Above the gray fog

Chapter 239: Soul Gathering

next day

Led by He Awei, the newly formed team set off for the target location before being notified.

There is already a special plane waiting on the exclusive apron of Wu'an Special Hunting Headquarters.

The speed of helicopters can generally be 300 kilometers per hour, and the speed of Sequence 9 with normal flight capabilities is only 1-150 kilometers per hour, so special teams will carry helicopters when performing tasks.

At present, the diameter of the tribe is about a thousand kilometers. At the speed of a helicopter, it only takes 10 hours to circle it from the outside.

The helicopter flew at high altitude for two hours and hovered in a hazy place.

Blockades were pulled out from below, and a large pit of unknown depth was firmly blocked.

This is their mission on this trip, to explore the origin of this pothole. There are more than one such pothole in the clan. At first, the human race still attached great importance to it, but as the number increased and the danger was not high, so It's all left to the team.

The pothole is connected to the outside world, and their task is to fill in the outside entrance to prevent creatures in the gray fog from sneaking into the clan.

"This mission is different from previous ones. In the past, gray fog penetrated into the potholes, but there is no sign of this pothole. Maybe this pothole is not connected to the gray fog."

"Where does that connect to?"

"How did I know?" He Awei was speechless.

After the helicopter descended, everyone jumped off.

When the military personnel involved in the blockade saw the arrival of He Awei and others, they immediately saluted with a military salute and said, "The rest will be left to you."

"Well..." He Awei nodded in response, "You continue to blockade, don't take it lightly until we come up."


"Jump right down?" Wang Keyao said with a guilty conscience when he saw the bottomless pit in front of him.

"Jump! This isn't really a pit, it's just a passage."

After saying that, He Awei was the first to jump into the pit.

Others closed their eyes, gritted their teeth and jumped in.

When he opened his eyes again, the surroundings were pitch black and there was nothing.

Suddenly, a flash of white light lit up, illuminating a space of more than ten meters in radius.

The light source came from the crystal ball in Nangong Xiaoming's hand. Others were about to take out their own lighting equipment, but they heard He Awei say, "One light source is enough. Gather together and don't get separated. This is just a passage. We didn't reach our destination."

"If this pothole is normal, we will appear in the gray mist near the tribe's land, and the task will be completed if we fill in the entrance."

"Yes." Everyone responded in unison with their hearts raised.

This passage is very strange. The surrounding walls are densely covered with gray luminous substances. The ground under your feet is not made of soil, but an unknown gray stone. It feels very hard when you step on it.

The passage goes all the way down, and the further down you go, the colder it becomes.

After everyone walked for half an hour, a bright light suddenly appeared in front of them. Everyone's eyes lit up and they all guessed that there was an entrance ahead. As long as they filled in the entrance, their mission was completed.

"The entrance should be right ahead. How was this passage opened? We didn't encounter any enemies along the way."

"This is not something we should be concerned about. Hurry up and fill up this hole. This broken place makes me feel very uncomfortable." Sun Ze walked at the back, holding the back of his head with his hands, as if strolling in his own garden.

"You just pretend, but you're actually scared to death inside, right?" Seeing his posture, Wang Keyao couldn't help but complain, "In my opinion, Li Ziqiang is calmer than you."

"Don't compare me to a fool. Do fools know what fear is?" Sun Ze said disdainfully.

"Don't make any noise." He Awei said in a deep voice, "This passage is obviously different. There would have been more or less evil or strange people staying in the previous passages. Otherwise, there would be no need for a special team to take action. Ordinary people could fill it in. ”

"It's not necessarily a good thing to be so calm."

He Awei looked at the five people behind him and secretly complained in his heart. If there was really danger, he would have to distract himself from protecting them.

He knew in his heart that these people...were just here to get gold plating. Tasks like this, which were less dangerous but important, were their family's first choice. They could even arrange for him to lead the team, in order to provide these people with more opportunities. Lots of protection.

However, seeing the interaction between them also reminded him of his former team members, and he couldn't help but feel a touch of sadness in his heart.

"Keep walking, don't interrupt the spiritual gauze." He Awei reminded.

Fifty meters, twenty meters, ten meters...

Passing through the light curtain in front, the scenery that appeared in their sight made everyone feel a little hairy.

"This...this, what is going on?"

"This is not gray fog...where are we now?"

Below are translucent blue figures. All the figures are in human form, and most of them are old people. Their eyes are dull, and they line up neatly towards the middle passage. Those blue figures are walking in the process. It was shattered into colorful energy light groups, and was finally sucked into the white light curtain in the center without knowing where to go.

He Awei and others stood on the large protruding rocks and looked around. It looked like a huge cave. The light was not too dim. There were white light curtains every ten meters on the walls around the cave. Those blue Figures walked out of these light curtains intermittently.

If Lin Shan were here, he would definitely recognize that these blue transparent figures are human 'souls'!

Everyone present, even He Awei, only had a vague understanding of the soul. The clan's education rarely mentioned the soul, only that everyone has a soul, and the soul is a kind of invisible and intangible super-matter.

"What should we do now? This place is very strange..."

"I'll go down and take a look. You stay here and don't move." He Awei said.

After saying that, the three pupils in his eyes rotated, and another He Awei suddenly appeared in his sight.

The newly appeared He Awei was a little dull at first, but his eyes became smart in just a moment.

Then he looked in another direction, and another He Awei appeared in the same place.

"It appeared. Brother Awei's sequence ability 'Three Lives', all the clones are completely equal to the original body." Nangong Xiaoming exclaimed.

Others also stared at the two figures in front of them with shining eyes. There was no difference between that figure and He Awei next to him, and even the spiritual fluctuations were not weakened.

Moreover, this was only the first characteristic of the eyes. They didn't know how many characteristics they had. They only knew that He Awei had a peak performance, fighting against five peak sequence 9 masters alone without losing at all.

He Awei's two clones looked at each other first, and then walked towards the place where the blue transparent figure gathered.

As they walked deeper and deeper, there was no sign of danger around them, as if this was a very peaceful place.

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