Above the gray fog

Chapter 263 Return to the Fox Tribe’s Ancestral Land, Nuclear Pulse Engine

"Do you think I'm easy to fool?" Tushan Ranqi looked suspicious.

"I think you're very smart, I can't fool you." Lin Shan said sincerely.

"That's right, I've only lost my strength, but my memory hasn't been lost at all. You must want to steal the technology of the fox tribe and then go back to develop, right?" Tushan Ranqi looked like I've seen everything.

Lin Shan: "..."

"It's useless. The prerequisites for the old technology are very harsh. Small tribes don't even think about it, but you can go to the fox tribe branch. The fox tribe allows subordinate races to go to the branch to communicate, and you can see many races there."

Tushan Ranqi held her chin with her hand and stared at Lin Shan with blinking eyes. As she stared for a longer time, the water blue in her eyes gradually dissipated and returned to black, which looked very strange.

Lin Shan was a little scared by her stare, but her next move made Lin Shan's heart tremble.

She licked her lips, then slowly approached Lin Shan, with strange temptation flashing in her dark eyes. She was about to jump into Lin Shan's arms, but Lin Shan quickly dodged, causing her to miss and hit her head on the sofa.

Tushan Ranqi's eyes flashed with confusion, and before she could think about it, Lin Shan's voice came, "When are you going?"

"In two days, the faith here has not been absorbed completely." Tushan Ranqi replied, and then asked, "Are you sure you want to follow me to the fox tribe?"

"Will you let me leave?" Lin Shan asked back. Judging from the performance of this fox, there must be something about him that attracts her, and she must be planning something by trying to keep him again and again.

However, Lin Shan already had confidence in his heart, and his confidence came from the parchment. As long as he was firm enough, this fox would not succeed.

In this case, then, take advantage of the situation and mix into the fox tribe.

He didn't believe that he couldn't find out the information about the magic potion in ten years.

"No, you can't leave. Although this is good, I still want to get my things back." Tushan Ranqi shook her head like a rattle.

"How do you get it back?" Lin Shan looked at her, and he asked this question as a test.

"I don't know." Tushan Ranqi lowered her head in disappointment, and even the fluffy tail behind her almost fell to the ground. "Logically speaking, it should be easy for me to get my things back, but... now I can only sense its existence, your strange body is a little abnormal..."

"That means you can't get it back now, right?"


"Maybe the method is wrong, so let's do this, I will stay with you for a while, and you can think of other ways, but you have to give me a reasonable identity so that I can enter the fox clan."

"Really...really..." Tushan Ranqi widened her eyes.

Seeing her look, Lin Shan didn't know what to say for a while. The result was the same, but he just said it in a different way, and the fox was moved.

"Well...really." Lin Shan affirmed.

"You are such a good person... You have been living in the Starry Sky Battleship for this period of time. I will find a way as soon as possible."

"As for the question of identity, just say that I am a foreign guard. No one will ask. Don't look at me like this. There are not many fox tribes who can control me."

"Okay." Lin Shan nodded in response.

Two days later.

Lin Shan's exclusive room.

"Ding Ding Ding."

A crisp sound came from outside the door. Lin Shan, who was sitting cross-legged on the bed, tapped his wrist skillfully.

A round robot slid in from outside. The robot stopped in front of the bed, holding a plate in his hand, and a set of clothes was neatly placed on the plate.

"You will wear this dress when you return to the tribe later." The round robot actually spoke human words.

Lin Shan has become accustomed to this. Although this sky battleship is huge, except for Tushan Ranqi, there is only this round robot and a mechanical cat.

These two little guys are responsible for all the sundries in the battleship. The operation mode of the battleship is all intelligent and does not require employee operation.

"Yuan Gun Gun, where is your master?" Lin Shan asked.

"In the main hall No. 1."

"Yes." Lin Shan nodded, took the clothes and walked towards the place the robot said.

It takes nearly five minutes to walk from the bedroom to the main hall in a straight line. Many areas on the battleship are closed. During this period, Lin Shan also asked Yuan Gun Gun.

According to Yuan Gun Gun, these areas are the weapon storage areas of the battleship. The sky battleship is a war weapon and does not require personnel to operate, so the weapon area occupies more than 80% of the entire battleship.

The alloy door opened, and Lin Shan saw Tu Shan Ran Qi lying on the sofa at a glance. The power of faith condensed around her has almost turned into substance.

"You are here. We will take the sky battleship to the branch tribe and then reach the ancestral land through the branch tribe's jump channel."

"Go directly to the ancestral land?" Lin Shan was slightly stunned. He thought that he had to stay in the branch tribe for at least a period of time before he could think of a way to go to the fox tribe's ancestral land. He didn't expect Tu Shan Ran Qi to take him directly to the fox tribe's ancestral land.

Tushan Ranqi said helplessly, "I don't want to go back so soon, but the Night Clan is making small moves again, I have to deal with it."

"Starting today, you have to learn fox language. The Fox Clan may not think the same as you do, so be prepared."

"Yeah." Lin Shan sat casually opposite Tushan Ranqi and said, "I have a question."


"You were very strong, weren't you?"


"Who made you like this?"

"30% of the Night Clan, 70% of the tribe."

"Then, your people even hope that you will never recover your strength... They treat you like this, why do they still ask you for help now? And you have no objection in your heart?"

"There are many things involved. My decline in strength is a great loss to the tribe, but for the gods, it is an ant or a grasshopper. What difference does it make."

"Involving the gods?"

"Well... I violated the rules set by the gods. This is a punishment. No one in the tribe dares to violate it."

Lin Shan finally understood, and everything was finally explained.

No race will suppress the strong people of its own race when surrounded by foreign enemies, and few strong people will be so active in helping the race after being suppressed. If all this is forced, then it makes sense.

Tu Shan Ranqi didn't want to talk about the issue involving the gods, and Lin Shan didn't want to ask.

"Why don't you just take the starry sky battleship under your feet back to the ancestral land?"

"Too far."

"How far?"

"Thirty million kilometers."

This distance..., as expected, the sequence 7 weird body potion is in the fox tribe.

"How fast is the sky battleship?" Lin Shan asked. The speed of this kind of technological spacecraft should not be too slow. The warp engine is not something that can be used casually.

"The sky battleship is equipped with a nuclear pulse engine. The fastest speed can reach 10% of the speed of light, 30,000 kilometers per second."

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