Above the gray fog

Chapter 249 What is the source material

The Human Court is a general term for a mixed organization. There are many different departments in the Human Court, all of which are appointed by the Court Council and have their own duties.

Because they are appointed by the Court Council, people from the six major families account for nearly half of the senior management.

The remaining small number was won over by civilian councilors, who served as the highest leaders in order to maintain balance and avoid the phenomenon that the human race is completely ruled by the extraordinary and ordinary people have no hope of promotion.

Lin Shan came to the central street where the Human Court department was located. He first looked around to identify the direction, and the next moment, his figure disappeared from the original place.

The one who was looking for him was the ‘Central Special Hunting Headquarters’, a department with a special status in the clan. Whether it was internal or external, they were the department that gathered the most extraordinary people.

In a dark hall, the decoration here was very depressing. Lin Shan sat casually in the main seat, listening to He Awei below telling the deeds of the family team doing tasks two years ago.

"When the Shiba Inu disappeared with the others, the connection between me and my clone was also severed."

"This situation occurred because either my clones were all killed in an instant, or the distance was too far, at least more than 100,000 kilometers!"

He Awei told Lin Shan what happened. The Shiba Inu mentioned Lin Shan's name many times, and perhaps Lin Shan could have new clues.

God knows how the major families have been doing in the past two years. Anyway, two of them have already started to have second children.

Although they have a long lifespan, their extraordinary resources limit their fertility. They can't give birth to an ordinary child. When the time comes, the old people will send the young people away. For them, the cost of raising a child is very high. The cost here refers to extraordinary resources.

Let's not talk about extraordinary resources for now. Their family is big and can afford it.

The most important thing is that extraordinary childbirth will have a great impact on the mother. During childbirth, the mother's total spirituality will drop by at least one-third, and it is still difficult to recover.

Not only that, the father's body will also be affected. Although it is not serious, the total amount of spirituality will also decrease by 10%. Although this 10% is not much, it is extremely difficult to recover.

However, the child born is born as a pseudo-supernormal, which is the inheritance of the supernormal.

The above reasons directly lead to the fact that although the major families are large and powerful, most of them have only one heir, and even less than ordinary families.

Now that the only heir is gone, even if it is difficult, with tears in their eyes, they must find a way to give birth to another small one, otherwise, no one will inherit the family business. Although their lifespan is three times that of ordinary people, there will be a day when they will come to an end.

Hearing the two words "Shiba Inu", Lin Shan's memory was pulled back to decades ago. At that time, he was still Sequence 9. With the help of double sequence, he had few opponents in Sequence 9.

But he met a Shiba Inu that was equally matched with him. After going through all kinds of things, the man and the dog finally searched for materials together and even became friends. It can be regarded as his only alien friend so far.

"Shiba Inu... Huang Liu." Lin Shan said to himself, "I should be able to beat him up now, right?"

"Calculating the time, so many years have passed, Huang Liu should also be promoted to Sequence 7, but he should not have the troubles I have."

Thinking like this in his heart, Lin Shan looked at He Awei and said, "I do know that Shiba Inu, as for... whether the descendants of those noble families can survive, I am not sure."

"If it is just a piece of cake for Shiba Inu to keep those noble family descendants alive, then those people should still be alive. If it is very troublesome... then Shiba Inu will definitely leave those people alone."

The relationship between him and Shiba Inu is not very good, and it is even a bit complicated. If it is just a piece of cake, Shiba Inu should be able to help. If you want Shiba Inu to do his best for this, it is tantamount to dreaming.

"I will bring the words of the pioneer to those noble families. In addition to this matter, there are two more things I want to ask Lin Xianfeng for instructions." He Awei bowed.

"What's the point of asking me for instructions? I don't know the situation of the tribe, and the decision I made may not be correct." Lin Shan smiled and waved his hand.

Although he holds the title of the Grand Secretary of the Pioneer Association, he has never exercised any power so far. In his opinion, the development of the human race is quite good now. Moreover, he believes that the right path is not necessarily the right one. Whether the path is right or not, you must go through it first to know.

"Perhaps only Lin Xianfeng is the most suitable person to make the decision on this matter..." He Awei said.

Lin Shan looked at him, waiting for his next words.

"The first thing is still about that angel. After that day, I checked the information of the tribe... The blue figures we saw are most likely... souls."

Lin Shan nodded, motioning him to continue. When he said it before, Lin Shan had guessed that those blue figures were most likely souls.

The soul will dissipate after a person dies. The angel didn't know how to keep the soul, and it seemed that he was still using the power in the soul to complete a ritual.

What's in the soul?

The soul seemed to be only bound to lifespan, but the angel did not kill the human race. Those blue figures were mostly old people, obviously people whose lifespans were coming to an end. Since their lifespans were exhausted, what did they need those souls for?

Thinking of this, Lin Shan could not help but perform divination on himself.

His eyes instantly turned crystal blue.

After a moment, the crystal blue slowly dimmed and returned to a gray-black color without any spirit. This was affected by the authority of the parchment, and he could not change it.

"Source..." Lin Shan murmured. He probably knew what the angels were after.

It was for source...

What is source?

Source is the substance that makes up the soul. The souls of all living beings are made up of source. The source of any living being is unique and is the proof that the 'living being' exists in this world.

After the death of a living being, the soul will be reconstructed into source and go to an unknown place.

These are just the concepts of source. The reason why the angels started to snatch source is that source is an omnipotent power, the power of 'existence', and the power that can realize all possibilities.

To sum up a formula.

Source = existence.

For example, I am a god... As long as there is enough source, then I am a god!

But this kind of power is useless if it is too little. If you want the source to work, you have to destroy the clan at any time and use the destruction of the clan to achieve a goal.

Lin Shan closed his eyes and wanted to know more about the source.

The next second, he suddenly opened his eyes, and a faint black line stretched from somewhere to his body, and a very weak pulling force tried to pull his body out of his body.

Lin Shan stretched out his hand to pinch the black line, and with a slight force, the black line was burned up by the white flame.

"Is this the price of using power? The more you know, the more dangerous it is..."

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