Above the gray fog

Chapter 255: The Fox Tribe’s Clever Rule

Lin Shan breathed a sigh of relief. After half a year and nearly 1.5 million kilometers, the results finally came to fruition.

At the same time, he also had a new estimate of He Awei's sequence 'Three Lives'. He could actually sense each other across such a long distance. You know...he was only sequence 9.

At this time, He Awei's eyes were closed and his brows were furrowed. Just by looking at his expression, he knew that the situation over there might not be good.

Sure enough, He Awei opened his eyes again, and his first words were, "There is good news and bad news. Overall, the situation is not good."

Lin Shan looked at him, waiting for his next words. At the same time, he decided in his heart that if he dared to ask: "Hear the good news or the bad news first?", he would just throw him down and feed him. In the past six months, even if he They all feel a little tired.

Seeing Lin Shan's unkind expression, He Awei shrank his head. He didn't want to get into trouble with Lin Shan. In the past six months...he had basically been lying down. Not only did he have to eat, but he didn't even have to walk by himself. Lin Shan now It was normal for him to feel unhappy. After sorting out his thoughts for a while, he spoke slowly:

"The place where my clone and those descendants of the aristocratic families are currently located is indeed a branch of the human race."

"The specific situation is very complicated, and I don't know how to explain it. In short, this branch is developing very well. Although they are only at Sequence 9 at the highest level, with the help of the Fox Clan's technology, their development level is not even lower than ours. However, All this is under the rule of the Fox Clan."

"Judging from the information fed back by the clones, the Fox Clan is not a cruel race. Not only is it not cruel, it is also extremely civilized. Even its affiliated races will not be too oppressive and will appropriately help its development."

"The Fox Clan masters strange technology. This technology is different from spiritual technology and has a wider range of applications. Their energy is not spirituality, but 'electric energy' and what kind of 'controllable nuclear energy'. These resources of the Fox Clan are directly super long-range. Transport it to the human race branch, and then produce something in the human race, but my clone cannot touch it specifically.”

Lin Shan had a strange look on his face, electric energy? nuclear energy? Isn’t this earth technology? This world obviously has no physical basis. How did they do it? Do they already have the strength to break the rules of this world...

After a pause, He Awei continued, "The fox clan that rules the human branch is not the ancestral land of the fox clan, but a branch that was moved out of the ancestral land and re-established. It seems that there was some conflict at the beginning, but now it has been reconciled. This is the history they put out there and can be investigated.”

"According to your point of view, although this human race is living under the shelter of others, it is still living well. The previous note - the people of the Fox tribe, a branch of the human race, are imprisoned in hardship. How should we explain the 'people's suffering' in this." Lin Shan was confused.

"The good I just said means that the overall development of the human race is good, but it still does not prevent many people from living a miserable life."

"In addition to using the resources of the clan to produce certain things in the human clan, the fox clan also squeezes the faith of the human clan. Everyone in this human clan will be forced to believe in a fox clan 'girl'."

"They also specially customize a complete belief system for the human race, and classify people into three, six or nine grades based on the degree of piety of their beliefs. If they are unbelievers, they will never have a chance to get ahead, and will be assigned to do the hardest work and be crowned. "The title of the unbeliever."

"The subsequent imprisonment meant that all the heirs of the aristocratic families were locked up. Considering that they were from other human races, the senior branch officials did not abuse them. They just persuaded them that if they want to live here, they must believe in the fox girl. If they don't believe it, they won't be able to hide it if they are found out.

"Because...it is not allowed to allow unbelievers to become extraordinary."

"After many attempts, their faith in the Fox Clan girl was never up to standard, so they had no choice but to imprison her first to avoid being discovered by the Fox Clan."

Lin Shan nodded. He Awei said before that the Fox Clan was so good to the Human Clan, but he was still a little confused.

This kind of thing is obviously unrealistic. For no reason, how can a superior race be so kind to a weak race?

It wasn't until she heard what he said later that Lin Shan felt it was reasonable.

Helping the development of the human race is because if the human race's productivity is too weak, it cannot help them.

Forcing the human race to believe in the fox girl, the faith of a race, they cannot waste.

Maybe this is what the powerful tribe does. The tribe believes in the righteous god and asks the subordinate races to believe in itself. This two-way development is the most perfect.

Overall, although the Fox Clan dominates the human race, the help they provide obviously outweighs the harm, at least to that human race.

Before arriving at the location, Lin Shan started to have a headache. How to deal with this matter?

In fact... there is no way to deal with it at all. Not to mention that they are incapable of confronting the Fox Clan. Even if they really have the strength to compete with the Fox Clan, the human race will probably not be willing to do so.

"People are suffering"... According to He Awei's description, Lin Shan did not see the "people's suffering" at all. If what he said is true, then "people's suffering" does not exist at all.

This suffering is only what He Awei thinks. Perhaps in He Awei's view, dividing people into three, six or nine levels based on their beliefs is the suffering of the people.

But in fact, this is the same as those imperial examination systems and selection systems. How much contribution you can make and how much ability you have will determine what kind of position you will get.

However, this standard has been adjusted by the Fox Clan. What the Fox Clan needs is a sense of belonging to their Fox Clan. Those who are devout in faith represent recognition of the Fox Clan, and then they will naturally gain a high position.

Having no faith means rebellion, so the fox tribe would not be so foolish as to hand over power to such a person.

This system is probably something that the human race there has become accustomed to, and it has been deeply rooted in their bones. The fox tribe has always helped them develop and given them the power to protect themselves. Suddenly, someone jumped out and said to them... The fox tribe is harming you.

Whether it is harming them or not, do they really not know in their hearts...

Lin Shan plans to go and take a look first. If this is the case, this human race can be abandoned. They will have their own lives and it will be difficult for them to have contact with their ancestral land.

There is no way to deal with this situation. It can only be said that the fox tribe's rule is too clever.

For this, Lin Shan just feels a little pity. He doesn't want to care too much about anything. Although they are all human races, they are in different tribes, with the same origin but different hearts.

They are living well now. At least from Lin Shan's point of view, the fox tribe has no oppression on them. They are just using them. While being used, they can also help them develop.

This is not necessarily a bad thing.

Who knows, one day he can learn all the techniques of the fox tribe and turn over to become the master.

If there is such an opportunity, Lin Shan feels that the human race will definitely not hesitate.

Perhaps, no race will hesitate.

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