Above the gray fog

Chapter 1664: Plundering Life

When the Bande Safe Zone had existed for more than two scales, the income of the Safe Zone was a fortune, and they had no need and no courage to spread rumors.

Once the Safe Zone lost its integrity, its negative impact was immeasurable, and many Void tribes were eyeing the fat piece of meat of the Bande Safe Zone.

The most important quality of Void creatures is integrity.

At least so far, there has been no false information in the announcements issued by the Bande Safe Zone.

Lin Shan did not fully understand the specific inside story.

The water of the void is very deep, far from being as simple as it seems on the surface.

Lin Shan only needs to know that there are indeed things in scale 223 that increase life span.

As for whether it is a red frog or a secret realm, it is unknown.

Lin Shan continued to move forward in this dangerous world of poison barriers.

During the process, Lin Shan unexpectedly discovered that the twenty-four hours of drug effect mentioned by the waiter had long passed, but the anti-poison drug was still working.

It had been five days since he took the first anti-poison pill.

Since the drug effect was still there, Lin Shan was not in a hurry to take the second pill.

Medicine is not cheap, so save as much as possible.

A black light passed by quickly, climbing vertically when encountering a mountain peak and falling vertically when encountering a valley.

Sense all-round coverage to avoid missing any angle of search.

At a certain moment, the black light stopped above a rotten forest.

Lin Shan looked down. This forest grew on a mountain with a height of more than 200 million light years. It covers an extremely large area and has formed a unique ecosystem inside.

The trees are covered with poisonous thorns, and the liquid dripping from the thorns instantly corrodes the vegetation on the ground into black mud.

Occasionally, some strange shadows flashed between the treetops, like some invisible predator waiting for an opportunity to move.

Not far away, a huge flower was slowly opening and closing, exuding an alluring aroma.

The appearance of the flower is like a huge man-eating plant, with fine poisonous thorns on the bright red petals, and a strange light flickering faintly in the depths of the flower heart.

The roots of the flower are entangled with countless bones, which are obviously former prey.

Lin Shan stopped because of this flower.

When his perception covered the flower, the poison gas on the flower was actually transmitted directly back to his body, and the drug effect that was supposed to last for a long time was consumed in an instant.

In desperation, Lin Shan could only take the second pill.

At this time, Lin Shan realized that the twenty-four hours mentioned by the waiter might not be the same as the twenty-four hours he understood.

The drug effect will fade faster when it is eroded by toxins. If it is just a simple defense against poison mist, it will be fine to persist for a month.

But when encountering this special toxin attack, the drug effect will weaken rapidly.

When Lin Shan stared at the poisonous flower, the poisonous flower was also slowly choosing a direction, as if looking back at him.

A sense of extremely deadly danger lingered in Lin Shan's heart, and he couldn't help but draw out his horizontal sword.

The petals of the poisonous flower unfolded, like a peacock with its tail spread out, and the bright red petals looked particularly enchanting in the sun.

Lin Shan slowly retreated with the horizontal sword in his hand, and when he saw that the poisonous flower had no desire to attack, he immediately turned around and left quickly.

He stopped just because he was curious, not because he wanted to cause trouble for the poisonous flower.

Lin Shan turned into a black light again and quickly disappeared in the distance, while the poisonous flower that had opened its screen slowly closed, and the poisonous fog surging around it gradually calmed down.

A black light advanced at an almost incomprehensible speed, and the scene quickly retreated behind him. His perception reproduced all the scenes and creatures that passed by in his mind 1:1.

Suddenly, a blue light came from a distance and collided violently with the black light.

The collision caused a huge movement, and the aftermath flattened two bulges in the distance that were more than a million light years away.

The void has its own special rules, and the aftermath suddenly collapsed and dissipated after extending to tens of millions of light years.

Although the aftermath was greatly reduced, it still caused a huge shock.

Many native creatures cried out in fear, and the poisonous fog spreading in the void began to surge.

Lin Shan's aura also began to surge violently, and he stared at the opposite side with a cold expression.

The one who collided with him was a humanoid creature.

He was wearing a set of blue thin armor, with a cold face and strong hostility in his eyes.

Although it is a world creature, it is obviously not from the gray fog universe.

"What do you mean?" Lin Shan asked coldly.

"What do you mean?" The man was stunned for a moment, then said sarcastically, "You don't know what it means, what are you doing here?"

As he said that, he drew out a big knife burning with flames and chopped at Lin Shan without hesitation.

Lin Shan quickly drew out the energy horizontal knife and attacked.

The blades intersected in the void, as if the rules were deliberately suppressed. There was not much energy fluctuation diffusion, only the fierce collision sound echoed in the void.

The two fought quickly, and sparks flew between the swords and shadows.

After several fights, the two separated, and the world creature wearing thin armor became solemn. He realized that Lin Shan was not an ordinary person.

At the level of sequence 0, the strength will become very vague.

Except for the gods who have just entered sequence 0 and have unstable breath, the true strength of gods at other levels cannot be seen at all if they do not release their breath.

The man put one hand behind his back, as if he was hesitating about something.

He tightly grasped the big knife in his hand and rushed towards Lin Shan again.

Lin Shan narrowed his eyes and took out the time spear.

As Lin Shan swung the time spear, a long river of time crossed Lin Shan's head. It didn't look long, only less than two light years long.

This long river is not a decoration. It can create time in the void without the concept of time and control time.

The moment the long river of time appeared, the man's movements suddenly slowed down.

Lin Shan slowly walked to his side and cut off the hand behind his back under his eyes.

In his hand, there was an arrow. It was not an arrow like a bow and arrow, but a very ordinary, light red arrow. It was unclear what material it was made of.

All this happened in an instant. Because the time spear stopped time, the creature of the world could only watch Lin Shan snatch one of his trump cards.

At the moment of resuming action, the flaming sword had already chopped in front of Lin Shan's neck.

Time stopped again.

Lin Shan slowly took a half step back, and the horizontal sword almost scratched Lin Shan's skin.

"Give it back to me!" A roar was like thunder.

"How do you use this thing?" Lin Shan looked at him and asked.

Lin Shan still had a number in his mind. After being affected by the time spear twice, this man was not a threat to him.

Suddenly, an accident happened.

The arrow in Lin Shan's hand suddenly moved.

The arrow went straight into the heart of the creature in that world.

Lin Shan's face changed and he quickly retreated.

However, nothing happened. The man's life breath had disappeared, the arrow was nowhere to be found, and there was a small wound on his chest.

The body fell straight down.

Looking at this scene, Lin Shan was a little confused.

What happened?

Why did the arrow move by itself?

How did this man die?

Although this man was not a threat to him, the other party was also Sequence 0, and it would not be so easy for Lin Shan to kill him...

The next moment, a colorful light emerged from the man's body and poured into Lin Shan's body.

Lin Shan closed his eyes to feel it, and opened his eyes after a moment.

"Lifespan... is this how it comes?" He muttered to himself.

It turned out that the rule in this poisonous fog is that it can plunder the lifespan of the killed creatures.

While thinking in his heart, another powerful breath came to kill him.

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