Above the gray fog

Chapter 210 Arrival at Moon Well

So the power of the gods can be used in this way?

But... the cats believed in the God of Lights, but it seems that apart from offering sacrifices, they did not obtain the power of the gods such as the power of life.

What is the problem... Is the God of Lights too weak, or do the cats not know how to do it?

If believing in gods can allow humans to master a new power, then it seems more appropriate to choose a god and put the power of faith on the god.

At least it is more profitable than the pioneers.

Putting it on the tribe is the progress of the entire race's power, and if it is put on the pioneers, it is just to shape a few stronger tribesmen.

But judging from the current development of the human race, the human race's previous choice was not wrong, and the pioneers did lead the human race through difficulties again and again.

"Alas, each has its own gains and losses."

"Can the power of faith be evenly distributed between the pioneers and a certain god." Lin Shan touched his chin and thought.

All races know the role of faith. Judging from the races seen so far, except for the human race, other races choose to believe in gods instead of giving faith to their people.

Because the benefits of believing in gods are greater, one can obtain extremely powerful power through sacrificial rituals, sacrificing the total amount of spirituality or lifespan, or it is possible to obtain short-term use of power through ordinary ritual magic like the grass elves, at the cost of normal spiritual consumption.

There should be prerequisites for doing what the grass elves do. Lin Shan thinks it is likely related to faith. Perhaps this is why other races will not choose to separate the power of faith. Perhaps... gods and tribesmen can only achieve the maximum effect if they focus on one thing.

While Lin Shan was thinking.

The large ship woven by plants under his feet suddenly vibrated.


A layer of green barrier covered the giant ship.

The next second, a "boom" sound exploded.

The surrounding environment quickly stretched and became blurred.

"This, this, this... the speed has reached the speed of sound!"

"What is the principle?"

Captain Liu widened his eyes in disbelief.

The maximum speed of Sequence 8 is also on the edge of the speed of sound, and has not exceeded the speed of sound. These two Sequence 9 of the grass elves drove a grass boat and actually broke the speed of sound.

Lin Shan was also stunned for a moment. He looked around. He was sure that the speed of the ship was definitely faster than his flying speed.

His speed did not break the speed of sound, which seemed to be an insurmountable shackle for Sequence 8.

But now, this ordinary ship, woven with ordinary plants, could break through the shackles that even Sequence 8 could not break through.

The two grass spirits looked back and saw the appearance of Captain Liu, and kindly reminded him, "Sir, sit tight."

"Damn... Old..."


"Old... I'm seasick!"

Captain Liu ran to the side and vomited directly. The strange thing was that no matter how he vomited, he didn't vomit anything.

"Captain, if you are seasick, just vomit it out... It will be better if you vomit it out." Li Letian, who had the best relationship with him, said speechlessly.

"You... fuck... bastard, I haven't eaten for several days, what am I vomiting?" Captain Liu's face was pale. The huge ship was sailing very steadily, but he was swaying back and forth, looking drunk.

The two grass spirits in front heard the noise and looked back, with doubts and weirdness in their big eyes.

After looking at each other, they still thought it was better not to care. Their mission was just to send people there. Anyway, they couldn't understand anything.

Yes, they didn't understand. They just didn't expect that the envoy of the upper tribe would faint the flying fish.

Lin Shan sighed lightly. Does such a person really have such a strong talent... At this moment, he couldn't help but have a little doubt.

The fifth stage of Sequence 9 can be invincible in the same sequence, which is something he can't do.

Feeling the rapid changes in the surrounding environment, Lin Shan moved his eyes to the two grass spirits in front.

It can be clearly felt that the speed of this ship has nothing to do with these two grass spirits.

They are indeed losing spirituality, but the speed is very slow.

The ship under his feet was also woven from ordinary plants. There was nothing special about those plants except that they were a little bigger.

The only possible connection was the vine hanging the big ship in the sky. This vine existed before they came. Its length and load-bearing capacity indicated that this vine was definitely not simple.

Lin Shan's eyes were full of blue light. He stared at the vine for a while, but did not find anything unusual, as if it was just an ordinary vine.

The ordinary vine revealed something unusual.

Half an hour later, the speed of the ship slowed down.

The hull shook and was about to fall apart. Fortunately, it did not really split, but the gaps between the various plants became larger. It seemed that it could not last long.

"This kind of ship can only be used once, which is right... After all, this ship has no cost." Lin Shan muttered when he saw the huge ship that was about to disintegrate.

Looking at Captain Liu again, he was still retching in the corner of the ship, staggering like a drunk.

It seems... his condition has nothing to do with the speed of the ship... After all, when the ship is sailing, except for the shaking when accelerating and decelerating, everything else is very stable.

Retracting his gaze, looking at the scenery below.

After the speed of the ship slowed down, the scenery below the ship became clearly visible.

They are now flying at an altitude of less than 100 meters, but for the Grass Spirits, this altitude will not have any effect.

Lin Shan found that the buildings of the Grass Spirit Tribe were no more than five meters high, and the average height was about three meters.

It seems a bit inaccurate to call them buildings. The houses of the Grass Spirit Tribe are made up of various flowers and plants intertwined and entangled. Moreover, these plants are alive, and their roots are in the soil below.

They live in natural houses without any bricks and tiles.

It is worth mentioning that the distribution of the Grass Spirit Tribe's houses is circular, spreading out in circles, so the entire building area is circular.

Moreover, there are no commercial areas or entertainment venues in the building area. You can only see groups of Grass Spirit Tribe members lying in front of their homes and basking in the sun lazily.

As far as it can be seen, all the places that can be touched are these low-rise flower and grass houses.

"This race... is terrible." Seeing the scene below, the dizzy Captain Liu was a little uneasy.

There are no spiritual needs or material needs. They can be self-sufficient just by basking in the sun every day. This race... is simply too outrageous.

"However, everything has two sides. Their living habits doom them to not be competitive. If they are too comfortable... they will be bullied."

"The Moon Well is ahead."

At this time, the two grass spirits standing at the bow shouted back.

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