Above the gray fog

Chapter 1631 Trivia


Because of the handiwork of the source court, the kingdom of heaven was also greatly impacted.

About one percent of the faith land was destroyed by the sudden cracks.

Seven unfortunate civilizations were directly swallowed by the cracks and turned into nothingness.

On the surface, the loss seems not great, but this is just the beginning of the disaster.

According to Zhao Xiaoan, these cracks will sooner or later swallow up the entire gray fog universe and return it to the pattern of the Shenzhou continent.

In other words, if there is no remedy, all civilizations affiliated with the kingdom of heaven will be spared.

Although the power of faith has little effect on Lin Shan, Lin Shan still wants to save these sentient beings who believe in him devoutly.

However, his faith land is distributed in every corner of the gray fog universe.

After thinking about it, he seems to have only one way left.

Manually collect each faith land and send them to the kingdom of God one by one.

However, hundreds of thousands of faith lands not only take a lot of time to collect, but also need to consider how to properly place them.

Lin Shan closed his eyes, thought deeply, and his brain worked fast.

Since the source court wants to protect civilization... it shouldn't distinguish between civilizations that believe in whom, right?

Generally speaking, they are all the common people in the Gray Mist Universe.

After thinking of a solution, Lin Shan immediately returned to reality.

Lin Shan: [Are you there? ]

A plain paper: [Have you finished your business? ]

Lin Shan: [Not yet, let me ask you something first. ]

A plain paper: [Please pay...what's the matter? ]

Lin Shan: [I still have more than 100,000 pieces of faith land outside. If I put them all into the Kingdom of God, I'm afraid it will be a mess. Moreover, the Gray Mist Universe is becoming void, and the Kingdom of God seems unable to develop in the void. I want these faith lands to be blessed by the Source Court as well. Do you think it's feasible? ]

A plain paper: [Nothing is impossible. The Source Court should not lack that little faith. At this moment, faith has completely lost its effect, unless someone wants to sacrifice all living beings in order to break through, but this should not happen. The old situation cannot be reproduced. ]

Lin Shan: [I understand. ]

Lin Shan: [Since you are a shareholder, help me get 120,000 space track beacons. ]

A plain piece of paper: [Your request can be achieved through the media network. The so-called sky rail beacon only needs the main body imprint. You can also realize the sky rail transfer after taking a piece of wood for authorization. ]

A plain piece of paper: [I have sent you the specific operation. Remember to contact me as soon as you finish it. ]

A plain piece of paper: [‘Attachment’]

Lin Shan gently clicked on the attachment and read the operation process carefully.

Then he took some materials from the storage device without delay and carved them into square signs with his mind power.

These signs have different colors because of different materials, but this is not important. The most important thing about the sky rail beacon is the authorization of the sky rail.

Lin Shan drew a complex pattern on each of the 120,000 signs.

This pattern consists of a central circle and geometric figures surrounding it, like a blooming lotus.

[120,000 coordinate signals are detected in the surrounding area. Have you completed the sky rail authorization? ]

Lin Shan gently clicked "Yes".

The patterns suddenly shone brightly, then gradually dimmed.

These originally ordinary signs are now all sky track beacons.

In order to prevent some accidents, these beacons cannot be issued at will.

Let's find someone to discuss it first, Lin Shan thought in his heart, and entered the kingdom of heaven with consciousness, walking towards a solemn building in the center of the kingdom of heaven.

Entering the building, the hall in front of us is spacious and solemn. In the center of the hall, there is a huge round table.

The fifteen people who were transferred from the human underworld have taken control of the government of the kingdom of heaven in a short period of time and promulgated various policies.

In the past few days, they have not rested for a moment, but this feeling of fulfillment can only make them happy.

At least in the short term, they can't get tired of this job.

He Awei, wearing a black robe, stood in front of the conference table with a serious expression: "Which gangs have not implemented the policies we issued?"

Lu Qingqing handed over a thick document, "The list is here."

He Awei quickly glanced at it and his expression eased a little, "The progress is okay... These issues will be dealt with later, and there is something more important at the moment."

He took out a few photos and put them on the table.

The photos were taken from different angles and environments, and each one showed a huge crack in the distant sky, as if ready to swallow everything at any time.

He Awei continued: "Just now, many cracks appeared in the outside world."

"Many places of faith in our kingdom have been affected, and some strong people have checked it out and found that it seems to be a natural disaster, but the coverage of this natural disaster... is too wide."

Li Shiyao said worriedly, "If this continues, I am afraid that more places of faith will suffer.

He Awei nodded solemnly, "Everyone, please think about it, is there a solution? "

The conference room was silent, and everyone was thinking about countermeasures.

The clock on the wall was ticking, and time seemed to become extremely precious.

"Ahem." Lin Shan coughed lightly and broke the silence, "Don't think about it, I have a ready-made plan here, you are responsible for implementing it."

Hearing Lin Shan's voice, fifteen people stood up together.

He Awei spoke first, with a bit of excitement in his tone: "Lin Xianfeng!"

As soon as he finished speaking, others also spoke: "Lin Xianfeng!"

Lu Qingqing stared at the newcomer in a trance. This was her second contact with Lin Shan.

Lin Shan was wearing a white robe with gold edges, and his expression was calm, as if he was a saint who walked out of an ancient legend.

His appearance instantly relaxed the tense meeting room, and everyone's eyes were focused on him.

"Lin Xianfeng, what plan do you have?" Xu Shi asked softly.

"This is the plan, you check it." Lin Shan nodded lightly.

Use telekinesis to pass the plan out.

After a moment,

Li Shiyao nodded heavily, "We can start preparing immediately."

He Awei also echoed, "As Lin Xianfeng said, we can't pass the sky track beacon out at will. We must first ensure that after the transfer is completed, the faith land of my heaven will still belong to our heaven."

"Okay, the beacon will stay with you, and you can make the specific plan." Lin Shan clapped his hands and left the crystal card containing the beacon.

Everyone looked at the place where Lin Shan disappeared and blinked.

"Well... This is very Lin Xianfeng."

"Don't look at it, work and work."


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