Above the gray fog

Chapter 1619: The emptiness of the underworld

Kerry shuddered.

He looked around suspiciously.

Lin Shan retracted his gaze and began to think about how to adjust the Kingdom of Heaven.

Today's Kingdom of Heaven is no longer the game that was first created.

Most of the human race's people are in the Kingdom of Heaven. It is not an exaggeration to say that the Kingdom of Heaven is the second world of the human race.

After thinking about it, Lin Shan had a preliminary idea.

The Kingdom of Heaven is now a self-governing gang.

An official force is needed to restrain it.

Lin Shan flashed and appeared in the human race's underworld.

He planned to get some acquaintances from the underworld to the Kingdom of Heaven.

Thinking of acquaintances, Lin Shan suddenly remembered that he had sent Wang Keyao and Nangong Xiaoming to manage the underworld of the Zhongqian world.

Now that the Zhongqian world has been destroyed, after all the world souls have poured into the underworld, no new souls will enter the underworld.

Lin Shan paused and appeared above the underworld that was previously allocated to the Zhongqian world.

The scene in this underworld is quite gloomy. Under the gray sky, there are layers of black buildings. The dim lights are looming beside the stone road, like a faint light in the endless fog.

The underworld is not overcrowded, because the population of the middle thousand worlds is not large.

However, since there is no place to reincarnate, these souls can only stay inside the underworld.

Under the governance of Nangong Xiaoming and Wang Keyao, there is no chaos in the underworld.

The facilities of the underworld have been initially formed. The orderly soul team and the well-organized patrol of the ghost soldiers show the stability of this place.

Lin Shan plans to temporarily abandon this underworld and transfer all the souls here to the kingdom of heaven.

There is no way. Without new souls entering, the underworld will lose its value. If it enters the void again in the future, this underworld should still be able to be used, so it will not be scrapped for the time being.

Entering the kingdom of heaven is the only choice for these souls.

He can't drive these souls to the human underworld, otherwise they will become human beings without human souls after reincarnation.

In this case, Lin Shan was not sure whether they could still be considered as real human beings.

But Lin Shan knew one thing: if a human with human souls and a human without human souls were to combine, there would be breeding isolation and no third generation would appear, which would undoubtedly add trouble out of thin air.

Lin Shan's sight was fixed on a tallest building.

Nangong Xiaoming and Wang Keyao were working. They had also recruited many men and were discussing how to stabilize these souls living in the underworld.

Nangong Xiaoming was wearing a black robe with an exquisite sword hanging around his waist, looking majestic, while Wang Keyao was wearing a white robe with an extraordinary temperament.

Lin Shan appeared silently behind the two of them, his voice low and powerful, "Pack up, follow me later, I will open a passage next to it, you guys make arrangements so that all the souls in this underworld can enter the kingdom of heaven in an orderly manner, and the confidants who are efficient can stay with you, but not too many."

Nangong Xiaoming reacted first, he turned his head suddenly, a flash of excitement in his eyes, "Lin Xianfeng?"

He looked behind him expectantly, but he could not see anything.

Lin Shan's voice gradually became blurred in the ears of the two, "It's me, you guys do what I say first, I'll go to the human underworld."

His voice gradually disappeared in the air, as if it had never appeared.

Nangong Xiaoming and Wang Keyao looked at each other, their eyes full of excitement.

They were excited for nothing else, but to be able to leave this place.

For a long time, they repeated the same things day after day, and this monotonous life made people feel suffocated.

If it weren't for the fact that their strength was slowly increasing, they would have been tortured crazy by this endless loneliness and monotony.

Although their strength gradually improved, in this boring underworld, strength seemed to become meaningless.

They spent every day in the same gloomy scene, facing countless souls waiting for reincarnation, dealing with trivial affairs and daily management.

The coldness and endless darkness of the underworld were like a huge cage, trapping them here. Time seemed to have lost its meaning, and the alternation of day and night became blurred.

Boredom and loneliness came like a tide, devouring their hearts.

Despite this, they still endured, because they knew their duties and did not want to live up to Lin Xianfeng's trust.

Now, Lin Shan's appearance and his orders were like a ray of dawn, shining into the darkness in their hearts.

They finally saw the hope of leaving this boring underworld, and the excitement in their hearts was beyond words.

Lin Shan actually didn't leave, he was behind them.

The reason why these two people were brought here was because they had an excess of humanity.

Now, there seems to be no sign of humanity being suppressed.

It's not bad to retain humanity, but it's just not suitable for serving in the underworld.

But if humanity is suppressed, are they still themselves?

Lin Shan thought in his heart, and his figure gradually disappeared.

He quietly came to the Judge's Hall where Xu Shi was in the human underworld.

Speaking of who he was most familiar with in the underworld, it was none other than Xu Shi.

Moreover, Xu Shi's ability was indeed very strong.

Today's Judge's Hall is much larger and more majestic than before.

The facilities of the human underworld are already very complete, and the judges have also made a rule of taking turns to take vacations.

Today, it happened to be Xu Shi's turn to take vacation, and he started writing calligraphy in the house behind.

But Lin Shan always felt that something was wrong, so he let go of his perception and scanned the entire underworld.

Finally, he knew where this was wrong.

Because the game of Heaven locked most of the souls, the underworld has become somewhat desolate.

On the wide road of the underworld, the sparse souls seem particularly lonely.

This desolation is only compared to before the opening of Heaven. The human race still has more than 10 trillion people, and the number of deaths per day is still tens of millions.

The underworld, which was running at full capacity, has been idle for a while, which is a good thing for the employees of the underworld.

Lin Shan appeared behind Xu Shi.

There is a big tree planted next to the house. It is a plant unique to the underworld. The black leaves will turn into black particles and dissipate when they fall on the ground, like wisps of smoke, which makes the whole yard a little gloomy.

Xu Shi sat in front of the desk, his expression focused, and the brush in his hand waved smoothly on the rice paper.

His words are vigorous and powerful, and every stroke is calm and thoughtful.

The words "soul", "destination", "emptiness" and so on are written on the paper, as if telling something.

"Souls are like smoke, though they have dispersed, they have not completely returned. Where do they return to? There is only emptiness." Xu Shi softly read out the words he wrote, with a hint of heaviness and emotion in his tone.

He put down his pen, looked up at the sky, and his thoughts seemed to drift away with the black mist.

"Well written, it seems that even you can't stand this loneliness." Lin Shan said softly.

Hearing this, Xu Shi came back to his senses and immediately saw Lin Shan. A smile and respect appeared on his face. He bowed and said, "Lin Xianfeng, you are here. I just wrote it casually. For the sake of the human race, there is no loneliness."

"Judge Xu, long time no see." Lin Shan nodded in response.

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