Above the gray fog

Chapter 184 Zhao Xiaoan's Home

"Then what should we do now?" Zhao Xiaoan looked at Lin Shan.

"Find them first." Lin Shan replied.

Jin Tianzong said slowly:

"Attack them directly with forceful means, and then let one or two live back to report the news. It is best to have multiple Sequence 8s take action or use extremely powerful spiritual weapons to create the image of the human race as not a weak race."

"We should first go and see what kind of creature Zhao Xiaoan captured is. If it is really the Grass Elf tribe, it is best to let someone who can speak the Grass Elf tribe communicate with it first to initially confirm their purpose and what the end result is. Do you have any accomplices?”

Zhao Xiaoan frowned slightly. She didn't want others to go to her house, but she still looked at Lin Shan for advice.

Lin Shan nodded slightly and said, "Okay, let's make sure first."

This matter concerns the human race and there is no room for carelessness.

Seeing Lin Shan nodding, Zhao Xiaoan said calmly: "After eating, go to my house and don't move things around."

"Speaking of which." Wu Wang looked strange and asked, "Where is your home? Don't you live in the gray mist?"

Zhao Xiaoan, Chen Liyun and Zhang Zhonghua, it would be good to see each other in ten years, unless something big happens to the human race and calls for the return of Sequence 8.

Each Sequence 8 will leave three spiritual markers in the tribe, and people in the tribe can use the three spiritual markers to summon the Sequence 8 to return.

There are three types of summons, one is that you can go back or not, the other is that you have important matters but you can't go back, and the last one is that the clan is facing destruction.

"Don't come." Zhao Xiaoan glanced at him and said seriously.

Wu Wang smiled and did not continue to argue. He still wanted to see what the grass elves looked like. So far, the human race had only seen a special team responsible for communication with the grass elves.

"Papa", Jin Yin clapped his hands gently, and a female waiter in cool clothes walked in outside the door. She stopped two meters away from the table, clasped her fists and bowed, "Boss Jin."

Jin Yin said, "Take my status badge and invite two elite students from the University of Civilization of Ten Thousand Races to come over. The ones who are proficient in the Grass Elf language will be here."

"Yes." The female waiter took the jade token and walked quickly downstairs.

"Being an extraordinary waiter is such a luxury." Qian Ning said casually while eating the food.

"Of course not." Jin Yin explained with a smile, "The Jin family is extraordinary and rare, and cannot compare to your Qian family. The person just now was not a waiter, but the owner of this restaurant. He personally entertained the distinguished guests today."

"Xiao Jin, you are interested, but we are not the kind of people who care about status, so just feel free to do it." Wu Wang said with a smile.

"You don't care about your status, but we, as the younger generation, cannot care less." Jin Yin said seriously, then stood up and raised the wine glass in his hand, "I would like to toast you all on behalf of all the people of the human race."

However, he spoke so excitedly that only Wu Wang, Qian Ning and Wang Cheng stood up.

Lin Shan and Jin Tianzong were drinking in silence, and Zhao Xiaoan was watching them drink in silence.

Jin Yin couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth when he saw Wang Cheng smiling across the street and Qian Ning who was still cold.

In the end, he gritted his teeth and made a toast. Wu Wang had to give him face.

Wu Wang nodded slightly, with a calm look, "Well...it's just a false reputation, don't worry about it."

"Xiao Jin, everything is what we should do, there is nothing hard." Wang Cheng narrowed his eyes and said with a smile.

"Xiao Jin, you are interested." Qian Ning said lightly.

Hearing the last two sentences, Jin Yin's nose was almost crooked with anger.

But there was no change in his facial expression, and he still said with a smile, "I have grown up listening to the stories of pioneers. The spirit of pioneers has always guided me. I believe that not only me, but the entire human race is under the influence of this will." Only then can it develop so smoothly.”

He took the word pioneer very seriously.

Wang Cheng touched his nose and nodded with a smile.

Qian Ning had no expression on his face and picked up the dishes casually.

At this time, Jin Yin was even more angry, but both of them were thick-skinned masters, so he could only continue to flatter Wu Wang with a smile on his face, something Wu Wang would do to so many pioneers.

The meal ended in an unusual atmosphere.

At this moment, there was an acquaintance of Lin Shan in the box.

"Lin Nuonuo?" Lin Shan asked, looking at the person in front of him.

"Yes, I didn't expect Pioneer Lin to recognize me." Lin Nuonuo clasped his hands tightly and looked at his toes.

Lin Shan was speechless. At her current age, she could be a grandmother, but she didn't expect to be so afraid of life.

"I don't know many people. I remember everyone's name." Lin Shan said lightly.

Then he asked, "Why are you here?"

Lin Nuonuo continued to look down at his toes and whispered: "I am a teacher at Wanzu University."

"Yeah." Lin Shan nodded and didn't ask any more questions. Instead, he looked at Zhao Xiaoan and said, "Let's go."

"Come with me." Zhao Xiaoan glanced at the people present and said.

Everyone followed closely behind.

"My home is quite special. Don't touch things when you arrive." Zhao Xiaoan warned.

"Don't worry, don't worry. You can only look at it, but you can't touch it. I understand. I will never touch it." Wu Wang patted his chest and promised.

Zhao Xiaoan rolled his eyes at him, waved his hand, and a purple boat appeared on the ground. The boat quickly grew in size, and eventually turned into a large boat nearly eight meters long.

"Come up." Zhao Xiaoan jumped lightly and landed on the bow of the ship.

Everyone jumped onto the big boat one after another, and the pedestrians nearby looked at them with surprise. Using such obvious supernatural powers directly in the city is not allowed in the human race's "New Law". The "New Law" clearly stipulates that fallen bodies cannot transform in the city, and living bodies cannot show supernatural powers with threatening nature.

The boundary of this "threatening nature" is very vague, so most people dare not use supernatural powers in the city at will, fearing that they will violate the law and be invited to drink tea.

The giant ship under my feet began to tremble, and circles of purple light circles swung out from under the ship. The light circles were like ripples in the water, constantly expanding.

At a certain moment, the ground under the ship also fluctuated, and the buildings with a radius of hundreds of meters seemed to be distorted and fell into a huge vortex of light and shadow.

The sight followed the rotation, and after a dizzy spell, the scene in front of me changed dramatically.

The boat under my feet was hovering in the air, and below the boat was a very small island.

A "villa" of medium size stood in the center of the island. There was shallow green grass growing around the villa, and there was nothing else.

Around the island, there is a space that keeps twisting back and forth, and just looking at it makes people dizzy.

"Is this... another layer of space?" Lin Shan murmured, then looked at the space that kept twisting and rotating around him, frowning slightly, "What is this 'barrier'..."

If this is also an inner space like the dark space, there should be no barrier blocking it, but it should be all connected.

"This is my home." Seeing Lin Shan's doubts, Zhao Xiaoan looked at Lin Shan and said with a smile, "The opportunity obtained in the gray fog."

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