Above the gray fog

Chapter 1650 Beheading

Azmo Dinas and Elfin rushed towards Valentine at the fastest speed.

They knew very well that if they hit Valentine's "core" with this knife, Valentine would definitely die.

However, Lin Shan did not give them any chance to rescue.

The horizontal sword was no longer dim, and the blade turned into a beam of light, flashing the light of destruction.

Wherever the light shone, both Azmo Dinas and Elfin were instantly riddled with holes, exposing their fragile "cores".

Lin Shan swung the knife and cut off Azmo Dinas and Elfin together.

Looking at Azmo Dinas's "core", Lin Shan's eyes were cold. In fact, he wanted to kill Azmo Dinas the most.

But if this knife was slashed at Azmo Dinas head-on, it might not be guaranteed to kill him with one blow.

Lin Shan was unwilling to take this risk.

The sword slashed down, and the energy swept out like a raging wave. Wherever the blade went, the void was directly broken, and the gray fog universe was pushed back by trillions of light years.

In the entire void, the most common thing was nothingness, which was mixed with countless middle and small worlds, as well as various void creatures and beasts.

The middle and small worlds near the gray fog universe collapsed and disintegrated in an instant under the influence of the blade.

Those worlds were lifted up like sand and turned into nothingness in an instant. Countless creatures turned into dust under this sword, and the traces of life were completely wiped out.

Every particle in the nothingness trembled in the vibration of the blade. The void was filled with countless cracks, like a broken mirror, and countless lights and shadows intertwined to form a surreal scene.

In the depths of the void, some hidden ancient void creatures and giant beasts were also awakened by the power of this sword.

They woke up from their slumber and witnessed this unprecedented power.

The nothingness in the void also underwent drastic changes.

The originally calm void became filled with violent and restless energy flows, and a violent energy storm was taking shape, sweeping towards a very distant place.

In waves of shock, the barrier of the gray fog universe kept trembling, as if it could collapse at any time.

The many celestial bodies inside the gray fog universe were also in a mess.

When the blade light dissipated, the entire void returned to an unusual tranquility.

Lin Shan collapsed directly to the ground, unable to squeeze out a trace of strength in his body, and even "infinity" lost its effect.

Endless resentment swept over and invaded Lin Shan's consciousness.

Lin Shan closed his eyes, opened the faith in his inventory, and suppressed the influence of resentment.

After his consciousness recovered, Lin Shan looked around and saw a cross-cutting crack in front of him that was several trillion light years wide and almost endless in length, as if it stretched to the end of the void.

This crack was like a wound in the void, extremely hideous and chilling.

The crack is being repaired by the void, but at this repair speed, it will take at least thousands of years, or even tens of thousands of years to calm down.

Inside the crack, there is an extremely chaotic energy storm, which is full of destruction and violent aura, and extremely powerful energy is stirring and colliding in it.

Sequence 1 will be crushed if they enter it, and there is no possibility of escape.

In front of the crack, the original four Outer Gods, now only Azmo Dinas and Elfin are left.

Elfin's survival depends entirely on the protection of Azmo Dinas.

At this moment, they have all returned to human form, but they look extremely miserable.

Azmo Dinas blocked in front with both hands, making a defensive posture. Only black bones were left on his arms, and a few pieces of broken flesh and blood tissues hung weakly on the bones, looking extremely desolate.

The eyelids on his face were torn, and the broken big eyes were completely exposed, revealing endless pain.

Also exposed were their "cores".

Both ‘cores’ were covered with fine cracks, as if they would break at any time.

The ‘core’ of the Outer God, like the ‘existence’ of normal life, is the foundation of life.

If the ‘core’ is injured, it is impossible to recover in a short time. If it is injured to the extent of Azmo Dinas, it may even cause his life level to decrease.

Elfin’s condition is not much better. His body is also covered with scars, and the cracks on the ‘core’ are particularly obvious.

Lin Shan took a deep breath, and Lan began to recover slowly in his body.

One second...two seconds, Lin Shan’s aura gradually became stronger, and the endless power of his previous body was re-condensing.

Azmo Dinas and Erfin looked at Lin Shan who was gradually recovering, and a trace of helplessness flashed in their eyes.

Their ‘cores’ were severely damaged and they were unable to fight again.

Azmo Dinas gritted his teeth and uttered a low voice with difficulty, "This guy... What's going on... Is the Sealer really resurrected?"

Elfing shook his head helplessly, "The Infinite Sealer's reputation was earned by slashing one sword after another. He doesn't seem to have used any powerful moves. Even when fighting with us, he didn't even bother to use the big curse. It's obvious that he is just the incarnation of the Infinite Sealer."

"This strength is a bit wrong..." Azmo Dinas smiled bitterly, then closed his eyes, as if he was waiting to die.

"It's over." Lin Shan looked at them and whispered, with endless chill in his voice.

He suddenly exerted force, his figure rushed forward like lightning, and the horizontal sword in his hand slashed towards Azmo Dinas and Erfin with endless killing intent.


There was no sound of the 'core' breaking, and Lin Shan's horizontal sword was blocked by a rapier.

He looked up.

The person who came was a humanoid creature wearing a light pink long skirt, on which Lin Shan was somewhat familiar with flowers.

The style and color of the flowers seemed to have been seen somewhere before, but he could not remember for a moment.

The creature held a thin sword in one hand, the sword was slender but exuded a cold light, and in the other hand he held a pet that looked like a rabbit.

This person had no face, and his body was also like a pink cloud, which looked a bit dreamy.

There was pink mist surrounding His body.

"Except Valentine, the other three outer gods have already run away, and the ones left here are just clones. How about leaving them to us? We have a more appropriate way to deal with them." A light, soft, and numb voice came into Lin Shan's ears, and the voice was like a spring breeze blowing on his face, with a relaxing feeling.

Lin Shan even felt a little sleepy.

Lin Shan quickly shook his head.

"Who are you?"

Lin Shan asked coldly, although he had some guesses.

"If you can understand it, I am the master of the Gray Fog Universe Dream, you can just call me Dream."

"Dream Master..." Lin Shan said to himself. As he guessed, he remembered where he had seen that flower.

The flower is called 'Farewell', and he had seen it in the old space station.

"There are only these four people among the Outer Gods, but there are 17 masters of the Gray Fog Universe. You should be able to kill them easily without harming the Gray Fog Universe, right?"

"Yes, but it's not worth it."

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