Above the gray fog

Chapter 356: Ruins and Prosperity

"The amount of characteristics can determine the recovery speed of a galaxy's spirituality and the upper limit of the number of extraordinary beings. Supernaturality is a variant of spirituality, and its essence is still spirituality."

"Neither our Fox clan nor our Night clan have the ability to travel through planetary systems, including the previous Angel clan, so our human circle can only stand on the defensive side."

"Why are you telling me this?" Lin Shan asked.

"Nothing." Tushan Ranqi put the Sequence 6 characteristics into the storage space, "I think you are quite confused."

"Since the other party has the ability to travel far, aren't they more powerful than the human circle?"

Tushan Ranqi shook his head and said:

"To a certain extent, the human circle has far more high-sequence people than them, and the human circle has far more characteristics than the galaxy they are in. This can be seen from the number of races, but the human circle is not united enough. , The human circle cannot be destroyed, the only ones who will be affected are us so-called powerful tribes."

"I've heard... that the Old Fires are all dead."

"That's just their theory, but our presence will indeed affect the empty prison." Tushan Ranqi waved his hand, "You should go back to the clan. The situation may not be good. I want to go to the front line."

"Sequence 5?"

"Yes." Tushan Ranqi nodded, "There are only a few Sequence 5s in the Fox clan. To a certain extent, I am already standing at the pinnacle of this world."

Then he looked at Lin Shan and said, "You have to work harder. I checked the ruins information. You humans may not be simple."

As he said that, Tushan Ranqi pushed Lin Shan gently, and the space in front of Lin Shan changed again, and he actually appeared near the human race.

A gentle push and tens of millions of kilometers.

It seems... Tushan Ranqi already knows the location of the human race.

Lin Shan recovered and quickly flew towards the barrier.

Just entered the clan area.

Dots of colorful light points merged into the body, and the invisible divine black fire on the body was quickly extinguished until it was completely extinguished, and the power of faith was still left.

This time he did not burn his faith to increase his strength, but stored the remaining faith.

At this moment, he felt that his strength had dropped by at least 30%, but the world in his eyes was obviously different.

He couldn't tell exactly what was different.

As far as the eye can see, everything is a big crater, dust, fireworks, and falling starships.

Although no human corpses were seen, the blood stains scattered in the pit and on the edge confirmed that this place must have experienced a tragic war.

No bodies were seen in the pit, so the humans probably blocked the attack and all the casualties were removed.

Lin Shan accelerated towards the center of the clan. He had to understand the current situation first.

Lin Shan stopped while passing a ruins on the way. This ruins should have been a town built around the city. The ruins were still filled with the atmosphere left after the war. Under the ruins, a little boy cried out among the ruins. He His clothes were in tatters, his arms and legs were exposed, and he cried and shouted with all his strength, but no one responded.

At this moment, a small rectangular box fell on the ruins. In an instant, the house collapsed and thick smoke filled the air.

Lin Shan's eyes narrowed slightly, and the red light in his hand condensed into a red arrow. There was a sound of breaking through the air, and he shot into the air. A dozen explosions roared in succession. They were the enemy's starships.

If you look closely, the object falling from the sky may not be a starship. It is more appropriately called a drone.

Lin Shan teleported to the ground and wanted to pick up the little boy, but thinking of the characteristics of his own body, he gave up the idea.

He used his mental power to roll up the little boy and instantly appeared on the edge of the ruins.

There is a search and rescue team here.

Seeing Lin Shan appear, the armed personnel of this search and rescue force immediately raised their guns and pointed them at Lin Shan.

"I'm Lin Shan." Lin Shan said.

Lin Shan suddenly said this, and no one in the room reacted.

The pioneers are too far away from them. It is difficult for them to associate them with the pioneers by any name. For them, the pioneers can only be regarded as heroes of the times, not mythical figures.

If someone suddenly shouts on earth, "I am Nuwa or Fuxi," others will know who Nuwa and Fuxi are, even if they don't believe it.

When they were looking at each other, someone in the crowd suddenly shouted, "Pioneer Lin Shan!"

"Pioneer Lin Shan? In the book, the pioneer who defeated the cat tribe in the human-cat war...Lin Shan?"

"The Author of the First Interpretation of Gray Fog!"

"The strongest man in the human race!"

Someone set a precedent, and one incident after another blurted out from their mouths.

"Is it really Pioneer Lin? Are we...are we saved?"

"It's me." Lin Shan nodded seriously, "Are there any other pioneer positions?"

What these people know is very one-sided. They don't even know what they are fighting. They must find the person in charge to understand the current situation of the human race.

"I don't know." The dust-covered victims and the search and rescue forces shook their heads in unison, "You are the only pioneer we have seen since the war began."

"Yes." Seeing this, Lin Shan hummed lightly, and then said, "This area is relatively safe for the time being. I'll go check out other places, but you guys should be careful."

"Yes!" The soldiers of the search and rescue team immediately stood at attention and saluted with a military salute.

Lin Shan returned the greeting and then disappeared from the spot.

"It's really Pioneer Lin, are we saved?"

"Yes, Pioneer Lin is a great hero. He can definitely save the human race."

Dots of colorful light spots separated from their bodies and floated in the direction of Lin Shan.

Over Yongchang City.

Yongchang, located in the center of the tribe, is still so prosperous. Just looking at the surface, you can't tell that it has experienced a war.

There are cars coming and going on the road, and people are still laughing on the street.

But there is more of a serious atmosphere, giving people a feeling of dark clouds over the city.

The scale of Yongchang City has been expanded again and again. In more than 20 years, Yongchang City has been renovated again.

The average height of the buildings in the city center has exceeded 100 meters. With the help of spirituality, construction has become extremely simple in this world.

The Chinese are a race that is good at infrastructure. They have developed peacefully for a hundred years. The human race at this moment is a huge change compared to a hundred years ago.

The cat race used to be a race that developed for 200 years. If the current human race and the cat race are allowed to fight again, the cat race can be completely wiped out in one round.

Unknowingly, the human race has become a race that has developed for nearly 200 years.

Lin Shan flew at a low altitude and used his mental power to search for information below.

"Is this your race? It feels worse than the crypt worms I belong to. Your coordinates have been exposed. I guess you won't be able to hold on for long before you are wiped out." At this time, Diao Yin, who had been held in his hand, spoke up.

"Is your race wiped out?" Lin Shan looked at it.

"I, the strongest one, was captured. How can my race still exist?" Diao Yin, with her small eyes like rice grains, blinked as if she wanted to squeeze out tears.

Lin Shan looked at it, thinking. Apart from him, there was no other Sequence 7 in the human race. This caterpillar was a member of the Ten Thousand Races, not the Fallen Race. Perhaps... he could keep this caterpillar in the human race. What to do specifically depended on its performance in the future.

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