Above the gray fog

Chapter 196 Thoughts

Da Da, Da Da Da, Da Da Da Da!

The dense footsteps filled the streets in an instant.

Teams of people in military uniforms emerged on both sides of the street.

"Ahem." With a light cough, Lin Shan and Xia Xuan, who were dressed in standard military uniforms, followed Wu Wang and slowly walked towards the grass spirits.

Two hundred human super elites above the fifth stage of sequence 9 formed a vacuum circle around them.

An ordinary soldier here is a captain level anywhere in the human race.

Half an hour ago, it didn't take long for Lin Shan to cross the entire tribe at his speed. After finding the grass spirits, he did not act rashly, but sent the news back to the border defense command center and summoned these supers who supported Yongchang City in the name of pioneers, intending to play a play.

The assembled supers came from different forces. Now that the evil has retreated, the border defense military department can no longer command them. There are many political factors involved. No one except the human court can mobilize troops composed of so many forces, but there is no time to hold a court meeting now.

Fortunately, the titles of pioneer and grand secretary are useful, and both the military and the major families give them face.

These extraordinary people are all transferred from Yongchang City and Wu'an City. The number of extraordinary people in these two cities accounts for more than 80% of the total number of human extraordinary people. In addition to the extraordinary people who enter the gray fog to explore and collect resources, the two cities also have 2,000 military extraordinary troops, more than 1,000 team members, officials at all levels, and members of major families. It is not too difficult to extract 200 extraordinary people above the fifth stage from them, but it has already been done to the extreme.

All this was completed in just half an hour. The main reason for such a fast speed is that they were already gathering in Yongchang City, preparing to cooperate with Yongchang City's defense to welcome the next war.

For this reason, Lin Shan, Wu Wang, Xia Xuan, these human pioneers and sequence 8 all played the role of ordinary non-commissioned officers of the human race.

Even the child is an elite in the extraordinary reserve team.

Wu Wang walked in the front, followed by Lin Shan and Xia Xuan.

During the approach, Lin Shan kept observing the changes in the old grass spirit's expression, or rather the changes in his eyes. He really couldn't see any changes in his expression, but no matter how the form changes, as long as it is a creature with emotions, emotions are always related to eyes.

Lin Shan noticed that the old grass spirit seemed very excited. When he saw them, he danced a little, but his eyes were always calm. The young grass spirits were a little scared and were struggling to retreat because Lin Shan and the other two were releasing their spiritual pressure to them without reservation.

The old grass spirit came forward, put his hands on his chest, and bent down, "Respected Lord of the Upper Clan, we have no intention of offending you. We mistakenly entered the clan territory of the Upper Clan because of external forces... We came here to pay homage to the leader of the Upper Clan and bring the specialties of our grass spirit clan as tribute to the Upper Clan. I hope that the cooperation between the two clans can start from now and never end."

"Translator." Wu Wang clapped his hands and shouted.

Lin Nuonuo walked up tremblingly and translated the words of the old grass spirit.

"We already know your previous experiences. As for paying respects to the leader of our tribe, there is no need. The higher-ups have already given me full authority to cooperate with the Grass Spirit Tribe." Wu Wang looked at the old Grass Spirit and said lightly.

"This..." The old Grass Spirit hesitated a little, "Excuse me, what position do you hold in the tribe?"

When Lin Nuonuo translated this sentence into Chinese, Wu Wang replied without hesitation, "I am responsible for managing the business of the tribe. Because we rarely contact foreign tribes, we do not have a special foreign trade agency, so foreign trade is assigned to me for management."

"We rarely contact foreign tribes, but the resources you provide happen to be what our tribe needs, so the higher-ups decided to make an exception and trade with you."

"There is a saying in our tribe that there are no eternal friends, only eternal interests, although these interests are very small for our tribe."

"There are no eternal friends... only eternal interests..." The old Grass Spirit repeated this sentence, looking embarrassed, and wavering for a while.

They came to meet the leader of the race called the upper tribe by the great sage, and then discuss the cooperation between the two tribes in detail.

As a result, the Upper Clan has now handed over the important matter of cooperation between the two clans to this person who does not seem to have a high status.

As for the surrounding lineup, it takes it for granted. The Grass Elves can easily use this strength. If the Upper Clan does not have it, how can it be called the Upper Clan by the Great Sage?

There are also three Sequence 8s in front of it. Except for the Upper Clan member in a white robe, he cannot see the strength. The other two, including the leader, are very weak in its eyes.

But think about it and you can understand. They are only the personnel of the Upper Clan responsible for business, not the combat organization, and their strength is not ranked first.

"That..." After sorting out his thoughts, the old Grass Elves spoke again, "I don't know how to meet the leader of the Upper Clan? It's like this. Our Great Sage specially asked us to prepare the specialty of the clan to give to the Upper Clan, and also instructed that it can only be opened when we see the leader of the Upper Clan. This thing is rare in my Grass Elves..."

Its meaning is very clear.

We brought very precious things here. This thing will only be given to you when you see your boss. If we give it to you now, because it is very precious, we are worried.

If the people in front of them tried to rob, they would get nothing, and the transaction would be useless. One vicious robber would make them miserable, and if there was another one, they would have no choice but to die together.

On the surface, they came here to pay homage, and put their attitude very low. In fact, they came more to consider whether the upper tribe was really their last straw as the great sage said. Although the great sage had never missed it, they could not be careless about the survival of the race.

If the upper tribe was really powerful and friendly as the great sage predicted, they would be willing to rely on the upper tribe and provide the extraordinary resources of the tribe.

To put it another way, if the upper tribe was powerful but not friendly, and was a race as ambitious as the Twilight Clan, then they also had a plan. Such a race and the Twilight Clan would never get along well. As long as they could find a way to make the two tribes fight, they might be able to steal a glimmer of life from it.

Of course, no matter how much they retreated, the premise of being extremely powerful was necessary, at least not weaker than the Grass Spirit Clan. If they were weaker than the Grass Spirit Clan... this assumption had also been considered by the tribe, and at that time... the handling method would be completely different.

The old grass spirit had such thoughts in mind, but the reality was different from what he thought.

Unexpectedly, the upper tribe would entrust the important matter of cooperation between the two tribes to a small department to handle, and they were not even prepared to meet with the envoy from the foreign tribe.

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