Above the gray fog

Chapter 1660: Doing Things

Scale 222.

Bande Safe Zone.

Lin Shan has lived here for two days and knows that this safe zone is called Bande Safe Zone. It was opened up by a void creature named Vera and later handed over to his tribe for management.

The Bande tribe that manages the Bande Safe Zone is undoubtedly a large void tribe.

They have taken over the main business of the Bande Safe Zone, such as store taxes and teleportation within the safe zone.

According to Lao Wang, the Bande Safe Zone can directly teleport creatures to places within 3 scales.

The void is used to use scales to indicate time and distance.

One scale time is the sum of the time from the birth of the void to the fall.

One scale time can also indicate the place that Sequence 0 can reach by flying normally, passing through the sum of the time from the birth of the void to the fall.

Scale time is used to express time, distance and range, but because the time of the void falling is not fixed, both are just vague terms.

No one can tell how far it is when there are 3 scales. We only know that it is very far. Normal sequence 0 does not have the life span to fly that far.

After learning all kinds of information about the safe zone, Lin Shan walked out alone while Lao Wang was watching the store.

He has three things to do today.

The first thing is to help Lin Changsheng choose the authority of sequence 4.

The second thing is to deposit his own life fire in this scale.

The third thing is to buy a property here.

Lin Shan had already thought about choosing authority for Lin Changsheng. In the past two days, apart from drinking with Lao Wang, most of his time was spent on understanding the situation of the Bande safe zone and the situation of the nearby void.

And depositing the life fire in this scale is an important guarantee for going deep into the void in the future.

As long as two prerequisites are met, you can return to the Bande safe zone anytime and anywhere.

Prerequisite 1: You must be in a scale above the 999th level.

Prerequisite 2: The upper and lower positions you are in are parallel to the transmission range of the Bande safe zone.

If these two conditions are met, you can use the traction of the life fire to transmit at any time.

The farther the scale is from scale 222, the longer it takes to teleport. Once the teleportation process is interrupted, there will be a very serious backlash. The surface void is not within the limit.

The decision to buy a property here is also to save the cost of teleportation.

Lin Shan is now standing on the most prosperous street in Bande Safe Zone.

This street is bustling and lively.

There are 21 main streets and 1,199 secondary streets in Bande Safe Zone, plus half of the residential area, which together make up this city covering an area of ​​more than 400 square kilometers.

The architectural style on both sides of the street is unique. Every shop is extremely luxurious. Exquisite carvings and gorgeous decorations can be seen everywhere, and the area is large, like a shopping mall side by side.

According to Lao Wang, most of the shops on the 21 main streets are run by the void tribe.

Moreover, only tribes with multiple void kings are qualified to open shops here.

This is also to maintain the stability of scale 222. If you make trouble here, you will not be provoking a simple force.

Lin Shan strolled on the street, and heard all kinds of conversations.

He heard someone mention that something big happened in scale 223, such as the spread of poison barriers, the resurrection of some ancient creatures, and the death of many strong men there.

Such news is not uncommon in the void, but this time, Lin Shan was alert.

Lao Wang gave him a coordinate, which was a place in scale 223.

He also specifically told him to buy some excellent anti-poison treasures or medicines before going.

The reason why Lao Wang mentioned this to him was because Lin Shan and Lao Wang mentioned the matter of life.

Lin Shan wanted Lao Wang to sponsor some life.

The answer he got was that Lao Wang also needed life, and it was very useful. Although he had some savings now, it was far from enough.

Then he gave Lin Shan the coordinates of scale 223 and said that he might be able to get a sum of life here.

Walking in the void is like walking in the rivers and lakes. You need money everywhere, that is, life.

To go to a deeper scale, you must have enough life as a guarantee, otherwise, you can't do anything.

All this knowledge was popularized by Lao Wang for Lin Shan in advance.

Thinking of this, Lin Shan first walked into a pharmacy.

"What do you need?" Someone came to serve him immediately.

It was a void creature, tall, with light blue skin and a faint glow.

It had six eyes, distributed on its forehead and cheeks, and a pair of horns on its head, curling up like goat horns.

Its arms were covered with scales, and slender claws grew on its fingertips. Each claw flashed with cold light and looked extremely sharp.

The clothes on its body were woven from some unknown black fiber, clinging to its body, exuding a strange beauty.

Lin Shan took a look at this creature and immediately knew that this creature was the boss of the Bande safe zone - the Bande tribe.

According to Lao Wang's advice, it is best to go to the main street to buy and sell valuable things. The things and effects there will not be faked, and the things sold by the Bande tribe are even more true. What effect is what it says.

"I need some drugs to prevent poison."

The void creature nodded and asked, "Are you going to scale 223?"

"Yes." Lin Shan was a little surprised. This waiter with only Sequence 4 strength knew a lot.

"Can you tell me your life level?"

"Let's consider it Sequence 0."

"Okay, come with me."

The Bande waiter motioned Lin Shan to follow him to a counter.

The counter is filled with various bottles and jars, each labeled with different uses and effects.

He picked out a few bottles and handed them to Lin Shan.

"The poison barrier in 223 is extraordinary. Many powerful people have died there. These are relatively effective poison repellents. The lifetime cost of refining them is not less than 500,000 whole crystals. In addition, various precious medicinal materials are added. , the overall poison-avoiding effect is very good, and it can ensure that you will not be eroded by poison at scale 223. "

"I recommend this bottle. There are 5 pills in one bottle. One pill can keep the effect for 24 hours. After taking it, it will form a barrier around the body. It can not only avoid poisons, but also defend against any attacks below sequence 0. The price is eight One and a half million crystals.”

The waiter introduced Lin Shan.

After hearing the price, Lin Shan fell silent.

It's really expensive. This is lifespan, not paper money printed by industrial machinery.

"There is no need for a barrier, as long as it can avoid poison." Lin Shan said.

In fact, there were some poison sutras, body poisons, etc. in the old exercises. Lin Shan also practiced them, and poisoning and taking drugs were not a problem.

However, the relevant old-time techniques are only at the Sequence 1 level, so it is still necessary to prepare anti-toxic drugs.

Lin Shan had almost never fought against poison in the gray mist universe. In his opinion, poison was just a low-level drug, and almost no gods would take this path.

He had previously obtained a poisonous flower from the ruins of the Qin Mansion, but he had no use for it until the end.

"How about this bottle? The efficacy and time are the same. Five million crystals. What do you think?" the waiter continued to recommend.

"Just this bottle." Lin Shan decided directly. This time he went out just to increase his longevity. Five million was to save his life, so it was nothing.

The reason why I don’t want a barrier is because I think it’s useless.

Sequence 1 attacks could not break through his superficial defense at all.

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