Above the gray fog

Chapter 202 Red Umbrella

After Zhao Xiaoan finished speaking, everyone was silent for a while.

Lin Shan stood up, took the drink from Zhao Xiaoan's hand, and drank it in one gulp.

It seems that everyone understands their own ‘humanity’ differently.

He needed to stay in the clan. During this time, he could feel that he had changed slightly, and the blood on his body had almost been completely suppressed.

Zhao Xiaoan is completely opposite to him. She stays in the clan for a long time, just like Lin Shan spends a long time in the gray fog, which will slowly wear away her humanity. Only in the gray fog can she feel longing in her heart.

As for other people, they should have their own methods.

Now the highest sequence is only Sequence 8. You can protect your own humanity through your own unique methods. What if it is Sequence 7, or even a higher sequence? Will this method still be useful then?

"Today is New Year's Eve, a festive day. What are you talking about?" Yan Ruxin said helplessly, "And it's not that serious. This kind of wear and tear on human nature only affects Sequence 8 and will not affect Sequence 9. Lin Shan is Exception, he should be special."

"Even the wear and tear of Sequence 8 is just a hint. Except for Lin Shan, you are all mentally normal, and there will be no problems with your soul if you are mentally normal."

Yan Ruxin said seriously.

After hearing this, Lin Shan looked a little weird, "It's all fake that you are not normal, but I am the real one."

"Come, come, let's eat food and drink." Jin Tianzong greeted.

Accompanied by the gorgeous fireworks, everyone ate lightly. There were only two bottles of spiritual wine, and everyone drank it before they even tasted it.

"Why don't you prepare more wine? It's boring to eat food all the time." Wu Wang said unhappily, "Wait for me for a while, I will go home to get it."

"Goodbye, it's almost done. Just have some food and that'll be fine." Jin Tianzong grabbed Wu Wang.

"Then the Grass Fairy Clan, has the transaction with the human race begun?" Huang Yingxiao asked. She usually doesn't care about the political affairs of the tribe, but now she doesn't need to worry about the textile industry in the tribe. She is basically in a semi-retirement state. The days were quite leisurely.

However, she does not have nothing to do. The direction of the clan's beliefs is now under her control. She has an intelligence agency under her that specializes in visiting people and suppressing cults in various places.

In this extraordinary world, any ordinary person will yearn for the extraordinary. Cults everywhere are endlessly suppressed. There are many kinds of beliefs, and casualties abound because of their beliefs.

For this reason, the court held a special meeting to discuss whether to believe in a real god in order to put an end to this phenomenon. In the end, it failed to pass and had to resort to setting up an agency specifically to suppress cults.

"Soon." Wu Wang said with a smile, "They have already agreed. Let's not talk about the Sequence 9 weapons for the time being. They have requested twenty 135mm pure spirit penetrating anti-aircraft guns for the second trial, and the clan is now stocking up."

"Sequence 9 weapons and ammunition can be placed in the 'bamboo basket', which saves transportation costs. The loss of 5% is within the acceptable range. However, the anti-aircraft gun is too large and cannot be loaded in the 'bamboo basket'. It can only be disassembled manually and then used by extraordinary The transportation over such a long distance must be escorted by Sequence 8. Regarding the later supply transaction of ammunition, as long as the team carries the 'bamboo basket' filled with ammunition. "

"Yeah." Huang Ying nodded and asked no more questions. She was still at Sequence 9, so she couldn't help much with this kind of thing.

"Did you use the core of the thousand-legged snake corpse I gave you last time?" Lin Shan looked at Jin Tianzong and asked suddenly.

"No." Jin Tianzong shook his head, and then said, "The core contains some kind of healing properties. I originally wanted to build a weapon with healing capabilities, but I found that the effect was not good. The attacks fired out have healing effects. , and has a certain amount of damage, which is equivalent to injuring the enemy and helping the enemy heal.”

"Since it's useless, give it to me." Lin Shan said, "I want to use it when researching spiritual instruments."

"Come to my laboratory to pick it up tomorrow."


"Comrades, since you've eaten and drank enough, why don't you go for a walk?" Yan Ruxin suggested.



Pioneer Square is still the same Pioneer Square, but the scope has indeed expanded many times. The four streets of east, west, south and north are still the most prosperous areas of the human race.

There is a lot of traffic here, pedestrians coming and going, adults holding children, couples or lovers holding hands, and from time to time someone points to the sky in the distance, where fireworks bloom.

"Let's go and bid farewell to your second uncle. He will definitely give you a big red envelope."

"Mom, I want some candy."

"Yes, there must be, but remember, just grab a handful and put them in your pocket, don't be greedy for too much."


The pioneers crowded in the crowd and experienced the festive atmosphere that only happened once a year.

"How's it going? Is it okay?" Yan Ruxin asked with a smile on her face.

"Yeah." Huang Ying said with a smile, "I want to go to New Year's greetings and earn red envelopes."

After walking through Herald Square to West Street for more than ten minutes, someone suddenly said, "That's it?"

"Qian Ning?" Wu Wang was confused.

"Do you know each other?" Huang Ying's eyebrows knitted together.

"The current member of the human race, the head of the Qian family." Jin Tianzong explained.

I could only see ahead, about a hundred meters away.

Qian Ning was leaning on his bicycle, holding a red umbrella in his hand, and kept muttering something. The passers-by turned a blind eye to him and passed through his body like a phantom.

Lin Shan teleported to him, frowned, looked at him, and called, "Qian Ning?"

Qian Ning heard the shout, but he stood there, motionless, and kept muttering... Cloud?

Lin Shan covered his hands with a layer of spiritual gauze, stepped forward and hit Qian Ning's shoulder, and indeed touched him. He was now in a state similar to a pure spiritual body. Ordinary people could not touch him, but extraordinary people could.

What surprised him was that after hitting him twice, Qian Ning did not move at all.

At this time, a team of extraordinary people quickly rushed out from the side, bowed to Lin Shan and said, "Brother, this is someone from my Qian family. His ability here will not affect the outside world, please don't bother me."

The guard thought that if he moved out of the Qian family, the person in front of him would leave tactfully, but who knew that he was greeted by a very strong spiritual pressure. The three of them instantly fell to the ground, their faces touching the ground, and they wanted to resist but couldn't move at all.

At this time, Zhao Xiaoan and others stepped over the guards and came over. "What's wrong with him? Is this a sequence ability?"

"It's not an ability. His own spiritual energy is full and there is no sign of using it. Something is pulling him in..."

Lin Shan felt that his current state was somewhat similar to his own strange body form. He was in different spaces at the same time, but he entered this state passively.

"Dark space?"


As if he felt the movement of the outside world, Qian Ning finally moved. He turned around slowly, without any expression on his face, and his eyes were not focused. After a while, he moved one hand to the upper end of the umbrella handle, as if he wanted to close the red umbrella.

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