Above the gray fog

Chapter 247 Divination Paper

Lin Shan resisted the discomfort and came under the bed.

He staggered to the bathroom and planned to wash up first.

There was a big mirror in front of him. Lin Shan stared at himself in the mirror. After a while, the mirror was covered with dense black text.

[Your face is ordinary. You make me feel uninvolved. Because the great parchment is the peak of paper appearance. After looking at the appearance, let's look at the luck. Ah, young man... You will have a bloody disaster in recent years, but... This... This blood seems to be a little wrong? Why is it a little pink? ]

[Oh, look, who is in the mirror? A young man over a hundred years old, a rare double-order person, 'Ice Flame' and 'Pendulum' contain the characteristics of 'Transformation', 'Ice and Fire', 'Flight', 'Divination' and 'Precognition', but... This strange body seems to be a little wrong... Is this Him? It's really miserable. Why... The great parchment suddenly wants to cry so much? As a piece of paper, I don't seem to have tears to shed... Can you use me to wipe your tears... Pretend that I am crying. 】

[Hey, wait a minute! What did I see? Why is there a shadow of a great existence in the ‘Pendulum’? It is the top super-standard ability, but this young man doesn’t seem to be able to use it very well. 】

The information on the mirror gradually decreased, leaving only three pieces of information on the mirror. After possessing this ability, his thinking speed seemed to be much faster, and he could quickly extract what he needed from countless information.

The first piece of information, there has been a blood disaster in recent years, which is not good news. Later, it said that the blood was a little pink, what does this mean?

The second piece of information, the strange body... is it him?

Lin Shan suddenly felt cold all over.

He was an ordinary person on Earth and it was impossible for him to have a strange body. His strange body was obtained together with the parchment quill pen, not born.

Is this strange body him? Who is he? Is he still alive?

Lin Shan's eyes flickered, and he imagined all kinds of possibilities in his mind.

The strange body has been bound to his soul, or the strange body is his soul. This is absolutely true. The soul is the foundation of a person. If his soul is not his, doesn't it mean that he does not exist at all?

Miserable? Miserable for what? The ghost body is Him, His misery, but Parchment wants to cry, Parchment knows Him...

The current Parchment is very mechanical, just like a tool, its consciousness is dormant, so every word it says must be from instinct...including the style of speaking.

The third message, which is also the last one, is about the "Pendulum".

What is super specification? What does the top super specification sequence represent?

Parchment said that he can't use his ability now. Isn't this how "divination" and "precognition" are used? Even so, he feels that these two characteristics are very strong. According to Parchment, there may be deeper ways of use that he has overlooked.

No one answered him. Although Parchment, the only one who could answer the question, became a "chatterbox", it also lost the function of actively answering questions.

He could only remember these new words in his heart and wait for the exploration later.

After a simple wash, Lin Shan stepped out of the house. He planned to look for clues outside.

Perhaps the guidance is hidden in some subtitles, for example, if he stares at a certain direction, a subtitle will pop up and tell him to go this way.

Lin Shan lowered his presence and walked on the street. In his sight, all the passers-by were floating with pieces of handwriting.

[Zhang Xuan, female, 19 years old, pseudo-supernormal, eight points in appearance, personality... height... measurements... home address...]

There are countless similar information, and the handwriting next to different people is also very different. Lin Shan looked for a long time, but didn't see any useful information.

Fortunately, the subtitles don't consume his spirituality, otherwise, he can't hold on.

"Can only useful information pop up for me?"

Lin Shan tried to communicate with the air.

As soon as this sentence came out, the information spread across the world was instantly cleared, leaving nothing.

"Huh?" This change made Lin Shan's face happy, "Can we still communicate?"

"Location, the tribe 30.34 million kilometers away from me." Lin Shan said to the air.

After waiting for a long time, there was no change in the sight.

Lin Shan tried to change the way he said it.

"Locate the finished potion of Sequence 7."

"Guide the location of the clan land."

"How to advance to Sequence 7?"

The final result still disappointed him. There was no guidance in his sight.

Helplessly, Lin Shan could only continue to wander around the clan land.

Lin Shan hid his existence and flew at low altitude, almost visiting the entire Yongchang City. Until the red moon came, no subtitles popped up in his sight.

This means that there is nothing in the entire Yongchang City that is related to him or useful to him.

"It's really a bit difficult." Lin Shan shook his head helplessly.

The next moment, his figure disappeared directly, and when he reappeared, he was in an office.

This is the Future Research Institute, Jin Tianzong's office. Lin Shan remembered that he still had a weapon to take. He didn't know if it had been made in the past four years.

Compared with four years ago, there was basically no change here.

Jin Tianzong was not in the office at this time.

It was a good time to try the divination ability. The parchment said that he could not use the ability of "Pendulum". He was very proficient in the feature of "Precognition". If there was anything that had not been developed yet, it must be "Divination".

He had barely used this feature, let alone developed it.

Before, small matters did not require "divination", but big matters could be asked about parchment, so this feature had never been used, and the development progress was almost zero.

He himself did not know much about this feature.

Now think about it, this divination seems to be a little similar to the ability of parchment.

Could it be that the key to breaking the deadlock is "divination"?

After thinking carefully, Lin Shan still shook his head. He thought too simply. All abilities have an impact range. How could the ability of Sequence 8 affect a place more than 30 million kilometers away.

This time, Lin Shan did not take out the blue pendant, but used his ability on a piece of white paper on the table.

With a "click", the white paper was torn directly.

[White paper torn because it could not withstand the supernatural power. ]

Suddenly, a line of black handwriting jumped out of the torn white paper.

"Affected by my ability, and thus connected with me." Lin Shan stared at the white paper on the table and muttered to himself. He just thought that if he could give the ability to the paper, would he be able to give the paper some divination ability, similar to parchment, and provide him with some answers.

Judging from the results, if the materials meet the standards, this method is feasible. Just like the mind-reading paper that Jin Tianzong gave him before, he can also use his own abilities to make prophecy paper or divination paper.

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