Above the gray fog

Chapter 309 Chubby Message

Lin Shan sneaked into the Star Dome while handing over the goods.

The light of the golden thread became extremely dazzling, which meant that his probability of success increased.

Grandma is a Sequence 6, and she is a Sequence 6 who dares to challenge a Sequence 5. If you want to deal with her, a Sequence 5 might be a bit unstable. There shouldn’t be many Sequence 5s in the Fox clan, and with those who go out, there are probably only single-digit guards. , among them there must be those who cannot be mobilized, such as those guarding technological secrets. In this way, there are even fewer Sequence 5s who can be mobilized.

I'm afraid that's all that was attracted to Grandma.

Now he just hopes that grandma can hold on longer.

There was no mistake in the divination. Grandma was indeed his lifeblood. He could be sure that there was absolutely no Sequence 5 in the Star Dome at the moment. The Sequence 7 promotion gift was definitely not as good as Grandma's Sequence 6 characteristic weighted handle fragment. Maybe the Fox Clan had been thinking about it for a long time, but they just kept thinking about it. No excuse to take action. Following the guidance of the golden thread, Lin Shan moved forward.

There is only a 'slender' metal pillar in the middle connecting the Star Dome ring to the ring.

"Hurry up, it's too late!"

"Who is it this time? For such a big honor, not only did a few people go to deal with it casually before, but this time everyone has to go there,"

"The goddess's sister, Tushan Anyi!"

"It turns out to be her...no wonder..."

"People in front, do you want to go to the auditorium? Wait for us."


"Which unit are you from?"

"We are from the maintenance department, what about you?"

"From the main control room."

Lin Shan clung to the wall and let these people pass by in front of him, all in sequence 8.

Those who have not reached Sequence 8 cannot become the crew of the Star Dome. Sequence 9 requires everything that normal people need, and Sequence 8 is beyond ordinary people. They do not need to eat or sleep. They can avoid manual errors to the greatest extent, and they can also It has deep space combat capabilities.

If something unexpected happens, Sequence 9 will not be able to perform even the most basic movements in deep space.

Of course, it is definitely possible to use technological equipment to assist, but this is the Star Dome, the highest technological crystallization of the Fox clan, and accordingly, it definitely requires the highest configuration.

"You are from the maintenance department. How is the repair of the Star Dome going?"

"The Star Dome was seriously damaged in the last battle. I'm afraid it will have to wait a few years before it can be activated again."

"I heard that the captain is about to be replaced?" the people in the maintenance department asked curiously. They are at the bottom of the Star Dome. The instructions that have not yet been issued can only be heard in fragments. The Star Dome is full of crew members and there are four departments in each department. With a thousand people, most of the Star Dome's voyages are completed by artificial intelligence, but every time it goes out it is to explore and exploit resources, which definitely requires staff.

"Well... the old captain is getting older, and his decisions are not as decisive as before. Human nature is gradually suppressing divinity, and the balance can no longer be maintained."

"Has it reached this point? Hey..."

Lin Shan floated silently behind them, listening to their conversation.

There are solid metal walls on both sides, and occasionally you can see steering wheel-like valves for unknown purposes.

Five minutes later.

Lin Shan stopped.

Ahead is the auditorium, where Sequence 7 and even Sequence 6 will not be lacking.

Stretch out your hand and hold the pendant hanging on your chest.

A layer of metal wall quickly wrapped Lin Shan, forming a set of armor with a very metallic texture.

There was a gap in the center of the armor, and Lin Shan took out the cube that Pangdudu gave him.

Gently press on the empty area to fit perfectly.

This is the Fox Clan...or the Human Circle, the first antimatter center, the prototype of the warp engine.

Pangdudu devoted his life to researching technology that surpassed the fox tribe and was ahead of the human circle.

However, due to the lack of supporting weapons and equipment, his combat power cannot reach Sequence 5, but it is enough at this time.

When the armor was activated, a gorgeous stream of light flowed in a circle and then fell silent.

A fat message rang in my ears:

"My name is not Chuangdudu, my name is Mechanical Spirit. I am the strongest genius in the history of the Mechanical Clan. I was born in a branch of the Mechanical Clan. I don't know where my ancestral land is..."

"My Machinery Clan is naturally in line with the old technology. However, my Machinery Clan is too weak and it is extremely difficult to survive. In the Clan, I have all my talents but nowhere to put them to use, so I abandoned my Clan and defected to the Fox Clan."

"I brought all my research and insights to the Fox Clan, and the Fox Clan accepted me. In the next few hundred years, I showed my talents in the Fox Clan, and even the Fox Clan started a revolution because of my theory. I will The research was shared with the Machinery Clan, and the Machinery Clan became a technologically powerful clan.”

"You also know the result of the revolution. I failed, but Tiannu protected me. Tiannu, like me, is a person living in her own world. After that, I became her only friend, and I continued to do my research. , she provided me with all the resources I needed.”

"For this reason, she slaughtered all races and used the source material to manifest resources for me to study. This antimatter core was stained with the blood of countless races. Therefore, the goddess of heaven was called a witch. The goddess of heaven is not an ordinary title. The goddess of heaven represents female. She doesn’t care about the identity of Jiao’s heir, just because I am the only friend she knows.”

"The huge Fox Clan is like an ice cube. The original goddess only had divinity. She ignored life like a god. She was the coldest piece of ice in the Fox Clan, but she warmed me..."

"As a result, she was stripped of her divinity by a beautiful girl. By chance, the divinity that should have been destroyed was sent into your body by her sister."

"I'll help you. The reasons I gave before were all lies. I actually want to repay the kindness of the goddess. There are two cubes. One is with you, and I hid the other one... The goddess will find it later."

"Actually, it's not a lie. I'm really unwilling. I have the leading technology in the circle, but I was tripped up by a small bottle of sequence 6 potion..."

"Let's get back to the topic."

"Now, the goddess is facing a choice. If you succeed, she can recover. If you fail, she will never be able to be promoted again."

"Don't think about it. She won't help you. This time she will definitely help Tushan Anyi. She owes Tushan Anyi too much, but I decided to help her because she wants to repay her sister. There will be time in the future, but I want to repay her. This is the last chance."

"Her sister is a little abnormal.. .What can I say? Forget it. It has nothing to do with you. "

"If you succeed, bring the cube to the mechanical tribe. This is my legacy and the condition before. It is my repayment to the mechanical tribe."

"If you fail, it is also the arrangement of fate. It is not a pity."

"Antimatter energy involves the realm of gods. The mechanical tribe does not have gods. For them, too high technology is not necessarily a good thing."

"Did you see the countdown? The Starry Sky is extremely hard and isolated from space. I will open the last way for you."

"Don't feel sorry for me. In fact, this message was left by me before I became small. Before that... my soul had dissipated. The me behind is just a program. It is the artificial intelligence generated by uploading my consciousness to the optical brain. That is no longer me."

"Good luck."




In the auditorium.

Tu Shan An Ni walked slowly across the red carpet. The promotion ceremony is a tradition in the fox tribe. It means rebirth and growth. The venues for different classes are different.

The place was very quiet, there was no applause, only watching.

Tushan Anni's footsteps were so slow that there was no sound.

Suddenly, the interior of the auditorium turned black and white. Only Tushan Ranqi and a middle-aged man could move. Everyone else had pressed the pause button.

Black and white disappeared.

At the highest point of the auditorium, beside Tushan Ranqi, a metal figure appeared, holding the bottle of brown magic potion in his hand.

No one in the auditorium reacted.

Only Tushan Anni, who was holding up her long skirt on the red carpet, secretly breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Lin Shan. Her dark eyes flashed with complexity, and I don't know what she was thinking.

"You want to be my enemy?" Tushan Ranqi looked at Lin Shan and asked softly.

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