Above the gray fog

Chapter 1702: Attacked

Lin Shan tried to walk.

His lower body unconsciously exerted force and jumped forward a distance.

He tried to use his ability again, but found that all his strength seemed to have disappeared and he could not use it at all.

Lin Shan was very uneasy because he could not use his strength.

He should have bought intelligence from the intelligence organization for scale 998 in advance. Lin Shan regretted it at this moment.

But the intelligence was only sold up to scale 998 at most. Lin Shan thought at that time that after reaching scale 998, he would immediately dive to scale 999.

But he did not expect that he would become a candle here.

Fortunately, there seemed to be no danger around.

In desperation, Lin Shan could only jump forward.

While jumping, he observed the surrounding scene vigilantly.

The whole world seemed particularly strange.

The black and burnt yellow earth was covered with fine cracks. If he had a nose now, he would definitely smell a strong smell of burning.

The dark sky was filled with distorted energy flows, as if an invisible force was stirring the entire space.

The whole environment was full of oppression and ominous omens.

Suddenly, Lin Shan saw a place covered by a hazy yellow light, which was particularly conspicuous in this dark world.

Moreover, the yellow light seemed to be moving away from him. Although the speed was not fast, he was now a candle, and that speed was not slow.

In this case, he had no choice but to go there even if there was danger. This was the only possibility to obtain information at present.

Moreover, his intuition told him that there was no danger there.

Lin Shan jumped forward, and after going through untold hardships, he jumped for more than five hours.

Finally, he approached the moving light source.

At this time, he finally saw the truth of the hazy yellow light.

It was thousands of candle creatures, and like him, they were moving forward in a jumping manner.

Just like people, these candles were also tall, short, fat and thin.

"Are these local creatures or have they been teleported here like me and become like this?" Lin Shan thought to himself, but still increased the speed of jumping to keep up with the large group.

Although he had become a candle, his physical strength seemed to be very good. He did not feel any fatigue after jumping for such a long time.

After jumping forward for a while, Lin Shan finally synchronized with the pace of the large army.

He tried to communicate with the candles in the team, but found that neither he nor the other party had the ability to speak, and his mental power could not be used.

There is no doubt that he has become a real candle.

Even if he has wisdom and thoughts, it can only make his jumping behavior look more weird. Apart from that, wisdom has no effect here.

All he can do now is to follow the candle army with a little uneasiness.

I don’t know how long it has been, maybe a day, or maybe a year.

Some buildings made of stone piles appeared above the empty charred land.

These buildings are not houses, but mostly stone pillars of different heights.

However, as the candle army entered the interior of the building, some inexplicable black shadows appeared under the dim yellow light.

They walked through the stone pillars, as if they were using the stone pillars as their home.

Waves of inexplicable fluctuations were transmitted to Lin Shan, like joy, these black shadows were welcoming the arrival of these candles.

A small number of candles stopped and stood still, illuminating these unknown shadows.

Most of the candles continued to move forward.

Lin Shan thought for a few seconds and decided to move forward.

This decision was based on intuition. After years of research on deduction, his intuition has changed.

At this moment, a low sound suddenly came from the front.

After hearing the sound, the speed of the candle army increased significantly, as if driven by some irresistible force.

Even Lin Shan was uncontrollably attracted by the low sound, and the thing that made the sound had a fatal temptation to him.

Lin Shan continued to jump forward with the large army.

Gradually, the sound gradually turned from a low sound to a huge roar.

After an unknown period of time, Lin Shan finally came to the source of the sound.

During this period, the candle army passed through several stone forests, and a few candles remained in the stone forests, becoming the "lights" of those dark shadows.

The source of the sound was a strange image, and the thing in front of the sight did not look like any known creature.

Countless glowing tentacles fluttered in the air, as if they had their own lives.

These tentacles emitted a strange light, attracting the candle creatures to approach step by step.

And the sound he heard was like countless tentacles knocking on the void at the same time.

Most of the candles stopped when they approached this strange image, and only a few candles continued to move forward and walked in front of those tentacles.

Lin Shan, who stopped, observed these tentacles vigilantly, and saw that they suddenly wrapped around the candles that came forward, and each tentacle seemed to consciously choose a target.

The tentacles wrapped around the candles, tightly wrapped one by one.

The wrapped candles could not move, and after only a few seconds, the tentacles gradually loosened.

Those candles that were about to burn out actually returned to their normal height.

This scene was like these strange and slender tentacles were replenishing the wax for those candles that were about to burn out.

The candles that had been replenished with wax returned to the team.

A few hours later, the candle army continued to move forward.

Lin Shan discovered that among the tens of thousands of candles, many were almost burned out, but they had not been refilled with wax.

Along the way, Lin Shan also saw candles burn out, disappearing without any signs, and not a drop of wax oil left.

Lin Shan was also worried about whether he would burn out, but he soon found that his worries were unnecessary.

This flame seemed to burn for life, and it burned at a normal speed, that is to say, even if it burned for another 500 billion years, his wax oil would not burn out.

But it is not a good thing to be a candle all the time...

The candle army continued to move forward.

Lin Shan could only follow in a daze. As more and more stone forests passed by, the number of candles decreased.

From hundreds of thousands to thousands, Lin Shan estimated that several years had passed.

During this period, the road was calm and nothing happened.

Although Lin Shan was anxious, the wax continued to grow.

Just when Lin Shan decided to do something extraordinary to test it, something strange happened.

A little yellow light suddenly appeared in front.

The little yellow light quickly approached the group of candles.

When they approached, Lin Shan discovered that they were a group of organisms that looked like heads with tentacles under their heads.

The yellow lights were their eyes!

The heads were big and small, but even the smallest ones were taller than the candles. Seeing those octopus-like heads rushing over, Lin Shan jumped without any hesitation.

When some of the head organisms approached the candles, they would jump up suddenly and cover the candles directly.

The tentacles tightly wrapped around the candles' bodies, tightening continuously, as if they were going to swallow them completely.

The candles could not resist and could only stand there helplessly, gradually being invaded by the tentacles.

Some tentacles also drilled out from under the ground and drilled into the candles, as if the candles and the head organisms were combined.

Although this scene was not bloody, it was extremely grotesque.

Lin Shan's heart was beating violently, and he almost jumped out of the afterimage.

Fortunately, those candle creatures seemed to have no intelligence, and could only stand there stupidly, being attacked and invaded by the tentacles.

This also bought Lin Shan precious time to escape.

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