Above the gray fog

Chapter 296 Bloody Battle, BOSS?

She hid the sack behind her first.

She pulled out her precious short blade from her coat. Before she acquired the skill, the damage of using weapons was far greater than fighting with bare hands, at least, for her.

She tiptoed to the cave, but did not act rashly. Instead, she bent down, first observing the footprints on the ground, and then looking at the size of the cave entrance.

After hesitating for a long time, she stepped back five meters, picked up a stone from the side and threw it towards the cave entrance.


The sound of the stone collision was not loud, but it was unusually crisp. The creatures inside heard the movement, and the big stone outside the cave entrance shook slightly, as if hesitating whether to open it.

In the end, the big stone just shook a few times, and then there was no movement. The creatures in the cave also knew that it was going to rain. At this time, a "guest" came, and I am afraid that he wanted to rob its "home". If it is not strong enough, it will also rob some extra "experience points", that is, its life.

The girl stared at the big stone blocking the cave entrance coldly like a hawk. If there was any movement, it would give its prey a fatal blow.

She saw that the big stone just shook and then stopped moving, and her brows frowned slightly.

Intelligent, not easy to deal with.

She untied the long rope tied around her waist, and the wide and thick pants that were seriously inconsistent with her body fell off immediately, revealing only a pair of tattered autumn pants.

In order to facilitate movement, she hid the thick pants aside, wrapped herself in a thick coat, walked to the front of the cave, and tied the protruding corner of the big stone with a belt.

After tying it tightly, she retreated to two meters to the side of the cave entrance, and suddenly pulled it to the side, and the big stone at the cave entrance was instantly moved away.

At the same time, a black shadow rushed out. The black shadow rushed to the front of the cave entrance, but did not lock the target at the first time. It paused for a moment and quickly turned its head to the side.

In an instant, it felt a sharp pain on the side of its neck, and green blood gushed out.

After hitting the target, Lucia drew out the short blade and quickly rolled to the side.

The figure let out a loud roar.

It had green skin, broad shoulders, slender arms, a big head on its neck, a pair of big round eyes on its head, and a round mouth that could make a loud roar.

Lucia thought to herself that she was unlucky. She chose a random place and encountered a deformed monster.

This creature has a very high self-healing ability and is extremely difficult to kill.

She quickly threw the coat wrapped around her to the side, holding the short blade tightly with one hand, ready to attack at any time.

This green-skinned monster has a strong intelligence. Perhaps it is the chosen player itself. Its big and round eyes are slightly moving, as if thinking.

If it is a player, then it must be looking at the panel.

Just like Lucia.

Prescott Sainsbury

Level:? (Players are not displayed)

Faction: Player

Race: Deformed

Occupation: Corpse Eater

Attributes:? (Players are not displayed)

"It's really a player..." Lucia secretly complained. What kind of luck is this? Not only did she encounter a mutant, but it was also a player.

Even so, she had no room to retreat. She was already level 9, which was already the peak level in this novice area. She could also defeat the mutant.

The green monster also read Lucia's information at this moment. After a little thought, it rushed towards Lucia.

It didn't have any weapons in its hands, but its sharp nails like blades were the best weapons.

But at the moment it attacked, a short blade suddenly flew out, approached with a whoosh, and directly pierced into the eye socket of the green monster.

The force was so great that it penetrated in an instant, and only the tail of the short blade was still exposed.

The green monster made a shrill sound, and its body fell backwards with inertia. The girl didn't think about it, and her figure turned into a residual image and rushed up.

Riding on the green-skinned monster, with two small hands holding the short blade, he stirred it vigorously, and the big and round eyeballs burst directly, spraying yellow, white, and red all over the girl's face.

At the same time, the girl screamed miserably, her face turned pale, and beads of sweat the size of beans slid down her cheeks and chin.

The green-skinned monster was so fatally injured that it was still able to fight back. Its ten sharp nails directly penetrated the thin clothes on the girl's body and pierced deeply into the flesh, starting from the shoulder and sliding all the way to the waist, as if to dig the girl apart.

Ten wounds so deep that the internal organs could be seen, the blood flowed wildly, and instantly dyed the green-skinned monster red, and also dyed the ground under it red.

In response, the girl just screamed.

In such severe pain, her hands did not stop at all. While screaming loudly, she pulled out the short blade, inserted it into the other eye socket of the green-skinned monster, and stirred it fiercely.

Pulling it out again, stabbing it into the big head and the terrifying mouth again, stirring it constantly, the green plasma completely stained her hair and cheeks.

This reciprocating stabbing was accompanied by the girl's heart-wrenching screams, tears, snot, mixed with cold sweat, constantly flowing down her chin to relieve the pain behind her.

In this environment, this kind of shouting behavior is irrational, but she has no choice, she can only use this method to relieve the severe pain.

Finally, the green monster under her stopped moving.

A colorful light spot flew out of the green monster and merged into her body.

An experience bar appeared in front of her eyes.

The experience bar grew rapidly.

LV9 (89%) ━━━━━━LV9 (97%)

Staring at the progress bar with only the last 0.3 left, the girl fell into despair.

Life: 12%-11%-10%-9%………

If it cannot be upgraded, the wound on the back that can almost see the internal organs will not heal.

She will die.

The death is inexplicable, but it is natural.

Just like the green monster, staying at home, death knocks on the door.

She is the next one...

The blood keeps flowing down, carrying her body temperature, she feels that she is gradually losing strength, and her vision is blurred.

Suddenly, a touch of spirit returns to her eyes.

She sees the hope of life.

Her scream just now attracted the surrounding beasts.

It is a gray wolf, and it is staring at Lucia with red eyes.

What it didn't realize is that Lucia at this moment is more like a wolf than it!

In desperation, Lucia used up her last strength, the short blade suddenly flew out, and with a whoosh, it approached and pierced directly into the eye socket of the gray wolf in front, and penetrated instantly!

The progress bar of life is only 2%, Lucia's eyes went black and she fainted directly.

The gray wolf made a shrill sound and died suddenly. The body was nailed to the stone wall by a blow in desperation with inertia. This was the desire for life. It was the strongest blow she made after overdrawing all her potential.

Success, life.

Failure, death.

[Advance successfully, please imagine the skills you need, detect the carrier coma, assist extraction, and obtain the skill - control. ]

[Hint: There is no level division for skills, and the strength is developed according to the user. ]

I don’t know how long it took, Lucia woke up in a daze.

“I succeeded?”

Feeling the body that was countless times stronger, her heart was pounding.

This feeling of surviving in despair cannot be described in words.

Suddenly, she looked forward, the extreme red light, her pupils shrank sharply, and her mood fell from heaven to hell again.

She even closed her eyes in despair, and didn’t even want to struggle.

Lin Shan

Level: ? ? ?

Faction: Advent BOSS

Race: Human

Profession: None


Physical Strength——???




Auxiliary Ability:???

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