Above the gray fog

Chapter 178 Preparing for the court session

Five days later.

In the next five days, Lin Shan took another class. This time, according to his request, only 9 extraordinary people came. Almost all the extraordinary people who had no classes came.

During the class, Lin Shan tested the transparent pure spirituality, the dark white spirituality with different characteristics, and even the spirituality of the pendulum. Lin Shan found that different spiritual characteristics have different effects on different people.

Transparent spirituality has the same effect on everyone, while the dark white spirituality representing "Ice Flame" has a better effect on people with the "Flame" characteristic. People with this characteristic can absorb more at a time with the least damage.

As for the pendulum spirituality at the end - none of them apply.

The two forces of spirituality and spirituality are completely opposite and repulsive.

The two forces in Lin Shan's body can coexist because the strange body is independent of the physical body. The spiritual power in the strange body will not collide with the spirituality.

Both are their own homes, and they can be mobilized from their own homes when needed.

There is no such thing as the fusion of these two forces. Lin Shan has tried it. If a wisp of spirituality is mixed with a wisp of spirituality, the two will cancel each other out and eventually become nothingness.

"Dong, dong, dong!"

"Dong, dong, dong!"

"Lin Shan, open the door quickly."

There was a violent knock on the door outside. Lin Shan felt that if he opened it slowly... maybe the door would be broken.

A wisp of spirituality slowly extended down from the bedroom on the third floor like a tentacle, winding forward along the handrail of the stairs, and finally wrapped around the door handle. With a "click", the door was opened.

As soon as the door was opened, the person outside the door ran to the third floor "Dong...Dong...Dong..." and accurately found the location of Lin Shan's bedroom. Obviously, it was not the first time.

The bedroom door was pushed open. Lin Shan was not surprised to see the person coming. The person was Wu Wang. At this time, he was wearing a "bamboo basket" on his arm and dressed very formally in a black standard windbreaker.

"Start today?" Lin Shan asked.

"Yes, there is still half an hour left. I will take you to the court meeting place."

"Why do you bring the bamboo basket?" Lin Shan was curious.

"With this 'bamboo basket' demonstrated on the spot, we can increase a lot of bargaining chips." Wu Wang said proudly.

"It's you, not us. I don't intend to take sides." Lin Shan said seriously.

"Old Lin." Wu Wang called out, and then said earnestly, "The human race has been developing rapidly for so many years, and now the development speed has slowed down. If we can make money from the war between the Grass Spirits and the Twilight Clan, the human race will definitely be able to quickly pass the stable period and develop rapidly again."

"Moreover, those spiritual weapons and materials are completely useless to the human race now, and they are all sitting in the warehouse gathering dust..."

"Use these gathering dust weapons and our excess resources to exchange for the extraordinary resources we need, as well as other materials that the human race does not have. With so many benefits and a little risk, it is completely possible to take a gamble."

Lin Shan did not care and said, "It depends on the choice of the human race. Since the Human Court represents the human race, everything will be based on the results of the court."

"Okay." Seeing that Lin Shan was not convinced, Wu Wang stopped persuading him. He was standing on the position of intervening in the war. He was originally a businessman. In his opinion, the easiest thing to make money from war was nothing more than making money from war.

Of course, what he meant by making money was not for himself, but for the human race. He hoped that the human race could benefit from it and "get rich".

"Besides the fixed twelve votes, I wonder how many Sequence 8s are present this time." Wu Wang muttered.

"Let's go, lead the way." Lin Shan said.


The location of the Human Court is still in the city center, and its geographical location forms a triangle with the Pioneer Hall and Pioneer University.

Lin Shan followed Wu Wang to a sparsely populated street, which is the area where the Human Court and its many affiliated institutions are located.

At the end of the street, ten-meter-high stone pillars stand on both sides of the road. Walking along the stone pillar road for nearly a hundred meters, there are hundreds of steps.

On both sides of each step stood two military soldiers, and the military green spiritual guns in their hands that could kill pseudo-transcendents emitted a cold light in the sunlight.

The two soldiers on the first step looked directly in the direction of Lin Shan and Wu Wang.

After seeing Lin Shan and Wu Wang, the two soldiers in front of them immediately saluted.

As you walk up the steps, you can see a square hundreds of meters wide. Dragon flags are planted on both sides of the square. On the red flag, there is a flying Chinese dragon. The dragon is depicted with very simple lines, but its posture of flying in the air is vivid.

In the middle is a wide red carpet, and a row of guards of honor stand neatly around the red carpet.

After walking across the red carpet, there are steps in front again, but this time the steps are made of jade.

The long jade steps, with a total of ninety-nine steps, extend upward and lead directly to the palace door.

After walking over the jade steps again, you can see a magnificent palace.

Wu Wang looked at the hall in front of him, his face showing a look of nostalgia:

"The 'Court Meeting Hall' is composed of 160 spiritual plants, Nanmu, as the main body. It is a natural gathering array and the most luxurious building of the human race."

Lin Shan nodded. Wu Wang did not exaggerate. At a glance, the golden glazed tiles covered the roof, and the towering golden osmanthus trees on both sides, the layers of Qin bricks and Han tiles, the purple pillars and golden beams, seemed extremely luxurious.

"Why is there no one?" Lin Shan asked, looking at the hall that was extremely luxurious but empty.

Seeing Lin Shan's doubts, Wu Wang told the story:

"As a symbolic building of the human race, the 'Court Council Hall' is only open during the court session. Even if it is open, there are not many human council members. In addition to the fixed twelve seats, there are only a handful of human sequence 8. The average number of people in each court session does not exceed fifteen."

"Is that so?" Lin Shan said to himself, and then said with some disappointment: "Isn't this equivalent to an alternative imperial system? Even if there are mutual checks and balances, the right to speak is still in the hands of a few people."

"The difference is still very big. The human court will consider the interests of everyone, because the twelve seats in the parliament represent the human race's noble families and the human race's common people."

There will be time for these twelve people to collect opinions at each court session. They are just representatives who convey the voices behind them.

Common people and noble families have the right to change representatives at any time, and the twelve seats are not fixed.

Only sequence 8 can be fixed, but those who can advance to sequence 8 during this period must be human race sages.

It's just a matter of naming the pioneers to participate.

However, most pioneers are just going through the motions. Like Lin Shan, even if they have votes, they hold them in their hands and don't vote.

There are very few people like Wu Wang who hold opinions.

As a qualified businessman, Wu Wang would not allow the human race to miss this opportunity.

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