Above the gray fog

Chapter 1676: Dangers lurking around

Lin Shan let go of his senses and vigilance to observe the information outside, and found that he was in a huge and dim space, surrounded by viscous liquid.

Lin Shan's face darkened, and he probably understood his current position.

This was not the first time. If he guessed correctly, he should be in the belly of a giant beast now, because the other party was too huge, and his perception did not detect any abnormalities.

The liquid constantly dripping from above is something similar to gastric juice, which is highly corrosive. Even if he is not careful, he will be completely corroded.

This giant beast feeds on various monsters nearby, and its power is beyond Lin Shan's imagination.

How to get out?

Drill a hole in your belly? This is unrealistic...

Fly out of your mouth? I feel like I've fallen into a trap...

"If it has a mouth, it must have one...even if it doesn't need to excrete." Lin Shan decided to move downward, although this decision made him feel a little chilly.

As he continued to dive, there was more and more corrosive liquid, and the stench became stronger.

Lin Shan finally reached the lower abdomen of the giant beast.

Here, the wall membrane is tighter and the rate of peristalsis is more intense.

Lin Shan stopped and observed carefully, and finally found a small gap in a piece of mucous membrane.

"This should be the exit." He secretly guessed that although the gap was endless, it was too narrow to pass through.

He took out his spear and began prodding at the cracks.

After some hard work, the small gaps gradually expanded and began to shrink regularly.

Seeing the effect, Lin Shan pushed harder.

The next moment.

The gap suddenly opened, taking on the shape of a huge ellipse.

Before Lin Shan could make a move, a stench-laden air flow from behind rushed him out.

He dived quickly without looking back to see what creature had swallowed him.

After diving down for more than an hour, Lin Shan turned back and looked up.

A huge shadow vaguely appeared above. From this distance, it was impossible to judge how huge it must be.

Fortunately, it could just eat Lin Shan accidentally. If Lin Shan's little meat ran away, it would just run away. It didn't care.

Ten years later.

Lin Shan drifted in this dangerous dive channel for nearly ten years.

He walks on the edge of danger, facing the test of life and death every moment.

Countless dangers have arisen, and narrow escapes have become commonplace.

Perhaps it was a miracle that he had survived until now, with the last drop of his essence and blood remaining.

Ten years have passed, and the exit of the passage is still far away.

He hid himself in a secret darkness and quietly recovered from his injuries.

The magic box floated in front of him. The little devil crossed his arms and sat on the magic box, nodding frequently. Its expression looked a little serious.

"I know everything you said," the little devil whispered, with a hint of helplessness in his tone.

"But the 'Box of Disaster' really can't help you much this time."

"As the 'Box of Disaster' at the level of the Abyss Tome, its own level is only the ordinary Dominator level, which is the King level you have recently known. Because of its specific ability, it is comparable to the top King level, but in In this sinking passage, it is difficult for a king-level power to directly cross the distance."

Lin Shan nodded slightly, thinking about the next way out.

He knew before that the Magic Box was not as omnipotent as before in the abyss.

The little devil suddenly said: "You can make such a wish and let the Box of Disaster escort you to the exit and increase your flying speed. Although the Dominator cannot cause splash here, the creatures here can't do anything to the Dominator." That way, it should be no problem to keep you safe.”

"But you have already owed a lot of wishes before. I wonder if the Box of Disaster is still willing to help you."

"Let me ask for you." After saying that, the little devil got into the magic box.

After a while, the little devil appeared.

"Yes, but after this time, you must fulfill a wish from the Box of Disaster. The wish is very difficult. If it involves the abyss, you will most likely die."

Upon hearing this, Lin Shan agreed immediately without thinking.

Lin Shan no longer cares about whether he will die or not.

Whether to die later or die now, Lin Shan knew exactly which one to choose.

The Disaster Box shone with dark red light, as if sensing Lin Shan's determination.

A dark red energy enveloped Lin Shan.

In an instant, Lin Shan kept appearing and disappearing, completing ultra-long-distance teleportations again and again. His current speed was no weaker than when he took the blood essence.

Under the escort of the Box of Disaster, Lin Shan flew all the way. Just as the little devil said, the king level could not cause a big storm in the abyss, but there was nothing that could limit the king level.

The journey was smooth, and even if they encountered some terrifying creatures, they would not take the initiative to intercept Lin Shan, but they did not take the initiative to avoid it.

As long as Lin Shan takes the initiative to avoid this situation, everything will be fine.

Fifty years later.

Lin Shan finally ushered in the turning point of his long journey.

At a certain moment, the increasing pressure suddenly disappeared.

The feeling of being down to earth came.

He successfully passed through the sinking passage from mark 999 to mark 1000.

"Is this the abyss?" Lin Shan murmured to himself, his eyes wandering around.

What came into view was a very ordinary vast space.

The sky was an unusual purple-black color, even dotted with sparse and dim starlight.

There was a cold and turbid atmosphere in the air.

The ground was covered with strange rocks of various colors, emitting a faint fluorescence, like a flame dancing in the dark. There were some strange plants growing between the rocks, their leaves were slender and sharp, flashing cold light, as if ready to attack any creature that approached.

Lin Shan walked forward a few steps, and the ground under his feet seemed soft and sticky.

Occasionally, the ground would suddenly tremble, as if there were huge creatures swimming underground, making a low and heart-pounding roar.

In the distance, there were several towering black peaks, standing on the edge of the world like guardians.

The peaks were covered with deep cracks, as if torn by some powerful force, and a faint red light shone through the cracks, as if there was a flame burning.

Lin Shan continued to move forward and found a winding river. The water of this river was dark red and exuded a strong fishy smell.

On both sides of the river grew some flowers that Lin Shan was very familiar with, exactly the same as the purple soul flower, but the color was red.

"Is this the abyss?"

"It doesn't seem to be anything special..."

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