Above the gray fog

Chapter 1638: First Battle, Minions

At this moment, the sturdy man in the red cloak moved.

He was extremely fast and appeared at the position of the pterosaur's head in almost an instant.

He raised the war hammer in his hand high, and with the force of thunder, he suddenly smashed it at the pterosaur.

Then he flew behind the barbarian who was still retreating in the air, and smashed it with the same hammer.

The hammer did not cause any damage to the two, but with great force, it hammered them to the end of the world.

"Enough!" The sturdy man's voice echoed in the air like thunder, "Two idiots with only strength but no brains."

A few seconds later.

The pterosaur and the barbarian flew back again. They looked at each other, and then at the sturdy man in the red cloak below. The anger in their eyes gradually subsided and turned into a complex emotion.

In the end, they turned around and flew in different directions.

"Let's all disperse. Didn't Yuanting send some requests for help? Try your best to receive them. You will die anyway, don't be too cowardly." Seeing this, the old man in white robe waved his hand, and his body gradually blurred until he disappeared.

The crowd around him also dispersed, most of them flew into the palace around Lin Shan, and some of them left this world directly.

Lin Shan stood outside the door and gently clicked on the black particles that had been following him.

Three dialog boxes popped up in front of him.

They were for three functions, chat, task, and summon.

Lin Shan enlarged the chat section.

His thoughts moved slightly.

[Contacting Zhao Xiaoan, Jin Tianzong, and Yan Ruxin. ]


Jin Tianzong: [Lin Shan, what's wrong? ]

Lin Shan: [Where are you? ]

Jin Tianzong: [Yan Ruxin and I are searching for surviving civilizations at the border of the gray fog, although theoretically these people are descendants of the original invaders...]

Lin Shan: [How did you get there? ]

Jin Tianzong: [I don't know where I am either. Click on the media network that Yuan Ting created. There are various requests for help in the task panel, and you can directly use the sky track to transmit. ]

Jin Tianzong: [Our area is full of people. Take a look at other areas. ]

Lin Shan clicked on the task panel.

There are dozens of missions for assistance listed above.

Each mission is followed by the number of people and strength level required.

The media network has gathered more than eight million extraordinary people, covering all levels from sequence 3 to sequence 0.

Although it is not all combat power, this should be most of the power of the Gray Mist Universe.

The reason why sequence 4 is not counted is that sequence 4 is no longer even cannon fodder.

According to the previous meeting of the Source Court, there should be only tens of thousands of strong people of sequence 2 and above.

The strong people accumulated in the eleven eras of the Gray Mist Universe are only tens of thousands, including sequence 2. Compared with the power of the old days, the gap is too big...

[Unknown coordinates at the border of the Gray Mist, two sequence 1 level outer gods are detected, sequence 1 combat support is required, three people are required, two people are in place, mission goal: eliminate the outer gods, mission reward: none. ]

The mission description is very considerate, stating in advance that there is no reward.

The Source Court is just building a platform. They can't mobilize the enthusiasm of everyone. Their purpose is very clear. If you are willing to work hard, you will work hard. If you are not willing to work hard, you will die.

Lin Shan: [What is the principle of this media network? Can it detect the entire gray fog universe? ]

Yan Ruxin: [I traced some information before. The carrier of the media network is located in the energy world, but most of the computing power is in the mechanical sanctuary. It can be said that this is a major project combining yin and yang. The source court must have made sufficient preparations a long time ago. Now we just need to complete the prerequisites and start the program. ]

Lin Shan tapped the light curtain in front of him.

[All three people are in place, and the sky track transmission is turned on. ]

He looked up at the sky.

A white light shot down from nowhere enveloped him, and when the white light disappeared, it took him away with it.

The pitch-black universe void.

Three figures appeared in a ruin.

The surroundings were all the debris of the planet, with the cracks extending after the fusion of yin and yang as the background.

The entire gray fog universe has become unfamiliar.

Lin Shan looked around and his eyes fell on the two companions beside him.

One of them was a woman he had seen before. She was slender and wore a green long skirt. She held a silver longbow in her hand, and the bowstring was gleaming with light.

The other was a strange man. He was a little weak and had just entered Sequence 1. Lin Shan's eyes stayed on him for a very short time.

"For such a small matter, there is no need to get to know each other." The green woman said softly. She glanced at the two and stayed on Lin Shan for a while longer. "Are you the one who watched the battle before?"

"Yes." Lin Shan nodded slightly, "It's me."

The strange man was a little embarrassed and wanted to speak, but didn't know what to say.

Lin Shan looked at him, "Since our mission is the same, we are companions on this trip. My name is Lin Shan."

"Hello, Lord Lin Shan, my name is Wesley Troy." Wesley Troy shook hands with Lin Shan as if he had found a savior.

The green-dressed woman ignored the actions of the two people. She closed her eyes, and the bow in her hand trembled slightly, emitting a faint green light.

After a moment, she opened her eyes, "The coordinates given by Yuan Ting are not accurate. There are strong energy fluctuations over there. They should be the two Outer Gods."

"It's not that they are inaccurate. Outer Gods can also move. Don't we have radar?" Lin Shan slid lightly and drew a light curtain in front of the woman in the green dress. "If the distance is too far, we can teleport again."

Immediately, Lin Shan directly activated the second transmission.

A beam of white light shot down, covering the three people.

The white light dissipated, and two huge Outer Gods appeared in front of them.

"It really looks like the Fallen Clan, but with more tentacles." The woman in the green skirt murmured to herself.

One of the Outer Gods was shaped like a giant beast, huge in size, and covered with thick scales.

It had four thick legs, each of which was like a giant pillar.

Its head was like a ferocious beast, with huge fangs and scarlet light flashing in its eyes.

The most terrifying thing was that there were countless tentacles growing on its back, and those tentacles kept twisting, as if looking for prey.

The shape of the other Outer God was even more bizarre, and its body was like a mass of black mud that kept wriggling, sometimes condensing into a beast shape, and sometimes splitting into countless tentacles.

These tentacles twisted like countless poisonous snakes, making a creepy hissing sound. It had no obvious head, but in the center of the black mud, there was a huge eye, flashing a cold light, as if it could look directly into the depths of the soul.

The woman in the green dress did not communicate with the two.

She just turned slightly, pulled the bowstring lightly with both hands, and shot two arrows with one bow.

The two seemingly ordinary arrows turned into silver streams of light, and pierced through the bodies of the two Outer Gods in an instant.

"Buzz--" The Outer God screamed miserably, and a huge hole was shot out of the body of the giant beast-shaped Outer God. The mud-shaped Outer God was also penetrated, and black liquid poured down like a waterfall.

Under attack, the two seemingly unintelligent Outer Gods were extremely angry, their bodies began to tremble violently, and they attacked the three people frantically.

The giant beast-shaped Outer God opened his bloody mouth and spewed out hot flames.

The black mud-shaped Outer God stretched out countless tentacles and quickly approached them.

However, the woman in green dress was calm, and she pulled the bowstring in her hand again, shooting silver arrows.

The arrows drew beautiful arcs in the air, accurately hitting the attacks of the Outer Gods, easily blocking them all.

Seeing this, Lin Shan drew out his horizontal sword.

The horizontal sword flashed with cold light in his hand, and Lin Shan used the power of the horizontal sword to quickly lock the "core" of the Outer God.

He closed his eyes, and his mental power was like an invisible tentacle, passing through the defense of the Outer God that had been broken by the arrows, and his mental power locked the "core" hidden deep inside.

Following Lin Shan's thoughts, his mental power tightly grasped the two "cores" like an iron clamp.

"Buzz--!" The two Outer Gods let out their last shrill wail.

Their huge bodies began to lose their breath of life and turned into two cold corpses.

Lin Shan looked at the corpses of the Outer Gods and considered whether to take them back.

"This is my prey." The woman in green dress suddenly spoke, staring at Lin Shan, with a bit of displeasure in her tone.

"Cannon fodder is also considered prey?" Lin Shan looked at her.

The woman in the green dress narrowed her eyes but did not speak.

Wesley Troy awkwardly scratched the air with his feet. Was he a cannon fodder?

Lin Shan waved his hand and put the bodies of the two Outer Gods into his storage space.

Then he clicked the words [Subjugation Completed] on the light screen in front of him.

The next moment, the three were enveloped by white light and disappeared in the dead and silent ruins.

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