her home."

Lin Shan followed her direction and saw a small hole in the space on a chair. This was a sign that the space had been broken.

But what is surprising is that there is not a single bit of space energy escaping around the small hole, as if the hole already exists there.

At this moment, as if he heard the conversation of the three people, Zhao Xiaoan got out of the small hole.

"What are you talking about?" Zhao Xiaoan walked towards them with a smile.

"I just finished, how is the situation now?" Lin Shan turned around and looked at Zhao Xiaoan.

He knew that although Zhao Xiaoan stayed at his home all year round, he knew many things.

Hearing Lin Shan ask about the current situation, Zhao Xiaoan said in a deep voice, "I'm afraid the final chapter of the Gray Mist Universe will begin early. It took you eleven years to accelerate time, and now there are only less than two chapters left in the Gray Mist Universe." Year."

Jin Tianzong geared up, "It's been a long time since I experienced the feeling of beating an alien god."

Yan Ruxin glanced at Jin Tianzong with a smile on her face and said, "Fighting an alien god is not an experience."

"Haha." Jin Tianzong grinned, "Of course I still remember that feeling."

"Since there are only less than two years left...is the only thing we can do is to wait?" Lin Shan asked thoughtfully.

"Of course, you decide, and now we all listen to you." Yan Ruxin replied seriously, "What you need to do is to make plans carefully and regardless of the consequences."

"You...let me decide everything, is there a special reason?" Lin Shan asked the doubts that had been buried in his heart for a long time.

"You finally figured it out." Jin Tianzong laughed, "The reason why I let you decide is that if we three decide, it will definitely not work."


"Just treat it as unknown metaphysics for the time being, there are too many things involved." Jin Tianzong waved his hand, with an expression that said I know but I can't say it.

Lin Shan sighed lightly, it was the Riddler again, so in this case, Lin Shan could only follow his pace.

"Next, wait here for a while, I still have some things to finish."

The faith in the faith space has doubled several times again, proving that the kingdom of heaven has been further expanded.

It is unknown how many of Lin Changsheng's nine tribulations he has gone through, and now the stall owner seems to be very anxious to find Lin Shan.

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