Above the gray fog

Chapter 180: The Master of the Qian Family

"Can it communicate?" Lin Shan looked at Wu Wang and asked.

"No, but it seems to understand what we say." Wu Wang replied.

"Please take a seat, members..."

An ethereal voice came from the front again.

"What is this? The voice of the hall?" Lin Shan asked.

"No, even if the hall has consciousness, it is in a confused state. This is the head of the Supreme Court, a subordinate institution of the Human Court - Jiang Xin. He is not a member of the court. He came here to organize a meeting."

"Yes." Lin Shan nodded, and the two walked towards the inside of the hall.

"What if the votes are tied?"

"Adjust the time, hold a second court meeting, and if it is tied again, it will need to be resolved by the pilot meeting."

"Are all the votes of the members equal?" Lin Shan asked softly when he came to the conference table.

"All equal, only one vote." Wu Wang replied in a low voice.

Lin Shan nodded slightly and sat at the huge conference table. Wu Wang was at least three meters away from him.

The moment he sat down, a huge change occurred in front of him.

The distance between him and Wu Wang increased from three meters to more than thirty meters, and the conference table in the middle also became larger. A golden mist floated above the conference table.

The mist that originally enveloped the surroundings dispersed far away.

"Is this an illusion?"

Lin Shan said to himself, "It must be an illusion. This long table is now estimated to be hundreds of meters long. There is no way there is such a large space inside the hall."

As the seats on the conference table were gradually filled, a total of fifteen golden lights shot up into the sky, stirring the golden mist above, causing fifteen golden holes to appear.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute!"

Suddenly, an urgent shout came.

Lin Shan looked up and saw a young man in green clothes, holding a folding fan in his hand and a red umbrella behind him, appearing at the intersection of the golden mist and the conference table.

Half of his body was hidden in the golden mist, his eyes were calm, looking forward, and the words he said were very urgent, but his expression was still very calm.

"It's just the right time, Master Qian... please take a seat."

The voice appeared again. Lin Shan looked in the direction of the voice and found that Jiang Xin, the head of the Supreme Court, did not sit down, but stood at the front of the conference table.

"Sorry, I'm late. There was a traffic jam on the road." The young man called Master Qian explained softly.

"Didn't Master Qian come here by bicycle? How can this bicycle get stuck in traffic? Even if there is a traffic jam, why didn't he fly here directly? Do you think the court deliberation is not important?" A middle-aged man with a big belly said while touching his belly.

"Master Yi, bicycles can also get stuck in traffic." Master Qian said lightly without explaining anything else.

"Please take a seat, Master Qian. Master Qian has traveled a long way, and the means of transportation he uses... is not very convenient. It is understandable that he is late." Jiang Xin saw that the two were about to quarrel, and hurriedly spoke.

Seeing Jiang Xin start to mediate, the fat man stopped talking and just chuckled.

When the last person took a seat, the sixteenth golden light column shot up into the sky.

"Court meeting, start!"

"Should we intervene in the battle between the Grass Spirits and the Twilights? Please make the decision, councillors."

Jiang Xin went straight to the point. Court meetings are the place for making decisions. The councillors sitting here already knew what happened, so there was no need to elaborate.

"Please vote, councillors."

Jiang Xin's words seemed vague, but they were heard by everyone. Lin Shan guessed that the reason why he could do this should be related to the hall under his feet.

As soon as Jiang Xin finished speaking, Lin Shan saw a small box suddenly appear next to the conference table. The material of the small box could not be seen, and there was a small hole on it that was similar to a coin slot.

In front of the small box, there were three "iron pieces" emitting a dim glow. One piece of iron was written with "intervention", another piece of iron was written with "non-intervention", and the last piece of iron was written with "abstention".

Lin Shan picked up the piece of iron representing abstention and put it into the small box in front of him.

The iron piece with the word "abstention" suddenly turned into a gray light and was put into the small box.

At the same time, the other two ‘iron pieces’ also turned into gray spots of light and dissipated in front of the table.

After a moment, the small box in front of him slowly drilled into the bottom of the conference table.

After about three minutes, the voting results were written crookedly on the conference table.

Intervention: 12 votes.

No intervention: 3 votes.

Abstention: 1 vote.

The number of votes for ‘intervention’ exceeded ‘no intervention’ by four times.

This crushing victory can be said to be the will of the people.

It can only be said that the human race, which has been peaceful for a long time and has grown stronger, needs this war.

Lin Shan was not surprised by this result. The human race has been peaceful for 70 years. The development of these 70 years has made the human race countless times stronger. Most people want to seize this opportunity to continue to take off.

Moreover, we only intervene in the war and supply weapons and resources. If operated properly, there can even be zero casualties.

"Voting results: intervention, 12 votes, no intervention, 3 votes, one abstention."

"'Intervention' passed!"

"Proceed to the next stage."

"Below are the pseudo-wartime regulations drafted by the Ministry of Military Industry and the Ministry of Commerce. Please vote separately."

A stack of papers appeared out of thin air again where the small box originally appeared.

There were more than 20 sheets of paper in total, each of which was covered with dense handwriting.

Half an hour later.

Lin Shan roughly browsed the contents recorded above. The content on each piece of paper had a repetition rate of more than 50%. The main content was the joint mobilization of the two departments. The Ministry of Military Industry and the Ministry of Commerce jointly cultivated and launched a new department - Mutual Trade.

The department of "Mutual Trade" continued to use the ancient Chinese name, and it would be the first department of the human race involved in diplomacy at this time.

The dense handwriting and various rules and regulations gave Lin Shan a headache, and there were a lot of repeated contents on each piece of paper. He chose to abstain without hesitation. Without understanding the current situation, it was the safest to choose to abstain.

Except for him, everyone was watching carefully. Even if they had read it before, they still read the contents of these papers again from beginning to end.

One hour later.

The voting results appeared.

One of the integrated regulations crushed the second place by seven votes.

"No. 3 drafted the regulations and passed!"

"Enter the next stage, the public discussion!"


The sound of the wooden hammer hitting the table was clearly heard by every member of the parliament.

The next second, golden light flashed in the center of the conference table.

A golden shadow appeared out of thin air. Only the upper body of an old man was visible.

The shadow slowly said, "I still think we should not interfere in this war."

"First, we don't know the strength of these two tribes. We can only speculate from the fact that they need spiritual weapons."

"Second, it is possible that all this is their conspiracy. Perhaps their so-called need for weapons for war is just an excuse. Their target is actually our human race."

"Third, even if it is all true, if we make a wrong judgment, the strength of these two tribes is actually far greater than that of the human race. In the end, no matter which side wins, the human race will not have an easy time."

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