Above the gray fog

Chapter 343 Hua Shuxiang, the distorted divinity

Queen's Palace.

Hua Shuxiang sat alone on the not-so-luxurious throne.

"I've been sitting on this throne for more than a hundred years." Hua Shuxiang said to herself.

"What does it feel like?" asked Shang Ju, who was leaning against the door outside.

Hua Shuxiang smiled faintly, "It's quite uncomfortable."

She gently stroked the wooden throne under her body with her hand, "When I first came to power, I was just a young girl in my 20s."

"At that time, a young girl in her 20s fought one against three and beat my Qingyuan tribe to pieces." Shang Ju said sourly.

"That's right." Hua Shuxiang seemed to have returned to the appearance of a young girl, "This girl has a good talent, it's easy to beat you guys."

After hearing what Hua Shuxiang said, Shang Ju was in a trance.

The two people who didn't speak the same language at the beginning spent dozens of days and months together, gesticulating.

The vigilance when they first met.

The warmth when they got along.

In the end, they turned against each other.

To this day, hundreds of thousands of wronged souls are weighing on the two people.

"Don't move, I'm about to lose my balance."

"Woo woo woo."

"How far is it to your tribe?"

"Woo woo woo."

Everything started from that day...

Thinking about it, tears flashed in Shang Ju's eyes.

A sharp blade pierced his heart, and blood dripped to the floor, staining the soles of his shoes red.

"Shang Ju, I'm sorry, I can persuade them to let go, but I can't let go myself. That's your great lord, but it can't be my Hua Shuxiang's. I can't stand this kind of grievance, and I can't reconcile with the Qingyuan tribe. If the two tribes reconcile, I will have no meaning of existence."

"I often dream of those dead people. They resent Qingyuan and hate Qingyuan. The story is beautiful, but it can't wash away the historical truth stained with blood. You are the biggest enemy of my Huazhu tribe, and also my Hua Shuxiang..."

Her voice became weaker and weaker, and finally she died with blood overflowing from her mouth.


Tears dripped, Shang Ju slowly pulled out the blade, the long knife just brushed past the heart, but did not pierce the heart.

He turned around and gently supported Hua Shuxiang, who had lost her breath of life, and slowly picked her up, as if she had no weight.

He walked towards the throne where she often sat, gently placed her on it, and placed the scepter representing the royal power on her legs.

"I'm sorry, Shuxiang, I can't die yet, I still have a wish to fulfill, I must see my race prosper."

After saying that, Shang Ju turned around and walked out.

Lin Shan watched this scene calmly in the air.

White clothes fluttered, and from time to time there was a light golden light flashing.

A wisp of colorful flames ignited on his body out of thin air.

As soon as these flames had a sign, they were immediately extinguished and eroded by a fierce black flame.

The black flames were shining, and although dark, they gave people a sacred and inviolable feeling.

If you look closely, you will find that this is an extremely distorted flame.

The faces of countless creatures flashed by, they were screaming, as if they were experiencing some unbearable torture. This was a black flame composed of skeletons, strange and deformed creatures of various shapes.

This flame was invisible and intangible, but it was real, just like the black line of fate that ran through his arm, affecting him all the time.

"I'm sick..." Lin Shan stretched out his hands and said to himself, "very serious."

He thought of the records narrated by the gods in "Divinity and Humanity".

Divinity is unconditional, and the core of divinity is giving.

Tolerance, compassion, wisdom, and concern for the people are divinity.


But now, divinity has been distorted.

The strength of the gods depends on how much humanity they have left.

——Nu Jiao.

Lin Shan savored the last sentence, he could clearly feel that he had become stronger, and there was an inexplicable power attached to his spirituality and supernatural powers.

The strength of the gods depends on how much humanity they have left.

Is it the opposite under the gods?

Take a deep breath, the matter here is over, these two faith lands are basically built, and we just need to wait for the harvest.

This place is too far away from the human race, and it is impossible to be involved with the human race.

Lin Shan found that as he continued to advance, the connection between the race and himself became smaller and smaller. He originally had faith as a sustenance, but now he can even build his own faith land.

Why did the fox clan's goddess Nv Jiao always protect the fox clan?

At that point, the universe is vast and you can go there, why does he still guard the fox clan? There must be a secret that he doesn't know.

Three months later.

Qingyuan clan, above Huanyun Palace.

This is the most central position of the Qingyuan clan. Lin Shan sat cross-legged in the void, absorbing the power of faith that was gathering little by little.

Maybe because of the intersection of the two clans' luck, even if he was in the Qingyuan clan, the faith of the Flower Spider clan could also gather together.

Dots of colorful light continued to gather and merge into Lin Shan's body.

Lin Shan was getting weaker and weaker.

Yes, it was getting weaker.

These colorful spots, like little drops of water, are extinguishing the black flames on Lin Shan's body.

But because the purity of faith is too mottled, the effect is weak.

Three months ago, Lin Shan was about to leave and continue to look for potion materials, but he accidentally discovered the second use of faith.

He had some understanding that faith was called the power of living beings in the old days.

This is a pure power composed of human nature.

In the beginning, the path to becoming a god through faith has been cut off. The real purpose of the powerful tribes collecting the power of faith... is to resist the erosion of divinity.

Divinity has been distorted, and it must be balanced with human nature in order to return to itself. More or less, it will be affected.

"No wonder the powerful tribes are constantly collecting faith, but rarely use faith to fight. It turns out that they are all used to extinguish the flames of divinity. The power of faith has never been a force for fighting." Lin Shan thought in his heart.

Lin Shan's eyes were more sad, and there was a hint of joy in the sadness.

This was affected by the power of living beings.

In the past, all his faith power was used as fuel to help the strange body to advance, so it would not be affected naturally.

Now, he is using these faith powers to piece together humanity and extinguish the flames of divinity, which will be more or less affected by the emotions of living beings.

However, these effects are temporary. Walking out of the faith land and calming down for a few days can eliminate the effects, but at that time, the flames of divinity will increase again.

"Balance is really difficult to master." Lin Shan shook his head.

His figure disappeared from the spot and appeared in the Huanyun Hall.

Call Shang Ju.

"I've been here for half a year. I'm leaving." Lin Shan said softly.

Shang Ju looked at Lin Shan and felt that Lin Shan was a little different. He couldn't tell why.

"Don't worry, my lord. I will always follow your oracle. When you come back decades or even hundreds of years later, the Qing Yuan tribe will still be the Qing Yuan tribe that believes in you."

"I'm not a god." Lin Shan said softly.

"You are a god." Shang Ju replied seriously.

Lin Shan left a lot of things for the two tribes, including two keys to spiritual technology. This is the beginning of all possibilities. After decades or hundreds of years, they will develop spiritual technology that is completely different from that of the human race.

The human race's technological template is copied from the earth. The two tribes had no technological inheritance before, so they can only rely on their own ideas.

In addition, Lin Shan also taught them some rules for survival in the gray fog world, including how to hide their tribe. Although they can't do it now, they may not be able to do it in the future.

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