Above the gray fog

Chapter 278 Inducing Mechanical Ascension

"What did you say?" Lin Shan frowned, not knowing what he meant. At the same time, he raised his mind and held the rattle hidden in his clothes in his hand.

"Don't worry, I have no ill intentions towards you. The cost of using a Sequence 7 trick in a Sequence 8 is high, right?" Fatty turned his head, staring at Lin Shan strangely with his red eyes.

"With such a strong historical atmosphere, at what level can it achieve such a long lifespan?"

"What do you want to say?"

"It's nothing, it's just a weak life's longing for a higher life." Fatty shook his head and walked towards Lin Shan with cat steps.

"Lucky little guy."

"Don't use the Sequence 7 weird thing on your waist unless absolutely necessary. You know how weird things are formed, but do you know how weird things are formed?"

Seeing that Chubby didn't seem to have any ill intentions, Lin Shan relaxed. In fact, it was useless to be nervous. The mechanical cat in front of him was a genuine peak Sequence 7.

Even if he uses all his cards, he has no chance of winning.

"I don't know." Lin Shan returned calmly.

"Meow." Chubby meowed, licking his metal body and asking, "Do you think I look like a monster?"

"You look like a cat." Lin Shan said seriously.

Chubby's movements stagnated and he said out of breath, "I'm not kidding you."

Then, without waiting for Lin Shan to answer, he said to himself, "The process of mechanical ascension is the same as the birth of a monster. I have no hope, but after my research, the monster can complete this process."

"Digitalize biological consciousness, abandon the body and adopt a mechanical body to achieve true immortality. There is no need to abandon the soul, you are still you!"

"The strange body is also a soul and has a lifespan." Lin Shan said, with a hint of politeness in his words. He was not interested in mechanical ascension.

It turns out that waiting here, this cat has always had an unusual feeling for him. It really has other motives. What does it mean? Looking for a successor?

"Your coming to the Fox Clan must have something to do with your promotion, right?" Pang Dudu suddenly said meaningfully.

"Huh?" Lin Shan suddenly became alert. He had been discovered?

impossible! When he came to the Fox Clan, he never showed any signs of movement.

"I wonder how I know that?"

"I came to the Fox Clan with the same purpose, and ended up staying in the Fox Clan for more than 5,000 years. It's just that I did it for technology, and you did it for the sequence. My purpose can coexist with the Fox Clan, and your purpose means Now...you can only become enemies with the Fox Clan."

"You can't understand the power of the Fox Clan. What you see now is only the gentlest side."

Fatty circled around Lin Shan and said slowly.

Lin Shan denied it without hesitation, "It was just an accident that Tushan Ranqi and I met. I just wanted to investigate that branch."

"You don't need to explain so much. The Fox Clan and I are not in the same group. Don't worry. Although I can see it, the goddess can't, at least not until she takes out the contents of your body."

"Before that, you are protected by the goddess. This is the only way you can achieve your goals. You must know how to use your existing protective umbrella. Do you know what I paid to obtain this protective umbrella?"

"Also, although the protective umbrella of the Goddess is very big, when it comes to Sequence 7 potions, even the Goddess cannot protect you."

"I'll give you an example and you'll understand."

"The Fox Clan has a God Stele, a Sequence 5 Stone Stele, a Sequence 6 Stone Stele, and only one Sequence 7 Stone Stele. At the point where the Fox Clan has reached the point where it is possible to use rules to condense the Sequence Stone Steles on its own."

"But as long as it exceeds Sequence 8 and no matter how many stone tablets are gathered, the formula above will be the same."

"Furthermore, the Sequence 7 stone tablet is refreshed once every hundred years, which means...a Sequence 7 may be born to the Fox clan every hundred years, and the Sequence 7 potion materials...are no longer limited to the Zhi clan and the Fallen clan, but also occasionally Using people from all races as materials, every time the Sequence 7 formula is refreshed, there is bound to be a small-scale war.”

"The two races may have been allies a second ago, but if the formula requires the characteristics of a certain member of the other race as the main ingredient, then... I'm sorry, stabbing in the back, assassination, and various other methods will basically give up until the goal is achieved."

"As long as they are not discovered, they are still good brothers on the surface. Even if they are discovered, they can always find an excuse to say that the clan member is a traitor. When the strength of the two clans is almost the same, in such a situation, we can only accept it. Xuan, after all, everyone has done this kind of thing.”

"These strong races have basically been fixed. There are only so many within the scope of Sequence 7 characteristics. If the weak races want to advance to Sequence 7, they can only target these strong races. Then the only thing waiting for them...is genocide."

"To take a step back, even if you are lucky and succeed in promotion, you will one day become the promotion material of other races. Can you withstand the hunting of one race by yourself?"

Chubby Dudu kept talking, and Lin Shan listened quietly. If this is true, then there is almost no possibility for weak races to be promoted. Only by always ensuring that they are weak can they It is possible to continue the race...

"Isn't this just people eating people?"

"Almost, but it's not that disgusting. It's not something like eating spiritual organs. It can be directly crushed into properties. Using one of them as a material is essentially robbing the properties."

Lin Shan looked at it, "You're telling me so much just to persuade me to give up my promotion?"

"That's right." Chubby nodded affirmatively, "I hope you can complete the research I haven't completed. You are a spooky body. If it's you... it should be possible."

"I'm not interested in mechanical ascension. External forces are always external forces." Lin Shan said.

"Technology is one of the supreme powers." Chubby said disapprovingly.

"If you choose to take this path, before you become a god, you can abandon all conservation. You don't have to compete with them for any characteristics. As long as your knowledge reserves are sufficient, Sequence 7, Sequence 6, Sequence 5 are not a problem. Do you see the meteorite in front? Wouldn't it be cool to use the old weapons to smash it with one shot?"

"Only the old technology can do this?"

Chubby smiled and said, "Mechanical ascension is the path of the old technology. If you want to use the original technology... it's not impossible. You can change the name to... mysterious ascension?"

"If I had chosen the original technology, I might have blown up the sequence five by now. The old technology is the path of the spooky body..." Chubby said sadly.

"You are tempting, but if I am covered in old weapons, then every battle will attract the old gods, and I will become the public enemy of all races."

"And I am not interested in scientific research... I am not as smart as you think."

"So... I still refuse."

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