Above the gray fog

Chapter 1642: One versus twenty, full-force battle

The injuries on the bodies of the Gray Mist Supernaturals behind were all curses. Lin Shan could feel that the curse was eroding the energy in their bodies.

If he attacked forcefully, there might be some bad consequences.

"Be careful of the flames on his body, it carries a curse!" Someone behind reminded.

Lin Shan did not reply, and his figure drew a blue and black light in the void, like a comet at dawn, rushing straight towards the behemoth.

In an instant, Lin Shan's horizontal sword collided with the body of the Outer God, and the light and flames intertwined in the void.

The huge force impact spread in the universe, as if a violent storm had been set off in the endless void.

From a distance, everything seemed to be still, with only the unprecedented collision sound echoing in the universe.

The huge body of the Outer God suddenly stopped in the process of diving, as if it was bound by some invisible force.

However, at this moment, countless darker tentacles stretched out from behind it and attacked Lin Shan overwhelmingly.

Lin Shan raised the Time Spear, and a gray-white energy spread out, and the affected area was all still for a moment.

At this moment, Lin Shan quickly passed through the tentacles' attack, and all the tentacles broke, but smaller tentacles emerged from the broken parts and quickly absorbed the broken parts. The severed tentacles were restored in the blink of an eye.

Lin Shan went around behind the Outer God and chopped at its head.

Every time he chopped, sparks flew, but under the hard skin, only some insignificant white marks appeared.

Lin Shan instantly realized that this guy was not on the same level as the Outer God he had met before.

After slashing several times in a row, Lin Shan quickly retreated back to the crowd, "You were fighting this guy before?"

A young man who looked quite young replied, "He is just one of the pursuers, there are more behind, you have to be careful, give us another half an hour, using energy will make the curse spread deeper, you also have to be careful of his flames, the flames on this kind of Outer God will spread the curse of burning energy."

Lin Shan nodded, secretly alert in his heart, as long as the blue of the physical body is not broken, no matter how many flames can touch him, thinking of this, Lin Shan used Infinity to add tens of thousands of layers of defense to himself.

For some reason, the seahorse Outer God opposite did not move.

Lin Shan stood in place and did not take the initiative to provoke the Outer God.

He was not confident that he could kill this Outer God alone. His current task was to delay time. After the dozen or so gray fog gods behind him recovered, everyone worked together to easily tear this Outer God apart.

Lin Shan and the Outer God were in a stalemate for about a minute, and neither of them moved.

However, within this minute, Lin Shan's hands did not stop, and he kept carving divine texts.

One by one, the formed divine texts were attached to the horizontal sword, flashing a faint light.

Lin Shan had already calculated that the longest existence time of these divine texts was forty minutes, which was enough to support a battle.

The seahorse outer god was obviously not blind, and he must have noticed Lin Shan's little action, but he chose to continue to delay, because the benefit of delaying was greater than the risk of fighting now.

Lin Shan thought that this benefit must be his companion.

He did not take action now, most likely because he was worried that the gray fog gods behind Lin Shan would attack together regardless of the curse, and then he would be unlucky.

Lin Shan guessed correctly, at one minute and thirty seconds, the space suddenly became blurred.

The void seemed to be torn apart by an invisible force.

Then, more than 20 Outer Gods almost filled the void in front. These Outer Gods had different shapes, some like huge dinosaurs, some like rolling black clouds, but without exception, all the Outer Gods were burning with disturbing black flames.

The whole universe seemed to tremble at this moment, the light of the stars was swallowed by the black flames, and the void was filled with endless oppression.

These Outer Gods floated in the void, like an invincible army, each of them exuded a suffocating pressure.

Lin Shan felt as if his heart was tightly grasped by something. If he could fight one or two Outer Gods of this level, there might be hope.

More than 20, there is no way to play...

He wanted to complain, but he still took action before the Outer God army made any move.

"All Heavens Fall!"

"Void God Summon!"

Lin Shan released two ready-made big spells in succession.

A black barrier slowly fell over the heads of all the Outer Gods, as if night had fallen, shrouding the universe in endless darkness.

With the full force of the Time Lance, the time in the area where the Outer Gods were located was stagnant for nearly 0.5 seconds.

This short 0.5 seconds made the Outer Gods miss the fragile period when the Heavens Fall was first formed.

Under tremendous pressure, the Outer Gods could only watch the sky curtain above their heads slowly descend, unable to move.

However, before the black sky curtain was about to fall completely, several powerful Outer Gods broke free from the shackles of pressure.

They used various means, and violent energy burst out in the void, directly hitting the sky curtain that was falling.

The black light curtain was instantly shattered under the attack of these Outer Gods, and the fragments were scattered in the universe like falling stars.

This was the first time in history that the Heavens Fall was directly broken, but this was also within his expectations. The myth that the Great Curse could cross levels ended at Sequence 0.

But it is undeniable that the Great Curse is still the most powerful attack method of Sequence 0.

He did not stop his action.

Almost at the next moment, the Void God descended with endless pressure.

The tentacles of the Void God seemed to be an extension of the universe itself. The tentacles swept across the bodies of the Outer Gods. The impact was so great that many Outer Gods exploded on the spot.

The exploded Outer Gods were like gorgeous fireworks, black flames and flesh bursting in the void, turning into countless fragments and scattering.

However, more Outer Gods blocked the attack of the Void God's tentacles. The black flames wrapped them. From a distance, it looked like huge tentacles pushing the black fireballs back.

Lin Shan controlled the Void God to continue waving his tentacles from different directions. The Void God's attack methods were relatively simple, but extremely practical. The twenty Outer Gods he hit were like flies flying around.

Lin Shan stood on top of the Void God, with an extremely broad field of vision. The huge Outer God was about the same as a chicken under his feet.

But these chickens pecked people and it was quite painful. Lin Shan's life was continuing to pass, repairing the damage of the Void God.

Seeing that all the Outer Gods’ attention was distracted by the tentacles of the Void God, Lin Shan drew out his physical horizontal sword.

His sight locked onto the Outer Gods that exploded. Their ‘cores’ were exposed in the void, as if they were sending a silent invitation to Lin Shan.

Lin Shan instantly disappeared from his original position, turning into a blue-black lightning, and rushed straight to those exposed ‘cores’.


The energy horizontal sword held by Lin Shan suddenly hit something, making a turbid collision sound.

A human-shaped black shadow appeared in his sight, without facial features, and his whole body was composed of a black energy.

The black shadow held a physical animal horn in his hand, and it was this horn that blocked the energy horizontal sword.

“Great Curse… You are more powerful than those people.” A familiar voice came to his ears, without a trace of emotion, but full of cold threats.

Lin Shan pressed the sword hard, and the terrifying aura spread out with the two of them as the center.

The energy spread rapidly like ripples, and the surrounding space kept shaking, and directly collapsed into a chaotic state.

Lin Shan knew very well that this person was the Seahorse Outer God just now. In order to protect those Outer Gods, He changed into a human form.

Although his body was small, the heavy pressure was not reduced at all.

Lin Shan looked solemn.

The smaller the size of his body, the smaller the target of attack. This made him unable to use the attack of the virtual god, unless he was willing to attack himself.

But correspondingly, the opponent's defense seemed to be weakened.

During the short thinking, the horizontal sword collided with the black horn hundreds of millions of times.

With a slight click, a crack appeared on the horn in the black shadow's hand.

Seeing this, Lin Shan did not hesitate to increase the strength.

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