Above the gray fog

Chapter 341 Flower Spider Tribe

One month later.

Lin Shan opened his eyes.

No one did any tricks. These prestigious people spread the stories they had made up. Although some people were doubtful, their arms could not hold them up.

The statue of Yun Zhongjun was demolished on the first day, and the statues of Lin Shan were put online one after another.

He could even feel the power of faith gathering together.

Although extremely mottled, it's a good start.

If he can solve the problem of the Flower Spider Clan, the faith will gradually stabilize.

Time will do the rest.

It is somewhat unrealistic to expect this generation to provide pious faith, and the main goal must be placed on the new generation.

Shang Ju walked in slowly and stopped three meters away. He first saluted and then said:

"Your Majesty, the clan can only do this at present. I wonder if you are satisfied. Is there anything else we need to do?"

"Yes." Lin Shan nodded, "Well done, you will get what you want."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"Do you know the location of the Flower Spider Clan?" Lin Shan asked.

"I know." Shang Ju replied.

"You come with me." Lin Shan stood up, the red light flashed in the room, and the two figures disappeared.

The Flower Spider Clan is very close to the Qingyuan Clan, which is why the two tribes often go to war. Just like the Human Clan and the Cat Clan, they were only ten kilometers apart.

With such a distance, usually only one of the two races would survive in the end.

Gray fog, plains.

Shang Ju said, "Ahead is the barrier of the Flower Spider Clan."

Lin Shan nodded. This time he was going to forcefully break the barrier. He had already been here for a month. As long as one of the two clans stabilized, the rest would be easy.

Red light surged in his hand, and a red short blade condensed, turning into a beam of red light that was inserted straight into the barrier of nothingness.

"Ka...ka...ka ka ka!"

Visible to the naked eye, darkness surged, and the originally imperceptible barrier shattered inch by inch like glass.

At some point, there was a loud bang.

A passage more than ten meters wide was opened.

The interior of the Flower Spider Clan suddenly became unstable. This was an early warning.

Those who occupied Clan Luck immediately received the guidance given by Clan Luck. They knew that someone had broken through the clan barrier.

Lin Shan led Shang Ju into the broken passage.

Unlike entering the Qingyuan tribe, Lin Shan clearly felt a repulsive force.

This is rejection from ethnic destiny.

Lin Shan waited at the entrance of the passage for a long time before he saw the Flower Spider tribe coming towards this direction.

"Who are you?"

"Why do you want to break into our Flower Spider Clan?"

There are a total of more than ten men and women with spiderweb-like patterns on their faces. However, they are not tattoos, but are born with them.

At this time, someone noticed Shang Ju next to Lin Shan, "Qingyuan tribe...are you the help they invited?"

After hearing this, everyone's eyes narrowed, showing a dangerous aura, as if Lin Shan and Lin Shan were going to be torn apart in the next second.

Lin Shan looked at the group of people. Compared with the Qingyang tribe, the Huazhu tribe was obviously more warlike.

The terrifying mental pressure spread instantly, and almost all the Flower Spiders present covered their heads and began to scream. Only a few determined people gritted their teeth and remained silent.

But the panic in his eyes could not be concealed.

"I need your faith, and in exchange I'll let you continue to develop."

Lin Shan stopped his movements and got straight to the point. There was no need to go around and around, achieving the goal quickly was the first priority.

"Faith?" A woman walked out tremblingly, "What...is this adult talking about?"

"That kind of belief in gods." Lin Shan said lightly.

"How...how can this be done..." Suddenly, her pupils shrank and she said in a trembling voice, "Are you a god?"

"No." Lin Shan shook his head, and then said calmly, "I am not discussing with you. If you don't give up your faith, you will die."

As soon as these words came out, the venue instantly fell into silence, and you could hear a needle drop.

Lin Shan frowned slightly when he saw their performance, "Did you originally believe in gods?"

"Yes, we believe in the great Lord of the Night!" the old woman said.

Lin Shan was startled, the master of the night? This is not the same belief as the Night Clan...

The Lord of the Night, a certain lineage from the beginning exists at the end, and I want to steal his faith... Is there something wrong?

"Has the Lord of the Night ever responded to you?"

"Yes, the Lord has given us the magic of night."

"Your Majesty." At this time, Shang Ju next to him said, "Because of the issue of magical skills, our Qingyuan clan is slightly inferior to the Flower Spider clan. Otherwise, with our Qingyuan clan's natural advantage of flying... we will not be able to defeat them. ..."

Lin Shan's brows furrowed deeper and deeper.

What could he use to pry the Lord of the Night into the corner? Divine magic... not even ordinary gods. Lin Shan had only seen creatures who believed in the Lord perform divine magic.

Maybe ordinary gods also exist, but the conditions are relatively harsh, which is equivalent to none.

For example, the grass elves believe in the master of life, and he has seen those grass elves using the magic of life.

But the cat tribe believed in the god of lights. He had never seen the cats use the so-called magic of lights.

We have already reached this point. Can we try to pry it first? The Lord of the Night should not be so stingy. If He is really the God of stinginess, he can just go on his own. He can't come in person for this small piece of faith... ....

Races are exterminated every day, and there are many races that believe in the Lord. It is impossible for the Lord to pay attention to these races. The general attitude is, you believe me and don’t care about my business...

"Then there is nothing we can do." Lin Shan said calmly, "Either change your faith or be exterminated. The Qingyuan tribe is willing to change their faith. I can't let you fight against the Qingyuan tribe."

"They changed their faith?" A member of the Flower Spider tribe sneered, "The gods they believe in don't exist at all. They are naturally happy to believe in a more beneficial one."

"You are talking nonsense!" Shang Ju, who was standing aside, heard this and immediately cursed in fluent Flower Spider language, "Did you believe in the Lord of the Night before? You have long since betrayed your original faith!"

"Who are you?" The old woman saw that there were Qingyuan tribe members who could speak Flower Spider language, and immediately turned to look at Shang Ju.

"Why, don't you recognize me?" Shang Ju straightened his waist.

"It's you, old bastard!" The old woman took a closer look and seemed to remember something bad, and her eyes immediately became angry.

"No matter what grudges you had before, they will be written off in the future. The two tribes will share what they have and develop together." Lin Shan planned the development route for the two tribes in a casual manner.

After the coercion just now, the Flower Spider Clan did not dare to act recklessly anymore. The old woman said, "This kind of thing is not something we can decide. Can you give us more time, sir?"

"Two days." Lin Shan said.

"Okay." The old woman gritted her teeth and agreed.

"Shang Ju." Lin Shan looked at Shang Ju.

"What does the great lord want?"

"You go with them. They may not know me well enough."

"Yes." Shang Ju nodded in response.

A strange strong man suddenly ran to their territory and asked them to give up their faith. This is bound to cause great turmoil.

Those who know the times will agree, and those who are conservative or insist on their own opinions will refuse.

Select those who refuse and clear all those who refuse. If no one refuses, then everyone agrees.

Lin Shan doesn't know how others do it, but for him...this is the fastest way.

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